It's just 75% off.
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It's a price bug obviously, 0,57$ for a 20$ DLC. 35 to 1 CV ratio
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Wow dude, what's so hard to comprehend? The game costs 99 rubles. It's now 24 rubles. That's ~75% off. What godforsaken price bug are you talking about?
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Yeah, I wrote this too, but Shobo isn't a support -(
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I can see only 2 abused games (Kane's Wrath DLC and Spore DLC)
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You asked for $20 games for $3. He showed you 8 of them. "I can only see 2"
...k, tagging you as a troll, too
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Are you a noob, that doesn't recognizing bundle and non bundled games?
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Don't you know how bundle game CV pricing is building? You can giveaway for 1 million $ any bundles as you want and nobody see the difference
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20$ game can't costs 99 rubles in a typical situation - so it's a price bug (20$ is 660 rubles)
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C&C3 20$ DLC costs 99 rubles without sale (24 rubles (0.57$) with 75% off)
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You CAN get 10 copies from a Russian guy, but unless this person is your friend, you're going likely be paying double of what it costs in the store for him.
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Don't tell me how we're leaving here in Russia, CHT :-/ And about your country-without-skyscrappers
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I'm a troll because I'm right that is a price abusing?
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You're a troll because you
So please do keep on rambling if you want the community to label you as a troll.
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So if you don't want to continue stupid pointless flood - you can just create a new thread with a voting "Giving a game with 35:1 CV ratio counts as a CV abuse"? And there we'll see all results by our eyes...
But now you're just don't want admit you're wrong and been a trolling noob
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Clearly you're still trying to troll, except it's going bad on you. All I'm doing is preventing regional pricing as bundled, which I have successfully done. On the other hand, you're still trying to make me in the wrong while you're in the wrong here about this.
In the end, you're the trolling noob and you haven't realized it yet.
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It's almost the same if someone tells us that counterfeit money doesn't hurt anybody, therefore they must be legit
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Where this argument isn't right? Oh, I've almost forgotten that you like to play pirated games linked to Steam
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This argument isn't right cause
Last but not the least, you are once again posting idiotic crap with yet again absolutely no relevance to this thread.
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CV boosting with abused games doesn't hurts anyone, huh? You're a troll and stop smudge SG forum with pointless flood
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He's not putting up random stuff, you must've misunderstood him, go read his posts again.
I'm not being captain obvious - I'm just informing others, who are reading this, that you yourself are a CV booster (Death Rally) and that's the reason of your stance on Boosting.
I told you to shut up just like you told someone else to shut up and you get so angry about someone else telling you what to do? You must be really emotionally unstable, you should get some help. Other than that, like some others here are tagging others as trolls, I'm tagging you as a boor and adding you to my ignore list so don't waste your time replying. Cya.
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If stuff like "Oh, I've almost forgotten that you like to play pirated games linked to Steam" and "And about your country-without-skyscrappers" direct from him are not random stuff, then please do tell me what are.
Also, I already pointed out that this is a valid sale, and shouldn't be added just because it's cheaper than the US store.
I also think you need to get some help, especially in reading cause you don't see the random stuff.
Go ahead and tag and ignore me all you want, but I'll have this reply for myself. Cya.
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Like creating fake giveaways?
Star Wars Collection - 2013 (100P) No entries were received. (Ended 3 months ago)
Total War Master Collection (90P)
No entries were received. (Ended 3 months ago)
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It is not a bug, it is supposed to be like that. Not all regions have the same base price, and when the game goes on sale, it's percentage based, and it's the same percentage in every region.
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Well as you say, that average percentage based 20$ game typically costs about 299-399 rubles, but not 99
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Russia's minimum wage is the equivalent of 0.97 USD an hour. That means that the original 99 rubles would take about 3 hours to buy. On the other hand, the US has a minimum wage of 7.25 USD. Three hours at the minimum wage would end up being 21.75 USD. Again, it takes 3 hours to be able to buy the game since it's 20 USD before the discount.
This is basic economics. >_>
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35 to 1 CV ratio CHT....And millions of your no doesn't change the situation
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I bought Skyrim for ~$2 in the Bethesda New Year Collection on Gamersgate. Same with a bunch of other people. It should be bundled too.
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And where're all this dozens of Skyrim and Metro LL giveaways?
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I count 53 dozen [Skyrim giveaways( and 15 dozen Metro Last Light giveaways
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People got Borderlands 2 from NewEgg for $2 a piece. People also got Metro Last Light from Best Buy for $1 a couple of months ago. People also get Mafia 2, FEAR3, etc free after rebate from NewEgg. Newsflash: regional deals and pricing don't go on the bundle list.
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I don't understand what you're getting at
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Borderlands 2
See the spike between Dec 26 and Jan 2? Those are the $2 copies. Added together, that's approximately as big as the Kane's Wrath spike.
Metro Last Light
Most of the copies given away in June were the 1 cent (made mistake, it was 1 cent, not $1) copies.
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I wish I could buy the games that cheap, the C&C collection included, and you talking about sales from regional stores that have to go in bundle lists :(
I need a Russian friend :)
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Yeah yeah, everyone in a world who don't agree with MasterMind CHT is a troll.
In this situation I'm right and if you don't agree with that - I'll just buy and giveaway several copies of Kane's Wrath on the forum like you want CHT ;)
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I never said anything about not agreeing with me is a troll. You've tried to troll not just me you know?
In this situation, you're wrong here. And feel free to buy and giveaway those copies. No one is stopping you from doing so.
And seriously, use some punctuation in the right places. It will make things easier to read.
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How have I lived all my life without that punctuation and you CHT? My life was so pointless -_-
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Yeah, but it's much better than live without skyscrappers and play pirated Bioshock Infinite linked to Steam
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Poor CHT, living in a "third world country without money", don't be so angry...Pirated games are also a good games, right?
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I got some points to make.
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First, who the heck are you?
Second, I add Origin games as a non-steam game just for the overlay. Problem?
Third, unless you can prove it saves quite a considerable time for the asking price and has big enough capacity, don't bother talking about this topic.
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First, I am not slow. Had stuff to do. Second, can you prove I was even playing steamworks games? Third, what's the difference between Origin games and those added as non-Steam games?
Everybody who has one you say? Prove it with 500 people that says it's epic and I'll believe it is.
Also, you haven't answered as to why you're speaking up for Valko.
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Dude, learn to read. I was talking about Steamworks games so stop talking about Origin, i never mentioned it and it has nothing to do with any of this. You added (already seen you do it with 2) steamworks game as non steam game = obvious pirate (which is sad imo, it's because of people like you why consoleusers think all PC users are pirates). And yeah you admitted being a pirate a few posts above.. ;p
I don't need to provide any proof, someday when you can afford an SSD you'll know and be sad about the time you wasted... waiting :p
And like i said, slowpoke. Figure it out yourself who I am lol.
Good night and bye bye by the way, it's getting late for you isn't it :x
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Yes, because you asked who I was.
And plenty of witnesses, it's as good as evidence (they won lawsuits with less :p). Many seen it, many know it and you said it yourself a few posts above :p
Pirate all you want but don't be stupid enough to add steamworks games as non steam games, It's very sad ;x
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Just because I asked who you were, does that mean that I didn't know who you are?
While it could be one ending, the other is that I knew who you are and just merely played around just for the heck of it.
It's very sad just because I add steamworks games as non-steam games? Wait till you see some of the drastic DRM measures that some companies take on their games before you say it's sad.
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Thanks to you CHT, that you have permitted everyone (and me) to giveaway that amazing game for 20$ CV that costs 0.57$
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I would just like to point out this quote of Valko
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More games, more giveaways, how's that a bad thing? Unless some booster grabbed you by the soft spot.
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Russia's minimum wage is the equivalent of 0.97 USD an hour. That means that the original 99 rubles would take about 3 hours to buy. On the other hand, the US has a minimum wage of 7.25 USD. Three hours at the minimum wage would end up being 21.75 USD. Again, it takes 3 hours to be able to buy the game since it's 20 USD before the discount.
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This is why, if you're RU, you should consider trading region-free video games and grinding low-stakes ipoker for a living. AMIRITE
Edit: Please note the slight sarcasm, as the original comment above illustrates the differing of living wages, but does not acknowledge the emergence of "fringe industries" such as the scenario I described. The trend is common in other proportionally waged countries such as Brazil. This advent is a double-edged sword, as simply hedging income off of currency values does little for the overall local economy (as opposed to having a job that's taxed, etc.)
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That is likely because your country isn't using a unique currency. If that's not the case then it might be because the country is too small to have its own Steam Store. If that's also not the case then maybe Steam just doesn't care to adjust the prices for your country.
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It's not a price error, it's been like that for months, why is it an issue now? Perhaps because it went 75% off, a bunch of people noticed and made use of it?
I'll laugh if it's added because it'd be the worse addition yet. Regional pricing that people get bent out of shape about should be added? Give it a break. Soon we'll see "I wasn't awake to purchase this deal so it should be added to the bundle list" threads popping up.
"it's same situation like a HiB for $1 but, due to all games are in one key, giveaway is created using any game inside that key and it worth $19.99"
Except they typically add all the games including those with single keys to prevent exactly that.
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as long as someone exploits this it should be added to the list, period. (you cant tell me the guy with 13 copies is doing anything else!)
we wouldnt have this conversation if they would only add REAL bundle games.
But when they started a few months ago to add games which werent in any bundle, then this should be no exception.
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You have to compare Ru vs. US Price because US price is the value here and they gain CV in USD.
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only the ones which fall under the rule -95%
(Im not saying I agree with this in total but since this is the common rule to get on the list, there shouldnt be any exceptions)
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What's stopping other countries from buying it from the Russian store?
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Using VPN/proxy to buy in Russian Steam store or other regional store different of your region using a fake billing address can easily render the account suspended or even banned, acording to Steam ToS.
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This is how I read your claim:
1) Use VPN/proxy
2) Buy from Russian Steam store (or any store not your regional store)
3) use fake billing address
These in combination will result in the loss of my Steam account.
Is there a premis that I am unable to just go to the link I provided, with no VPN/proxy, click buy and just buy it?
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So many giveaways of this DLC for hundreds of fake CV...
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Had these filtered, just recently took an actual look: >__<
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Nope, never was an issue. It's a 75% sale like there's been tons before.
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Ordinary 75% off sale with a 70 cents game for 20$? Then why I can't see hundreds of people with 5000$ + CV?
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No, ordinary 75% off sale with a $3 game on sale for $.75. CV is based on the US store values, while almost every game is cheaper in the Russian store. By your logic, we should put the whole Steam catalog on the bundle list since it can be abused when there are sales.
The game was 75% off, no more. Russian price on that game is much lower than US price, but there are no pricing error.
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Clearly, Support doesn't see it as an issue. If I had to guess, I'd say they're chalking it up to a slippery slope (regional pricing and conversion). They could still add a caveat for obvious exploitation, such as giving away 32 copies under 7 different giveaways for $640 CV.
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Will be Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath be added to bundle list?
Less than 1 buck in CIS/RUS region. Doing maths, it's same situation like a HiB for $1 but, due to all games are in one key, giveaway is created using any game inside that key and it worth $19.99
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