To me, games are all about the story and gameplay. For this reason, everything after Revelations felt fake to me.
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The origins gameplay is repetitive and boring. Origins is more of a Far Cry games without guns, than an AC Game.
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But the main missions were nothing special. Back in the day you had to get information, plan your move and then get a special opportunity... I have to admit I have not went too far into the story bc of my critizism above, but the main mission I done so far lacked this at all. And as i pointed out somewhere else: I killed the first two (mini) bosses... The ones you always need to get to get to the main boss that has its own cutscene... BY ACCIDENT: Sorry but that was a no go for me. They just walked around in some shit ass side quest base.
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If You mean collecting notes etc. in previous games then You're right in Origins were some moments when Bayek was discusing plans with other characters or went after someone to get some knowledge but still not to the point of first AC. Stil I rather play Origins than AC3 gameplay, movement and pure fun from discovering world is much much improved. We'll se in 2020 what will Ubi go with their series after taking break after release of Odyssey. I hope we'll get some compromise between someting like AC2 and Origins.
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But thats what I dont get: What is there to discover in Origins? I dont see it. The whole world is just sand and yes this is of course the setting but then everything you got are the enemey bases which are all essentially the same. And thats literally, LITERALLY everything you can discover. No unique characters you may meet somewhere since, as we pointed out, the side quests are below interesting, No "Oh wow how interesting" thing... And what I would also like to point out is that AC Origins foccuses more on hand to hand combat, than on,.... Assassinating? But that doesnt seem to bother you, so I guess you may have expected something different anyway... Also the problem with the bases is, that when you beat them there is no consequences to the game? Like you take out the General, steal all their shit... and when you come back to it nothing changed? Where is the game rewarding me? Where is the world reacting to what I do? In III you had these consequences; When you beat an enemy base, you could see villagers conquering it. There was no further point to this, but at least the world reacted to you just slaughering an enemy castle. And III is decades older than Origins, so explain to me how this is possible?
Witcher III is the best example how it can be done and when AC was lurking on Far Cry for ideas, then why not on other successfull games?
IF they want to step away from their AC core elements, what they obv. did, then they at least should do it right.
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You have freedom of choosing if You want to get in, slash whole camp or "assassinate" every enemy undetected and this is just begginig of Assassin's order so I guess Bayek as a Pharaos warrior wasn't exactly taught assassination. So You expected anothther scripted from point to point AC game. Yup only sand and let's say Rise of the Tomb Raider is only snow. ;) Show me one game where You don't have a ton of scripts and world reacts to every single action of player? GTA - run over 100 ppl and world don't give a thumb.
And Witcher 3, clearing hundred "?" marks in Skellige to get couple coins I wouldn't say it is exactly rewarding. And not respawning enemies in some small camps is that much better? As it goes for quest W3 is aRPG game and AC:O is action game with RPG elements, combat has more options in AC:O and W3 is in it's core focused on story. Don't compare W3 with it's "flat" combat system and movement to parkour game. And it's great that AC didn't go the same road as W3 because it would be pionted hundred times. Ubi didn't step away from core elements, they just give option to play it in other style.
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Witcher III is the best example how it can be done
Would you care to elaborate which aspects of Witcher 3 you are referring to?
I've only played roughly a dozen hours of W3 yet and haven't played the predecessors but from a pure gameplay perspective Witcher 3 feels extremely streamlined in my opinion. The story seems to be what makes it interesting.
I.e. Some of the missions where you use Witcher mode to follow tracks felt to me like they could be straight up Detective mode missions from AC Unity.
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And no i dont mean collecting notes, I mean working, or assassinating your way up to the leader, and not killing bosses accidently bc they walk around in a side quested castle you can enter as you like.
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And it's rewarding killing 4 enemies to kill the fifth one... Most of camps are optional. Some are parts of sidequest and for the main plot You can just skip them. There are very few "bosses" that You actually need to kill. And you can kill them in assassin's manner if You choose and from what I see You didn't even consider playing it stealth.
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"You didn't even consider playing it stealth."
Please quote the parts of my comments, that led you to that assumption.
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"And what I would also like to point out is that AC Origins foccuses more on hand to hand combat, than on,.... Assassinating? But that doesnt seem to bother you, so I guess you may have expected something different anyway..."
And yea there are couple places that You need to fight openly but so was in other AC games. But I wouldn't say that Origins is focused on any type of combat other than players prefered expect some parts.
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AC Origins does not invent anything new or creative to assassinating ppl/ stealth gameplay but to open hand combat. So again: What did they focus on?
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From what I see they focused on pissing off some people. And for asked question read again what I have wrote previously. Show me some revolutionary gameplay in any new game in last 5 years. I don't see any game that would evolve like You want AC series to evolve. And I think that some people are making one logic mistake - AC is brand/world and it could get a RTS if Ubi would find that profitable - so now we'll get some aRPG like games and I'm very pleased with that and this is only MY opinion. And as always if You don't like the game You can get back to original trilogy but don't expect Ubi to go back there. And from amount of good reviews on Origins they will keep that course.
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Revelations was where the story ended for me. After that, it was more like a "The story must go on, because it's a money-making franchise." Ofcourse its still a game you can always play, but it's turned into a casual one for me. Just like Grand Theft Auto. The drive to complete the game, or play more; like I felt for The Witcher, Fallout even isn't there. Syndicate feels more like a Batman rip-off, and Origins feels like Ubisoft is trying to be Bethesda.
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I have yet to play AC II, but I enjoyed Revelations the most out of the first 5 assassin's creed games.. except for that minigame of defending areas xD
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Always played for the music, atmosphere, story, and characters.
Gameplay always sucked imo. lol
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Nothing like the first one. My vote goes for the first part, the origin of the saga.
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I remember something funny that happened to me with Assassin's Creed 2 in Xbox 360.
I was about to complete all achievements. Only 2 remained, i just needed to get 2 feathers and use the cap on Italy. But i had the fantastic idea of "oh, i want to listen the game in italian, lets change the language for a more realistic approach!!".
Rebooted the console, changed the language, entered the game again and... savegame just gone. :D
The funniest thing in the world. You can't imagine my rage...
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Agreed, many dislike the first game for it's less desirable gameplay, but I really enjoyed the setting/story that set the entire franchise.
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there (on steam/uplay/origin/gog etc) are sooooooo many games that I haven't tried AC series yet :|
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Mm... Fave all-time might be Brotherhood. Fave 'I'd still play it today' would be Black Flag. I wouldn't touch Brotherhood again, but it stuck with me and will stick with me like those games that make you nostalgic. Black Flag I was 100% in for the gameplay and that purdy Ubisoft water, so I wouldn't mind picking it up again.
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Heh, well, I honestly think any of AC's 'story' during and after AC III is the mess you get from milking a franchise too hard, but AC IV is fun to play. I also dig small things like the sea shanties and just the general tone of the game. There's quite a lot of travel time spent on the seas (like on horseback in previous games) and Kenway's story is nothing new, but otherwise it's solid fun.
The real-time story is a kind of turning point. Breaks off from the structure of past games to be less direct, and implied almost. It's... different, I suppose.
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for me, it's a dead race between 2, brotherhood, and black flag, those are my favorites. I like 2's story, brotherhood's assassins guild game and atmosphere, black flag's succeasful attempt at making a completely different ac game. Origins I haven't played, Unity I liked actually a lot in spite of technical difficulties, I liked the addition of the opportunities and those target distractions in assassination missions. The rest of them are alright. Oh and I haven't played Rogue and the 2D ones either
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I was disappointed with Origins. The world is too big, Like srsly. It is so big, that you dont even have any motiviation exploring it bc what you do is always the same. Always.
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Having played the first game, the Ezio trilogy and the third game, I have to say, I like 2's story the most, Brotherhood's gameplay and Revelations' expansion of AC lore and the Altair memories very much. The third game was also quite fun to play with the Homestead missions. I am hoping to play from Black Flag soon :)
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Dropped the saga one third into Black Flag. Planning to starting playing ACs back soon just to see how much it has changed, as Origins and Odyssey seem a lot of fun. Syndacate, Unity and Rogue didn't look that good, honestly.
However both 3 and 4 lost their charisma since Ezio is not the main protagonist and that the framing device they used for the first chapters (Desmond) has stopped being present. My favourite is 2, as the first one is pretty boring, Brotherhood being a more of the same of 2 and Revelations being more like a Naruto filler.
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I found the first one way too terrible. You couldn't sprint or run with your horse without alerting every guard in existence, running faster than a light jog on foot did the same thing, to complete missions you had to complete always the three same secondary quests everytime and Altair simply didn't had enough charisma unlike Ezio.
It was, at least for me, mostly a chore of completing the same things over and over again. AC2 and its sequels had more dynamic controls, more interesting secondary activities, a better fleshed out story with well defined characters. And of course, the beauty of renaissance italian landscapes, as Florence still remains one of my most favourite looking open world ever.
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I really loved 2 and 4, but right now I play origin and it is awesome as well
nearly finished, will start the DlCs now
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I loved Ezio's story but I have to say I'm looking forward to Odyssey at the moment!
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Probably the first one, but I can see why most people are all over AC2 because it's a far more classical hero's journey kind of package. Not to mention it's really AC2+ considering there were two additional games building on Ezio's story.
I have been playing Unity on uPlay recently and I think it honestly got a bad rep mainly because of performance issues, and anyone who calls Arno the blandest protagonist needs to go replay AC3. One thing I particularly like is the fact it tried to make combat less of a complete faceroll where you can counter kill your way to victory AND make stealth somewhat relevant. It's a wonder what inclusion of something like a crouch button can do.
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It wouldn't be the first time that a shitstorm over a Ubisoft game turned out to be just bad rep. Watch Dogs it's also another good game, but everybody already decided that the game sucked because of the downgrade. Those who actually played it had a good time, even when performance issues were totally present. Same goes for For Honor.
At this point, hating on Ubisoft without even trying their games it's just trendy and hip.
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It was a tough one for me.. I have yet to play AC II, Syndicate, and Origins. My favorites so far are revelations, black flag, and rogue. I loved revelations for closure to ezio saga and how it ties up Altair's story. Black Flag and Rogue are pretty similar in terms of gameplay and even some parts of the map. Black Flag is a close win for just how touching the game was near the end. The parting glass <3
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I'm a history teacher so the basic premise of Assassin's Creed is very appealing to me. However, the gameplay never clicked for me and I couldn't bring myself to finish a single AC game. Until Origins, that is. The map in this game is probably the best I have seen in a video game, I enjoyed every minute of simply roaming the game world and admiring the incredible attention to detail.
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There's also the Discovery mode for educational purposes. Really a neat idea.
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None of the above. I didn't really like the franchise.
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AC2 is unbeatable. Too bad the pc version sucks. It actually sucks so much that I recently bought the game on Steam to replay it, but it was so bad (much worse than what I remembered) that I refunded. And I love ac2. I really wish they would remaster it and release it again, this time with a proper pc port.
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AC2 was the best! then i loved ACIII and after that was the Rogue!
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Blackflag for me :) Loved the step up in gameplay.
@StarLord902? If it please you, start a ga in the thread (fews days long), for every people in the thread (any game fine. I not even have a "no value key" left.), and i'll give an uplay ac india for the winner :) (As i can't give solo uplay key here :) )
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While we are at it, could somebody please recommend the best game to get acquainted with this franchise? From what I've read so far, starting from the very beginning may be not the best idea; or is this wrong?
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You can start with 2. It has a recap at the beginning so you can get to know what happened in the first episode.
But if you're not willing to skip the first one you can breeze through the game in less than 10 hours if you ignore secondary stuff.
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Thank you, I'll start with the second game, I guess.
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I started with the second game and then went back to play the first one. I think people tell you not to start on the first one because its very repetitive and has limited gameplay. The second one is great though and the next two games after that have the same character so I'd start there.
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As a huge AC fangirl (who has not yet played Origins. >< ) let me say that I give the nod to Black Flag, but only because of the system. For best protagonists, I'd give it to Syndicate, and for best story, probably AC3.
Edit: Also, I see a disturbing lack of Liberation upon your poll.
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Ezio trilogy is all I'm here for, the only assassin that got 3 games for him
Brotherhood's trailer though, still the best
It's AC2 or Brotherhood for me. I prefer the AC2 story than Brotherhood, but side contents in Brotherhood is just nicer
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