Sorry to hijack but I wanted to say congrats for winning Nier, I know how much you wanted it back when we talked about it ;) Enjoy!
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HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN of course the answer was Nier auTOMATA. :facepalm: (I only tried stuff that were on my wishlist but i totally didn't thik of the pun)
And I'm glad you enjoy it :) (if it make you feel better, I got my first ending in the prologue the first time, as i was being super careless >_>). The english dub is surprisingly good actually!
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Yeah I think the pun was Nier:Automata > Tomata ~ Tomato
And Thanks :3
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Custom theme – Come up with your own monthly theme, tells us what the criteria are and which of your SG wins satisfy the requirements. Other people can join your custom monthly theme by replying to your comment.
Carnival month: I'll play Dark Arcana: The Carnival.
Since it's a short game, I'll probably come up with something more later (or maybe not, considering that I'm in the middle of my Civ VI period, if you know what I mean)
Won game | Achievements | Status |
Dark Arcana: The Carnival | 14/19 | beaten |
Edit: I realize only now that I actually did challenge 11 - Month/season themed games rather than a custom theme.
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Random wins
Try | Page/line | Game | Name | Status |
1. | 8 | 9 | Cowboy zombie | already 100%ed |
2. | 19 | 4 | Kitty Cat: Jigsaw Puzzles | already 100%ed >.< |
3. | 1 | 7 | Demon Hunter 3: Revelation | COMPLETED |
4. | 15 | 22 | Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek | already 100%ed, hates me |
5. | 7 | 2 | Luna's Wandering Stars | already got as far in this game as I could >.> |
6. | 6 | 16 | Marooners | Endless multiplayer I have already played |
7. | 5 | 3 | Block Blowout | unfinished |
5/6 tries were unsuccessful, I give up :D
Edit: decided to do roll on the BLAEO list instead.
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As usual I'll be playing but not decided on a category yet
Slacked off a bit this month with only one short win played.
Game | Link | Status |
Sea legends: Phantasmal Light | Game complete screen | Finished |
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not sure.
February is busy month.
Sadly, .hack only 30 fps in my pc , so I may play slowly.
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10. Number of days in a month
Game | Achievements | Status |
Adventurer Manager | 6 (24/74) | Abandoned after 7 hours |
Titan Souls | 1 (7/27) | (Already) Beaten |
Fearful Symmetry | 5 (28/28) | Completed :D |
Poker Night at the Inventory | 1 (18/20) | (Already) Beaten |
Terraria | 16 (16/88) | Unfinished / Endless? |
Gonner | 1 (5/19) | Unfinished |
Tacoma (Gifted by a SG user) | 12 (12/12) | Completed |
Emily is Away Too | 1 (21/21) | Completed |
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!! (Gifted by a SG user) | 3 (8/40) | Unfinished |
The Jackbox Party Pack 2 | 5 19/20 | Currently Playing |
Total Achievements: 51 |
Need to get at least 28 achievements. (Attempting to 100% a couple of the games, they've been hard.)
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Last month I beat 4 recent wins. This month I'll play 2 games I won while they were on my wishlist:
Wishlisted Win | Achievements | Screenshot | Status |
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty | Achievements | Screenshot | Beaten |
Pillars of Eternity | Achievements | Screenshot | Beaten |
and will try to beat other wins that are in the middle of a playthrough:
Unfinished Win | Achievements | Screenshot | Status |
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition | Achievements | Screenshot | Beaten |
Steamburg | Achievements | Screenshot | Beaten |
Cursed Castilla EX | Achievements | Screenshot | Unfinished |
I also beat HuniePop :)
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I'll decide later ^^
Most recent wins | Achievements | Screenshots | Status |
What Remains of Edith Finch | 9/9 | Screenshots | completed |
Prey | 38/48 | Screenshots | beaten |
Oldest wins | Achievements | Screenshots | Status |
Eidolon | - | Screenshots | beaten |
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The Unfinished Wins challenge. The plan is to finish Seraph - I just started it last month, at 4/13 achievements so far.
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I've recently won Magicka 2 from my wishlist and started playing it
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2nd month, so 2nd challenge - Most recent wins. Phantom Brave PC
Phantom Brave PC - 5 hours idled, 0 achievements.
and as an extra, a gift: Baobabs Mausoleum Ep.1: Ovnifagos Don´t Eat Flamingos (from... I think TheSlothKing's keydrop)
+ whatever I end up with playing, I'll try to keep the 1 gift 1 win / month minimum :)
Baobabs Mausoleum Ep.1: Ovnifagos Don´t Eat Flamingos
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After the custom theme last month I'll go for the Random wins challenge this month choose this games for me (maybe I'll add more later this month)
Game | Achievements | State |
Emily is Away Too | 21/21 | Completed |
Anime Studio Simulator | 9/9 | Completed |
The Butterfly Sign | 13/13 | Completed |
Finger Ninja | Screenshot | Completed |
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain | 18/60 | Incomplete :( |
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I've already started yesterday (by accident) the Oldest Win challenge! So I'll keep on doing that for now:
Discovery! A Seek & Find Adventure - no cheevos - done - sadly steam doesn't take pics either -.-
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I'm going after my most recent win and will play some more Painters Guild.
So far I can say that apparantly the most common way to die for an artist in the Renaissance was to be put on trial and executed for being gay.
Farewell Maestro Frederico Gambini. May God rest your soul.
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I'm going with oldest (unplayed) win:
Tomb Raider Legend
No achievements or anything of that nature for this one, but hopefully I'll get a screenshot at the end to show that I've beaten it
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Game | Challenge Type | Ach. (Before // Now) | Status | Screenshots |
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City | Most recent / Wishlist | -- | Beaten | - |
Borderlands: GotY | Most recent / Wishlist | 00 of 80 // 77 of 80 | Beaten | - |
Event[0] | Neglected / Wishlist | 01 of 12 // 01 of 12 | - | - |
Chaos on Deponia | Non-SG Win | 04 of 34 // 04 of 34 | - | - |
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Game | Played | Achievements | Screenshots | Status |
Deponia Doomsday | 16h | 36/36 | 4 | Already 100%ed! |
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Tentatively Saint Seiya: Soldiers' Soul or The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II for oldest wins.
Edit: Finished the story arcs of Saint Seiya: Soldiers' Soul.
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been a bit busy lately, but I'll keep taking part to all of this ;P
Game | Link | Challenge | Status |
Peregrin | achievements - 27/27 | 5 | FINISHED! (quite short, but really nice :)) |
Gone Home | achievements - 10/10 | 6 (sort of.. I already played and finished it, but I just noticed that they added achievements, so.... :P) | FINISHED! |
maybe | soon™ | --- | --- |
Total: 37/37 |
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3. Short wins
Game | Link | Status |
Tavernier | Achievements | Beaten |
Magic Flute | Achievements | Beaten |
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I'd like to play at least 1 or 2 short wins within the rest of the month. I already finished one short win, Home Is Where One Starts, this month, if I can count that.
Edit: In February, I finished the following short wins: Home Is Where One Starts..., Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, and Fall of the New Age
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Neglected wins for me:
Game | Achievements | Status |
Hive (Complete Pack) | 81% | Beaten (no ending) |
Universe Sandbox | 88% | Beaten (no ending) |
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Finished Super Turbo Demon Busters with 21 of 24 achievements, last ones are fairly grindy, not sure if I will go for them them.
Game overall isn't too bad but quite RNG heavy, looks good but little depth leaves a lot of unused potential, sadly.
As a fairly recent win it fits category 2 ^^
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Octodad: Dadliest Catch (HLTB: 2 - 6.5 hours)
Shelter 2 (HLTB: 2 - 6 hours)
Nova-111 (HLTB: 6 - 7 hours)
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number (HLTB: 9 - 29 Hours)
Wolfenstein: The New Order (HLTB: 12-25 hours)
Hope these are good picks, lemme know if you'd like me to change something. I've played and enjoyed all of these except for Wolfenstein, but from everything I've seen it looks like a blast. Have fun. :)
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TR done. Awesome game. Going for 100% game progress in single player. Now I am sitting on 99% with 5 missing items for challenges (hell I can't find them)...
Other from this I finished Gardens Inc 2, The Sapper I recently won and I am in last phase of Gnomes Garden New home, which I will finish in next sitting. And of course some of non-SG related games.
And that's all for this month. See you in next one. :)
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If you don't have that amount of time in a single month:
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Thanks for the picks :D. I'm still working on Torment from last month's challenge, so depending on when I finish that one will determine which game I will go with next.
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Hey skanda! I'm awfully slow at whittling down my wins and my backlog in general (although BLAEO's Challenge Me! helps a lot), and I don't spend a lot of time in the forums here, but wanted to let you know that I love seeing your "Every month is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month" posts! :D
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Wow. That's... complicated. I rather not 😂 But I played few games I won for longer than just check. Like Crysis 2 that is now my one of fav games <3
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Bump for being incredibly unlucky with my chosen challenge and giving up after 1 game T.T
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The scripts I am using make profile pages extremely slow to load so I can't be arsed to keep on trying and getting stuff I have played already anymore >.< I shall just play whatever :D
Edit: decided to just roll on my BLAEO list instead since I can hide everything that is already played :D
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Hoping to beat at least 1 game a month. I was doing so good last year, then one month stopped and stopped beating one a month ever since.
Beat 1 last month and shall be at least this month too!
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Might play TWD season 3 finally. A JRPG and Overwatch were holding my gaming back for the past year pretty much. lol. Can finally start playing shorter games.
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Doesn't look like it's going to happen this month. I'm too obsessed with Divinity: Original Sin, which was a gift from a RL friend.
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I was playing with the friend who gave it to me (a couple of years ago), but our attempts to play once a week were just not panning out, so recently I've taken over the game myself in single-player. BWAHAHAHAHA!
I'm so OCD / min-max / analysis paralysis that I end up playing at a snails pace, and with limited gaming time, it's a bad combination. =(
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To my utter surprise, I installed and started playing Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes, which I won 5 years ago. Not playing it on my SG account (started playing on another account that's on Steam Family Sharing), so it won't show up as played, but I'll know I played it. Let's hope it's fun enough and that I'll finish it (so far I enjoyed the little I played). Not making it part of the challenge, because there's little chance that I'll finish it this month. But if I do finish it, it will likely be the only SG win I will finish. (Deponia didn't grab me, and there's little chance I'd get to play HL2 Ep2, considering that I didn't get far into HL2.)
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