To start thing off, I am no troll. I didn't go through typing all of this to be like "Can't wait to piss people off!" I came because I REALLY need help. I'm finding it very hard to enjoy this game. I'm counting on actual Diablo fans would bring up the golden and highlighted parts that I just might be missing. I got Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls for like $29.99 and to me, $30 isn't worth a troll. So I brought it home, started playing and I just could not enjoy myself. The world was very bland, it felt like I was going nowhere. The enemies were just too much of the same thing. And I beat about 3 bosses so far, and I have not taken a SINGLE hit in the game. I think I have it on normal mode. I'm a witch doctor, so my move set is pretty weird, in my opinion. It just feels so copy and pasted, as in: (projectile, projectile, slow down, different projectile). I really want to enjoy this game, but I just got so bored I had to stop playing. Does it pick up later on and become super great, or is it this was all through the entire game?

10 years ago*

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imo it's just worse and worse as it goes

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Well... Why don't you increase the difficult? I'm pretty sure you can increase it from 1 difficult before torment while you haven't reached max level with one character... It's easy to get bored when the game is super easy. And, well, the entire game is basically that... Killing monsters, loot etc. So I just take it you just reached Act II? Maybe give the story another chance. It's not an excellent story, but it's ok. I don't like the Act II too much, but I really like Act III.

Maybe you could try to create another character to see if you like the playstyle better too.

10 years ago

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haven't played much of it yet, but always pick the highest difficulty available for D3. Your skills are affected by your gear and they are easy to mix and match throughout your play, you can change them on the go

10 years ago

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It's a pity, but the most exciting thing about this game was the constant error 32 messages on release night. Go play Path of Exile; it's much more like the original Diablo, is way more interesting, and the ability tree is to die for.

10 years ago

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IMO these types of games probably just aren't for you. To me these games get fun when the skills are fun and I thought D3 did a good job with making the skills interesting. You can always try another class if you want to give it a go but there's no reason to push yourself.

10 years ago

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Yeah, I want to say the same.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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try path of exile, i found d3 to be one of the worst in the genre of what i played.

10 years ago

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have you played diablo 3 in the last year or so? the game is much (!!!) better now than it was when it came out...

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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If it wouldn't be hyped that much as AAA-Blizzard-Alpha-Blockbuster people would like it more, I believe. I played only the first Act with the monk and the demon huntress in the demo and I liked the game and both characters. There are some lenghts and some repetitive gameplay, but wasn't that the case too in Diablo 2 (Long live the Assassine!!! lml)? That's the nature of Hack and Slash Action-RPGs, and many others also.

10 years ago

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For god's sake play on hard, even like that it would be more of a challenge to get seriously hurt than not to. The difficulty isn't much, but i found the mindless goatman genocide even fun at times.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Go for the hardest difficulty available to you right now. It's more exciting after that.

10 years ago

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From the moment in which Cain was killed by stupid butterfly witch, I quit that game and came back to II.

10 years ago

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Thought the same (game seemed only half there at launch on things to do in the game without the pvp) & after finishing the game once, you have to do it again to get the higher difficulties, gets dull quickly. My tip, play it for a while then go with something like Torchlight2 (that has steam mod support & multiplayer) or other games.

10 years ago

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Just as usual for loot based games, it only really starts when you've reached max level and you're grinding for the best gear.

10 years ago

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this :)

10 years ago

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It's exactly why I think D3 doesn't do this. It's been about 2 years now (?) but I remember the skills and different permutations of said skills made it more fun in the beginning than it ever does for other games like it.

10 years ago

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I have played it for a long time and I must say that it gets boring after a while. Still, play some more, and see if you enjoy it or not. Otherwise, go play Diablo II, much better than Diablo III in my opinion.

10 years ago

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Campaign is boring especially in normal. End game is Rifts.

Not many people are playing anyway until 2.1.2 hits.

10 years ago

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From my experience with the game, you'll really want to play on Expert or higher difficulty. Anything less is a joke.
Even on expert it's fairly easy to survive but you'll at least have to pay attention to do so.

10 years ago

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diablo3 is one of my favourite games. i played diablo 1 & 2 too.
the campaign is only for warmup, the real game Begins at maxlevel and adventure mode :)
and please dont Play on "normal" :)
if you don´t enjoy this, maybee action-rpgs aren´t for you. maybe try rts-games or egoshooter instead? :(

10 years ago

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Protip - its easy. Set up the difficulty to at least expert or master

I bought the game like 3 weeks ago (with reaper of souls) completed it yesterday with wizard

Also, the problem with difficulty is than Blizzard came with nothing interesting when it comes to higher difficulties. And so the higher the difficulty = the higher the mobs HP pool. ATM I was just sitting in one place, playing with one hand and wondering when the mobs will die. Looking at one mob HP bar as it goes down so slooow isnt fun...

Overall I enjoyed the game but I doubt that this whole adventure mode is enuff to keep me playing.

10 years ago

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Master sounds good, but you can't put the difficulty there until you beat Act IV with at least one character, and while I can't speak for OP, I don't know that I'm going to be dedicated enough to the game to keep playing after I beat the story mode, so that would just leave Act V with a satisfying difficulty. :P

10 years ago

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Then it's time to lower the difficulty if it takes too long for anything to die. It doesn't matter if you can stay alive if you can't kill anything and progress.

10 years ago

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hit run hit run hit run enjoy diablo3

10 years ago

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I've got a similar, though not identical problem. I'm playing as a Crusader for my first run (picked up Reaper of Souls before I played for the first time) and the game is easier than falling down the stairs. I've played easy games in the past, and this is the first time I've played one that's so easy that I'm not enjoying myself. I've never died, never had to use a potion, hell, I've never lost more than 1/5th of my health at once, and I regenerate health faster than most groups of enemies can dish out the damage. I actually really like the skills and abilities and the new, interesting things Blizzard has done to the way you improve your character, but the actual gameplay is so easy, all of that stuff feels wasted.

I mentioned this elsewhere on the Internet, and was advised that the game doesn't really feel challenging enough to be satisfying until you increase the difficulty to Master (which is a problem, since you can only push it up to Expert until you beat Act IV), and that the real "focus" of Diablo III isn't the main game or the story, it's the endgame content, as if the game doesn't actually begin until you reach the maximum numerical level, and you aren't "really" playing Diablo III until you start gaining Paragon levels. I've never understood gamers that think that way about MMOs, and I sure as hell don't understand it about a game I intended to play singleplayer. :P

Someone actually used the words "this isn't a 'can you beat it' kinda game", which is kind of a problem for me, as Diablo II most definitely was, and that's what I was hoping for when I picked this one up. :P

10 years ago

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You dont have to beat act IV to unlock higher difficulty. You can also just reach lvl 60 and well, I reached it at act 2 because I was farming act 1 for achievements :P

10 years ago

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Don't buy shitty games from Activision Blizzard, instead try Din's Curse, Van Helsing or like many others mentioned Path of Exile.
Diablo 3 was just made so Activision Blizzard could milk that money out of the old fans that didn't wait for reviews or "tested" the beta.
How could anyone have guessed that always online, real money auction house, linear as shit gameplay and no skill customization could have been a "bad" thing...... ಠ_ಠ

10 years ago

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Guy gets bored playing in easy mode. Says he's not trolling.

10 years ago

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If the game is too easy for you - you can increase the difficulty. Normal is for sissies. Hard is the real normal. On Expert you might break a sweat, eventually... Someday... Monsters have roughly 300% hp and deal about 200% damage, compared to Normal. But you get bonus of 100% XP and gold income increase. Finish the campaign, start playing Adventure Mode. When you get about 300k dps switch to Torment 1 difficulty(or even earlier if you feel like it). Before Torment there's Master difficulty. It opens up after you finish the campaing, and that's the level you should start your Adventure Mode on. Complete assignments, run Nephalem Rifts, find Keys of Trial(only Torment difficulty, at least I think so, someone correct me if I'm wrong)to open Greater Rifts... Rinse and repeat for loot and glory. And Paragon levels.

If this does not appeal to you, I have no idea why you bought D3 in the first place, mate :)

Don't forget to visit Whimsyshire sometimes, those unicorns and teddy bears need cuddling badly.

Also, hit me up on Steam if you want to play together.

10 years ago

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how about you try to play with other, i do borrow it from my cousin and play once, but it bore me to dead after awhile playing it alone, and everyone i do found is gold farmer

10 years ago

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