I know i may sound like a jerk, but you have to read the FAQ, and stick to it; if someone recieves the giveaway you made, no matter if they add you on steam or dont, you HAVE to send it to them via e-mail, its.....pretty simple.
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agree to this, also another thing that raffles can and MUST do if is they dont want to send the email (for some weird reason) then dont accept invitations from noone, by this I mean, invite the winners to whatever u want (friend invite, chat, etc) yourselfs. How? well go to the winners profile, and click on "see steam profile" and then add them trough there. Fairly simple. So this way you can verify thatt 1- They dont already have the game 2- They are the actual winners
And by this im not saying is the host fault, but it can be avoided and reduced by being 10% more careful.
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FAQ was farely well hidden, i looked at the top of the page, and the bottom of the page, which is where id expect it to be and had no luck, Ive resent newly bought codes to the legit emails now though, but i shouldnt have to when the problem can be so simply fixed
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Yes, the FAQ is in a forum post that was put up when new features were added, and since it was useful it was stickied. But it's way more useful than a sticky post; that information is integral to the site as a whole, it's not just an FAQ on forum use. It should have a link from the homepage, or at least from the user panel or something.
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I dunno, this is getting to the point where I'm not sure I WANT things like this in place to stop the scammers. Every day reading a new tale of someone not reading the FAQS and stuff and falling prey to the scammers is starting to be really fun for me. In fact, I start singing, "Another One Bites the Dust" as I read them.
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While you are of course right, the sheer number of tales is also an indication that people have a tendency to not follow the FAQ's advice to the letter. I can see how it can be frustrating if you want to do something good by wanting to promote a good game or rid yourself of a duplicate license you have and then get scammed because one didn't follow the "protocol." For what it's worth, the original poster has a point too. Do we really want to frustrate new contributors?
I almost fell for it myself yesterday when my first giveaway entered. Thankfully, there are oh-so-many tales of scammers around, I spent the give minutes to double-check and noticed that the guy who added me was indeed not the rightful recipient (I do wonder though how he went through all the trouble of duplicating every detail of the actual winner's steam profile).
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I completely agree with the winners being hidden. (What's the point of showing them to everyone? Bragging rights?)
And there are two things that I don't like about the gifts being sent by e-mail:
1 - If someone gave me a free game, the least I could do is befriend that person. At least to say thanks. Receiving a free game from an unknown person and not doing anything at all just sounds wrong.
2 - No Steam Trading?! If you receive the game through e-mail and activate it directly, and the game was purchased with a fraudulent credit card, the gifter's account is suspended and your account might be suspended as well, even if it's not your fault. That's it, game over man. But if you receive the game through Steam Trading, and the game is fraudulent, only the gifter is banned. They'll most likely remove the game from your account, but at least you don't get a ban.
Just my opinion.
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1 - I don't really see the russians adding the giver later and saying thanks, but you might have a point.
2 - Not bullshit, I'm afraid. You can check the Steam Support FAQs for more information.
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Hmmm... how?
Oh I found that thing I was looking for in the Steam Trading FAQ:
What if a game I received in a trade is fraudulently purchased?
If this happens, the account where the fraud took place will be suspended. Your account will not be suspended, however the game you received will be removed from your account. We will do our best to restore the items/gifts that were associated with the trade back to you. Please contact Steam Support if a game that you traded for is missing from your inventory or account.
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You could just add the winner on steam, by clicking on his name here, on steamgifts, then going to his profile. Add him, give him the game through Steam Trade Beta/Just send it, and nobody's going to be scammed. You just don't have to accept friends request from the impostors. Easy.
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Why is scamming so easy? because it tells the whole world whos won what, what their steam name is, what their picture is.
I was just unfortunate enough to lose a whopping £3 ($6?) to 2 people who quickly added me after my first draw, so i was totally unaware that people would be so addicted to meth that they would need to steal games that are cheap enough to start with.
But the thing is, you can see winners as they happen just by refreshing the main page and quickly clone yourself then add the raffle host. or just follow a draw for a game your interested in and do the same when it finishes.
This is pretty stupid.
What should happen is that the winner(s) and host should be messaged privately to let them know whos won, or who to expect a gift off. only when both parties mark as sent and recived should the game and winner be posted to "recent winners"
A fairly simple soloution like this would nullify scamming pretty damn quickly
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