
first let me say that this is not a discussion about the "worthlessness" of achievements. If you are for that discussion please spare me your wisdom. This discussion is geared towards achievement hunter and the generally interested usership. With this out of the way let me ask:

  • Are broken/unobtainable achievements a criterium for you to not buy/play a game? Nothing is here
  • And what is your general stance towards them? You thought something would be written here? You thought wrong O.o
  • And in a very minor aspect how about games with no achievements? Yea, this spot is empty too

Well, I think it is usual to give one's own opinion as a starting point. I would definetely answer the first question with a yes. So I hear people asking already: Would you not play an awesome game just because of broken/unobtainable achievements? That is stupid. I would say yes and no. So far I have played many good games but I don't think I have ever played something I would call a mustplay. There is always an alternative. And since I (read: nobody) don't have the time to play every game in existence I have to make decisions:
If I have the choice between two games which interest me I would of course choose the one which caters to my interest. For the broken achievement games: If a developer can't be bothered to fix his mess why should I be bothered to buy his game? If he can't respect his customers wish I should act accordingly. Random word of the day is 6OLG9. For purposefully unobtainable achievements: I understand that some developers want to mess with the hunters, want to troll them or just show them how stupid the achievement hunt is. Okay, it is their decision to act from their moraly high ground but at the same time I can also choose to ignore them for that. I think that is fair. Do I validate their point like that? Maybe
As for the last point. Like said before I would generally prefer the game with achievements if having to make a decision. But if I am really interested in a game I would also play it without them (but still have enough games with achievements waiting for me). And I would prefer it over unobtainable/broken achievements.
Ah, to make it clear. By unobtainable I am talking about literally impossible to obtain (ignoring bullshit programs like SAM) since there isn't even a corresponding code in the game (looking at .... Love/Hate+? for example?). I can accept if a game has achievements which are just kinda locked by skill. Looking at you VVVVVV. These achievements are theoretically possible. I am just not that patient O.o
And as useless bonus information. I would also refrain from buying games which have have inflationary usage of achievements with an achievement rate of let's say two achievement per minute or higher.

7 years ago

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I buy a game that looks good and I think I would enjoy. I try to 100% if not endlessly long grind or over the top repetition/skills needed to get it right, in that case I go for achivements that I can get while still being sane and enjoying the game.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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What did they do before Steamworks?


7 years ago

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Getting every achivement is not grinding in lots of cases, but besides this little thing I agree.:)

7 years ago

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100% completion predates Steam achievements. Think about gathering all materia/Espers in a Final Fantasy game, beating every optional boss, Excalibur II run in FF9 or solo white mage runs in FF1, "Dante must die" difficulty in Devil May Cry games, all gold ranks in driving licenses in Gran Turismo... just a few examples from the games I remember before achievements. Extra modes and optionals have been a selling point for a long time.

7 years ago

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Like ilborghi said. Completion has always been a thing. The achievemens are just a more visible way and one for people to define completion easier. You can still make your own challenges and many people do that (especially speedrunners).

And generally refusing to buy a game without achievements is shortsighted.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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First one: Yes,

Second one: , Partially because I got into achievement hunting, but more importantly, if a dev has overlooked a broken/unobtainable achievement, it means he doesn't care enough to fix it, which to me shows a lazy/not caring dev who cannot be relied on for other problems/updates with the game itself.

Third one: If a game has no achievements and I would enjoy it, I go ahead and get it anyway. This only applies to higher-end stuff. If it comes to cheap stuff that is mostly bundled or just cheap in general, then there's often an alternative that has achievements.

And as a bonus, for giveaways (which are indeed mostly bundled games) then if I don't have enough points to get stuff I'm interested in, and it's about to end, then I go for stuff with achievements (unless I have something like 40P and a choice between a 4P and a 40P game)

7 years ago

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The lazy/not caring attitude seems to be something most people understand. It is kinda poor towards the customer.

7 years ago

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Once upon a time. There were no achievements...
Just pulling your leg.

Unobitainable achievements irk me a bit but not to the point of decision on buying; However it shows lack of care or capacity that can add up to other things in making the decision.

Achievements would only make me not buy something, perhaps, if they were ridiculously boring and torturous but didn't seemed like so; That means players thinking/wanting to chase that and having a worse experience (or terrible) because of it; The complete opposite/antithesis of game design.

Heck, id say bad achievements would be an factor for me but i can't- unfortunally threres way more bad ones then good achievement design so if i stood to that starndard id have, idn, a quarter of my actual library at least.

Im in a neutral ground on achievements and cards: they can add to the game. Having more goodies is nice. Even the often criticized (that i disliked in the past) 'shallow achievements' for just going on are good for recording and showing progress in the game and stats (id rather have an API for scores but none the less, it works).

But often they don't add- and sometimes they even work against the good experience.

Id advise anyone to look less into then in te first playtrough/for awhile. I mean- starting playing and if you notice fun achievements then engaging on then; Otherwise leaving then for a second run or late game. They could be incredible features in the right hands but its so rare i wouldn't bother. The bar must be set low.

On the other hand a game praised for fun achievements should be a decision making pro. The opposite perspective, just my opnion.

7 years ago

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In total it sounds like a healthy attitude. And yea if games have grindy achievements without much sense it would make me wary as well. As I still have a lot of other interesting options I would postpone buying such games. As stupid as it may be it would take my enjoyment from the game and then it would miss the purpose of gaming. At least for some of the games.

7 years ago

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Makes sense. I can get how it feels like tarnished product- i mean, we all love the feeling(and knowing) we're getting well crafted all rounded expeience- and having something in as after tought or worse breaks that at the core.

Like a beautiful diamond with one broken corner.
Id still get it because i like even rough rocks if they're charming- but hell if id take over a similar without a dent.

7 years ago

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Are broken/unobtainable achievements a criterium for you to not buy/play a game?

Broken no, unobtainable ones would make me think twice before buying it, but I have never actually bothered to check the achievements before.

And what is your general stance towards them?

I find the unobtainable ones kinda of a dick move from the devs part since it screws over anyone who wants to 100% the game. As for the broken ones, I think the devs should get their shit together, but personally they dont bother me to much since if I do complete the action required in game to unlock the achievement and it turns out is bugged I do check if it is for someone else too so I know its not just me doing something wrong I will just unlock it for myself with SAM since hey, I did actually do what it asked me to do, its just that the devs are incompetent.

And in a very minor aspect how about games with no achievements?

While I do prefer if the game has them, its not a deal breaker whatsoever.

7 years ago

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Interesting to make the seperation like that. But seeing as you are using SAM it's not surprising. Well, to be honest I don't like that program mainly for other reasons. But one of the drawbacks i see with the usage of it is that you cloak broken achievements as they get a percentage implying they should be obtainable. And developers definetely should get their shit together -_-
As for the unobtainable. Yea an area hard to discuss. In some weird sense it could add to a game but I would still refrain from buying it.

7 years ago

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Yeah, I hate games with broken achievements...I hate games with bugs in general. I like to get 100% or close to it when possible...I'm just a completionist in general. As for the trolling/impossible achievements, well, it doesn't endear me to it, but it's not a deal-breaker. I even won one on Steamgifts (Doors).
As for games with no achievements? I'm perfectly happy with that and in many cases prefer it because I can play without the (self-imposed) "burden" of worrying about achievements. The only problem is when they add achievements after release and either 1) I've already played the game or 2) they're super-hard and I'll never get many of them.
If I could voluntarily disable achievements for my account, I'd be happy to do so. And/or I wish that if you removed a game from your account, the achievements would go away also.

7 years ago

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If I could voluntarily disable achievements for my account, I'd be happy to do so. And/or I wish that if you removed a game from your account, the achievements would go away also.

Sounds familiar :P

7 years ago

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I learn from the best.

7 years ago

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Yea, it can be kind of liberating to play a game without achievements because you worry less about the completion rate. But at least I managed to do a first run without reading any guides so I can enjoy a game purely for being a game. And then I can still check what it has hidden in the less visible corners.

But I don't think I would ever disable them completely :p

7 years ago

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I prefer not to replay games if I can avoid it (too many games to play with too little time). So I'll check a guide for missable achievements at least to see what I'm up against...
...actually, my best friend is some kind of chapter select. Then I don't worry about it so much.

7 years ago

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What? I thought that if you perma delete a game then it no longer counts towards your achievements?

7 years ago

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Sadly no...the achievements (and contribution toward completion percentage) remain.

7 years ago

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Wth, that sucks.
I thought everything is deleted since it's as if you never owned the game.
That explains why my % of achievements is so low, I played a bunch of free games in the past and deleted then...

7 years ago

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Are broken/unobtainable achievements a criterium for you to not buy/play a game?

Definitely yes. I even delete those games from library out of anger. I agree with your feelings about a developer not fixing the state of their game, it's unacceptable to me.

And what is your general stance towards them?

Broken achievements should be fixed, people constantly pleading to the developer for fixes should not be ignored. Unobtainable achievements are something I don't want to deal with, I pass on games like that. While I despise them, I understand that it's what they wanted to add to their game to mess with completionists like me. They just lose me and others as customers. It's more of their loss than mine. I already have lots of awesome games to play. I won't lose anything by not playing their games but they will lose potential customers.

And in a very minor aspect how about games with no achievements?

I am a completionist and an achievement hunter but that doesn't mean I think every single game should have achievements and I am definitely not one of those who think games without achievements are worthless. To me it depends on the game. I respectfully disagree with the following "If it doesn't have achievements, it is not worth my time" notion.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Well, reading your BLAEO entries I was halfway sure that we share similar views. It is a shame if developers abandon games with broken achievements. While it is just some minor stuff it does show how they care for their customer and I would be wary with buying anything else from them.

And its good to see that you still have a healthy attitude towards the no achievement games. Completing disposing a game because of it seems unreasonable. While they are not many there are some games I enjoyed and bought without them and sometimes it can be liberating ^^

7 years ago

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It is definitely liberating. I wish I stopped caring about achievements but that is not going to happen.

7 years ago

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Well... There are games I own that have an interesting concept. But if they have only one achievement that is not attainable it just creates an dissatisfied feeling. One achievement, not one out of 30 or so and it's impossible to get. Ugh. I do like achievements. I like secret achievements and challenging ones. But too know you won't be able to get it makes a game into a bad experience.

7 years ago

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Heh, as someone overly concious with his completion rate I would kinda prefer a game with just one unobtainable achievement over a game with 5 obtainable and a sixth unobtainable ^^ But yea, first world problems .....

I mean I have such a game: Dustforce. Although it is just unobtainable because I'm missing the skill. It is theretical possible .... I heard ....

7 years ago

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I will continue playing a game that annoys me if there are achievements. World Keepers is a good example. The plot annoyed the heck out of me, but I kept playing to get my 100% achievements and because the graphics were pretty.

Turns out that there's one achievement that only SOME people can get... I was one of the "lucky" ones who hit the glitch that makes it impossible to get one of the achievements (which is towards the END of the game, by the way), so the game left me feeling grumbly and dissatisfied, 'cause in the end I wasn't even able to say that "At least I got another Perfect Game!"

7 years ago

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Argh, chance achievements depending on the users system are always awful. Luckily I have been on the good side most of the time. But yea, spending a bit more time than I would otherwise just to complete a game is a feeling I know to well. Although I have to admit that I often see stuff in games people less fixated on their completion rate would never even face. So it has it ups.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I was literally swearing at Voodoo Garden when I went for 100%, only to finally leave the game behind without a single string attached. Don't play it...

7 years ago

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Added to my "Not Interested" list, thank you!

7 years ago

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It's a trap. Cute, but tedious "idle" / clicker game, with 0 offline productivity and very click-heavy, requires active aiming and attention. And deadly boring to that :( You can ask Erdbeeertoertchen as well, I think she bought it for both of us, and we suffered together xD

7 years ago

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Top review on Steam:

The game was worth the $$ and time investment. I recommend the game for casual gamers, 100% achievement hunters and people who are just looking for a fun clicker game.

I guess people have different criteria for good achievements :P

7 years ago

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... "fun clicker game" with no real automatization, self-blocking mechanics and doesn't work offline. If someone wants manually click a few tenthousand times as gameplay.... that's weird. Maybe they updated it to be better, but it was a travesty when I played. (Spirits only collect plants, but when it rains they disappear = no automatic gain. Animals don't get collected by default, most recipes need animal parts.)
Isn't it some kind of requirement for clickers to have proper automatization, otherwise it's considered bad?

7 years ago

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I just found the review funny after your thrashing :D

I'm probably in your camp by the way. Although I tend to not be too badly put off by monotonous tasks in games. Case in point, Chicken Assassin - Master of Humiliation which I recently "beat" despite, at the end, getting a wee bit too grindy even for my taste :)

7 years ago

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The last levelup was 1 hour of mindlessly dragging the mouse on anything that was colourful with an autoclicker. Seriously, I get the feeling of liking no-brainer tasks, but the game is long, and literally that's what you do all the time. You have no control over resources, picking rates, nothing. Tedious for a clicker and superslow for an idle game. That's such a different spectrum of gaming that I'm baffled ...
I finished it while listening to a podcast, but tbh that was a first-time experience for me, besides MMO itemcrafting grinding where the game provides less interaction and stimulation than a movie would, and requires something else to make up for it. Event the "hardcore" casual-loving friends of mine plays way more active games, so mostly that was the idea behind making the review a very, very strong not recommended.

7 years ago

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Funny that you'd mention autoclicker as this was my first thought when I found out that I was supposed to mindlessly click on a cauldron to gather resources to level up my character. I never actually got around to it as I suspected it would take me more time to make or find a good script or configure the mouse driver for this than it would have been worth. I think that Chicken Assassin counts the clicks you make in the game. I have to check when I get home.

7 years ago

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I used FastClicker, a minimalist open-source clicker. I'm stupid for that but people said it's okay and if a lot of people say ian open source thing is okay on reddit, it should be :D

7 years ago

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Open-source sounds good. I'll keep it in mind if I ever feel the need to use one. Although there are probably something for my mouse if I just install the proper drivers for it :)

7 years ago

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I don't care about nor think about achievements in 99% of the cases. And I certainly don't make any attempt to get them all. I always saw it more of an annoying little box that pops up randomly and disappears before I have a chance to read what it said. :P and thanks!

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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I find playing games for achievements a bizarre concept.

7 years ago

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Eh. I'm not an achievement hunter most of the time. Only if they're tied to interesting self-imposed challenges, and the game itself is interesting enough.

If one's really broken/unobtainable by mistake, I do consider that a bug in the game, but not really a dealbreaker/gamebreaker.
On the other hand, if getting an achievement means paying the "developer" extra money for it (see, that's just bullshit that makes me not want to support the game or it's creator at all.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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How the hell is this developer not permanently banned from conducting business with Steam yet ? Back in the day when I first heard about this I assumed it would take Valve ~ 72 hours to put an end to this shit.

7 years ago

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Knew of that one already. That is just inacceptable and should actually be forbidden by Valve.

7 years ago

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I would rather spend my time to play more games instead of trying to get all these achievements.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago*

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Hm, hmmmmm. Did you just correct a mistake of my german influenced bad english in my OP? ^^ I have to admit that I check always the games achievements before making a purchase decision ...... and I also don't like grindy multiplayer achievements or multiplayer achievements at all. At least the competitive ones.

That last paragraph is interesting. It sometimes give incentive to replay a game. And it does look strange to have played a game but having no achievements for it. Have this "problem" with Amnesia at the moment as they have added achievements veeerryyy late.

7 years ago

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Are broken/unobtainable achievements a criterium for you to not buy/play a game?

Normally I do not lknow it before I buy a game/bundle, but if I hear there are achievements what are not obtainable then I wouldnt buy/play this game till its fixed.

And what is your general stance towards them?

Towards what? Isnt that the same question?

And in a very minor aspect how about games with no achievements?

No achievements = no buy. If it was in a bundle then I start it only for the trading cards. Playing games without achievements? Only a few games I played in the childhood.

7 years ago

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The questions are similiar. First one is more towards purchase decision while the second is generally about any game also those you don't have or games you bought but only learnt later.

No buy? That is rather strict. There was never a game where you thought that it looked really really great and you would play it anyway?

7 years ago

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There were many games what who looks really good but no achievements = no buy ^^ I would only buy it if its in a bundle.

7 years ago

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And that is why I still haven't played The Stanley Parable despite people telling me it's "good". It can be as good as it likes but if the trolling developer has so much contempt for achievement hunters as to put at least two achievements meant to mess up getting 100% then there are a lot of other good games that don't pull that. :D

I'd say I most definitely hate broken achievements. I had experience with a game that is like that and, honestly, it made me real angry since the game was a gift from a friend and I wanna say good things about it (since, gameplay wise, it's a good game) but the broken achievements just make me unable to recommend it to anyone...
That game is GALAK-Z, btw. Just... I don't get it- how hard could it be to fix an achievement for getting X in-game currency... It's literally one single check of a variable. Heck, most of the achievements in that game are barely functional, even the ones that do work. It was overwhelmingly disappointing on that front. :/

I'd still play games without achievements, of course, but achievements are always a bonus. :)
(That is- actual achievements... not mindless grind-fests or the stuff that the Walking Dead pulled where you get them for advancing the story normally- those games may as well not have achievements if they aren't gonna put any thought into them.)

7 years ago

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Those achievements you get just by playing the story can actually be really helpful for the developers--if there's a bunch of people with the achievement for finishing chapter 3, but only 10% of those have the achievement for chapter 4, then clearly there's something either putting off players or preventing them from completing that chapter, or maybe the achievement itself is broken somehow.

7 years ago

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That could be a valid reason except Telltale's games collect all those stats anyway. They don't really need the achievements to get that information. The achievements are there pretty much just for the sake of "having" achievements.

7 years ago

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Have skipped the Stanley Parable for the very same reason. I just couldn't get over those messy achievements in the game. I might be missing out here but well .... enough other games to play.

I remember you warned me for GALAK-Z before ^^ Yea, that is annoying and maddening if you have developers outright ignoring it. While I have some games with broken achievements there is only one which really annoying me: Poncho because the dev kept insisting that it is obtainable and I assume he just lied.

Also likeMiss Mokushiroku said: Achievements can be used as tracking device. Not only for story but also for added bonus modes and challenge stuff. Would be more worthwhile if people didn't cheat them.

7 years ago

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Are broken/unobtainable achievements a criterium for you to not buy/play a game?
And in a very minor aspect how about games with no achievements?

This answer kind of answers both questions - It bothers me a great deal when achievements are broken/unobtainable/missing, but I can't think of a game I really wanted and then avoided solely because of achievements

And what is your general stance towards them?

I like them, especially when they encourage different play-styles. Additionally, many games include achievements for doing stupid/silly actions which increases the enjoyment of said action.

7 years ago

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Then you still are healthy when it only bothers you that they miss. The largest resonance I have seen in the thread so far is for broken achievements. It is kinda poor attitude.

7 years ago

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TL;DR version at the bottom.

Are broken/unobtainable achievements criteria for you to not buy/play a game?
And what is your general stance towards them?

Depends on how broken they are: I can tolerate things like Civilization V's mod achievement which became obsolete (and never updated) after the addition of Steam Workshop functionalities, or Age of Empires II's preorder one (which can now be obtained by buying a new DLC within a week or so from release), or odd (yet achievable) ones like The Stanley Parable's, as they aren't broken by design - and in the first two cases, a very small percentage (1 out of almost 300).
Those that are intentionally locked (like that borderline scam auction one), or unobtainable by design (GAUGE's "don't fill the gauge") are a definite no-go.

And in a very minor aspect how about games with no achievements?

Why should I pass on a good game just because it doesn't have achievements?
I did just fine playing games with no achievements, no cloud saves, and worse DRMs than Steamworks for several years, that won't bother me.
On the other hand, games with hundreds or thousands of "achievements", a.k.a. showcase baits, are the real issue, as they devaluate the true meaning of the word achievement, which implies skill, while those typically don't.

Cards are another sensitive topic, since lately, they have pretty much became the "mascot" of shovelware games, and their only mean to exist (and make profits).
Like achievements, they should be considered a bonus for a game, not a major selling point.

TL;DR version:

  1. I like achievements and I try to 100% all games I play, but I won't make it a top priority if they're too grindy, too hard, or just too boring;
  2. if a game is good, I'll play it regardless of achievements, I'll just take screenshots to document my progress;
  3. if a game has achievements that are unobtainable by design, I typycally add it to the ignore list, and eventually forget about it;
  4. if a game has "showcase baits" achievements, I put it at the bottom of my backlog: "I'll play this... eventually... maybe. But not for achievements."
7 years ago*

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I'm a bit curious about number two. Why do you feel a need to document your progress?

7 years ago

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Yea, that auction one is borderline inacceptable. This is a developer I would never support. As for the devaluing. It is rather sad that they had no real value ever on Steam and lost it latest with the coal event. But I don't like those 1000+ achievements games as well. For me it is another reason NOT to purchase a game.

7 years ago

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I honestly don't care as much. If you did the achievement and it didn't trigger just use SAM. Not to excuse devs being dumbasses but at the end of the day they only matter to you and if you did that and you know you should have gotten it, there's no point to not having it.
A dev not implementing achievements or doing it poorly doesn't matter to me as I can set my own goals and if an achievement is an un-fun chore I wouldn't bother with it anyway, like games that require N playthroughs of basically the same content.

I don't see the point to steam achievements, at least in xbox and psn they translate to something while in Steam they are just a meaningless pop up which, at most, makes you feel a hollow sense of accomplishment.

I can see the value in having suggestions for what can be done in the game, but that can be done in-game just as well.

I expect, DLC-only ones are a bit annoying if you are obsessed with chasing that 100%.

Multiplayer ones are bullshit IMO, since they are often way too tien consuming and once a server goes offline you are fucked.

7 years ago*

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Problem with SAM is that it "takes pressure" from the developers. It should be their responsibility to fix this and not ignore it. Also while achievements are only for myself I don't want to do anything which could let me be perceived as a cheater. If it is broken I will stay locked for all eternity unless it gets fixed.

7 years ago

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I understand, but looking at this thread too many people have a compulsion to chase that 100%, even forcing themselves to play games they dislike just to see that number...
I expect that they would be better served by just using SAM to get the unlocks and moving to a game they might enjoy. At least that seems more healthy than forcing yourself to complete a game as if it was a job you hate.

7 years ago

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Not an achievement hunter here. I do side quests etc. and therefore gain more achievements than if I'd only go for the story, but I rarely do further sessions after the story ended. Thus achievements aren't a purchase criterion for me.
Though it annoyed me when I played a SG won game with just four attachments, had 3/4 and had to notice in the discussions that the 4th is bugged since the release.

7 years ago

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The only time I really cared about achievements was when I played Deus Ex Human Revolution. I'm that Metal Gear Solid pacifist guy so whenever It's possible I avoid killing, and since there was achievement in Deus Ex for that, I wanted to have it.

7 years ago

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I wouldn't not play a game because of an achievement i can't get, but it is definitively annoying seeing that one achivement you haven't unlocked.

7 years ago

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Are broken/unobtainable achievements a criterium for you to not buy/play a game?

No, though it pisses me off when there are broken achievements in the game.

And what is your general stance towards them?

I like achievements and always try to get 100% if it is not too ridiculous (e.g. in Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing I gave up on last achievement because it would require ~50 hours of grind). It is great if achievements are awarded for for side quests or different approach for the game as this motivates me to replay the game in different way, or to goo through all of the content of the game.

And in a very minor aspect how about games with no achievements?

To be honest recently I look on them as a relief. Trying to get all achievements is often too exhausting (and it causes my backlog to grow).

7 years ago

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That relief argument I can understand. It is a strange relation to want have them but also being kinda "afraid" of them. But I think it gives me more joy than it takes a toll on my mind.

7 years ago

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Yeah, all in all I also prefer to have the achievements, even if it is a bit of struggle to get them. I guess that to fully enjoy them it is best to know when to stop, to not get into the situation when getting an achievement becomes a chore instead of a challenge.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Adelion.