I looked into my inventory and found out I have a copy of the Ship - 2 Pack gift sitting there. My questions to ya'll are:

How many of you want this?

How should I give it away?

Will you actually play the game?

Depending on how many people want it I might pick a random poster and add them to give it away.


Ok based upon reading the comments below and reading in between the lines I have decided. It will be a public giveaway and will require $30 contributor value. The reason being that even though I asked if you wanted me to give it away there was some borderline begging. Also I agree the DeltaBladeX that someone will probably enter just for contributor value, so with this it would be pointless for most since you have to have $30 which is the bundle cap more or less.

12 years ago*

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Me bro i <3 you

12 years ago

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I had a chance to play the ship a while back and I absolutely love it. I have been trying to win giveaways for it a while now with no luck. So I would definitely want it :)

12 years ago

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I want this! Make a private giveaway with a puzzle and yes i will actually play it. :)

12 years ago

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Give it to the person with the coolest Ninja Turtle as his avatar.


12 years ago

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Didn't care for Donatello. =p

12 years ago

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How about a contest? People submit jokes and whoever makes the funniest joke after 24 hours wins?

12 years ago

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A contest or puzzle idea isn't bad, but no joke contests. I am generally an unfunny guy, and don't really care for jokes.

12 years ago

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How about the person with the best Avatar in which they've made changes too. Top hat Megaman FTW!!!!

12 years ago

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I really want this. Send this gift to winner through Steam. Yes, I actually play this game.

12 years ago

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The gift will be sent through Steam to whoever the winner will be, and that is good to hear that you would play.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

12 years ago

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I've been wanting this game since I first heard about it, and joining every possible giveaway on it that I could see.. no luck yet though!! Totally want to play! haha :) Oh, let me add that if I win this I will play the hell out of it cuz my bro and I play co-op/MP games every weekend, and we've both been interested in this game :D

12 years ago

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Don't want it

A puzzle maybe?

Probably wouldn't play it.

12 years ago

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Sure, the game seems to be really awesome.
Have been wanting to play it for quite a while now.

12 years ago

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Nobody really wants to play it, they just want it to giveaway.

Though I pity the poor fools that enter for the regular release that doesn't spawn more copies. :P

12 years ago

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I really would love this game, out of my 250 entries, 108 are for The Ship. Should give you an idea of my level of interest in the game.

Edit: And yes, I want it to play it. Although I'd probably regift the second copy cuz I have no steam friends to speak of.

12 years ago

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"You must redeem the game on the account you entered with, and may not trade it to others."

12 years ago

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It's a 2-pack. Once applied to his account it will spawn a second copy in his inventory.

12 years ago

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anyone want free games ^^ just select a person or make a giveaway

12 years ago

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This game is awesome. Been trying to enter so many giveaways for this.

12 years ago

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actually gameplay is good, similar to AC multiplayer. just finished single player campaign, but seem no one up for multiplayer :( and playing with bot kinda boring since it not that smart

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

12 years ago

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Don't think people will play it tbh.

They will install, see that the multiplayer is dead, and then stop :(
This game is so underrated it hurts to see. But yeah multiplayer is rather dead

12 years ago

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Giveaway Link

Yes I know it is public and yes I know it is contributor only.

12 years ago

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it's one of the 5 games that i most get in here in steagifts, in order to get it.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by skd3.