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In the past if a regional store had it available for more than 95% off of the US price, it would get bundle listed (which would apply in the case zuim laid out). Now that all the regional stores (with lower prices, at least) are automatically region-locked I don't think they'll continue that though.
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They are manually set to the last known price by the mods
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Kinda not fair to get old CV from the time it was available for purchase, but I guess this site doesn't have enough mods' time for a more careful approach.
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...because such games usually start to worth way more after they were removed from steam?
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Aand... it is now in the bundle list. I wonder why? I lost all my contribution for my recent Armageddon Bundle giveaways. It was just 90% off, is that a reason to put a game/bundle in a bundle list?? I mean, I still spent some good money to buy those bundles, and I got nothing for it! That´s absolutely RIDICULOUS and STUPID. Why was there no warning beforehand that it will soon be added to the bundle list, so I would save my money and not waste them like that?? I mean, there is no reason at all for it to get in that list, as I see now, the discount is STILL 90%. I believe it would be fair to get it off that list and give back the contribution. Until that, I am very disappointed in SteamGifts doing things like that.
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I believe this happened before with the Serious Sam Complete Pack, the reason given being differences in regional prices plus a large discount results in a discount larger than 95% off ROW price.
I may be wrong though.
EDIT: also, technically you got 50% more CV than actual buy price, as if you bought it on a 33% discount (plus regional price differences)
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Yes this is the case, confirmed by a moderator (guess that kind of makes it official ;-))
Is there a way to check regional pricing? I think it used to be in Enhanced Steam, but that doesn't seem to work anymore..
EDIT: nvm, found the setting in Enhanced Steam
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What? Daedalic Armageddon is bundle now? Come on. It consists of great games, and discount was in limits, but still bundle value? Whoever made this decision - I hate you.
PS. I didn't given it away, so don't think this is because of personal reasons.
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Shobo's the bundler. This move may have been necessary, but I am highly in favor of a clear set of rules and/or prior warning before this kind of stuff, it can really piss one off, not to mention waste many people's CV unfairly (I was $1 short of buying it myself and giving it away here, glad I didn't spend $20+ for nothing).
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What's really annoying about it being a bundle now, is the fact that they back-dated it 3 months. I'm new to the site, and did that giveaway to get me up in level fast, and now I lost a full level because of this. Not really too sure how many more giveaways I am ever going to do on here because of this.
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Don't make giveaways just to level up, it's a waste of money. The chances of getting something out this kind of investment is abysmally low.
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Don't make giveaways just to level up, it's a waste of money.
Just stop at
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Why is the game made the list of bundle games games since April ? The site administration is engaged in 4 months ? According to what rules the game made the bundle list games ? Discount 90% of the pack . Why change contribution retroactively ?
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I also think they should only be bundled for a certain time as well. Just checked a game that's been bundled for 3 years. Kind of excessive if you ask me...
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Memory's pretty rusty, but IIRC back in SGv1 clicking on a giveaway's image would show giveaways of the same game and a graph of the game being given away over time (X axis is number of copies given away, Y axis are dates).
So I think at one point one of the SG folks said (don't quote me on this) that the basis of bundling is the occurrence of a "spike" in GAs, i.e. if suddenly everyone starts giving away the game; then someone would investigate the cause of the spike. If it's a bundle (or a regional price error resulting in a store price less than 95% off ROW) then the game would be bundled.
Sooo I guess those who want full CV from their GAs should keep in mind, whether a current discount or glitch or regional price will result in this "spike" occuring. A weeklong with a 90% off price? Probably yes. A ten-minute price glitch like what happened to Don't Starve or LA Noire last sale? Probably no.
...I think.
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Wow that really sucks. I nearly bought it to give it away.
That proves again that its not worth giving away non bundled games because in the end you get fucked by price drops or some regional pricing shit. Kinda expected this to happen because its 5$ in russian store thats why I made this thread.
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Yeah... it was deemed bundled since Apr 15, 2015 (when it got 90% off I suppose).
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Yes it's worth giving away non bundled games because people like winning non bundled games.
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Thats right but if you invest the money in bundles you can make more people happy and get more CV.
E.g. some people spending 16€ an the armageddon pack they could have bought multible bundles and making 30+ people happy and getting more CV and more new slots. So win-win situation.
If you look at it from this point of view it would be more logical to give away bundles instead of non-bundled games.
Im not saying everyone should stopp doing those GA. What I wanted to say is that the situation and problems like this deters me from doing it.
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It's true that you get to gift to more people, but I'd rather win one non bundled game than a bunch of bundled games.
So if you give away a non bundled game, you're only making only one person happy, but you're making them mega happy ^^
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Oh no it's in a bundle now...
Ok, hate aside, for the same price you pay for the full priced Armageddon, you can buy several other cool games and make a train or something. So really, cheer up (:
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So the Daedalic Armageddon Bundle is on sale right now and I thought about making a giveaway. The only problem is that many of the games were in a bundle before and are on the bundle list but the Armageddon Bundle itself isn't.
So my questions are:
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