i really want to try to play a MOBA, since I feel that i've been missing out on an entire genre of games.

All my friends play LoL, but I've heard some good things about Dota too. So I want to ask for your opinion.

9 years ago

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Which one?

View Results
Dota 2

There's another which I personally prefer: Heroes of the Storm :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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And the most impolrtant point. The matches are like 15-25min long, not 45-60min like other MOBAs.

9 years ago

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+1 For player which are not familiar with mobas it is a very good start. And for me it was the end, because i still like it)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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+1 most accessible moba i've played.

9 years ago

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If you like any of Blizzard's games, this is only choice!
You'll find your favourite hero there.
It is only online game i ever played and I love it.

9 years ago

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New to MOBA? Start with Heroes of the Storm.

9 years ago

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+3 Because is now Eternal Conflict event. Butcher is released recently and soon Leoric Skeleton King might be released.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Newbie friendly.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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IMO most newplayerfriendly- Heroes of the Storm
Best MOBA - Dota2 :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I heard that dota 2 is more friendly for new players, I didn't play lol tho

9 years ago

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only if you can speak russian

9 years ago

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Commended !

9 years ago

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For an intro into regular top down MOBA's between the two would diffidently be LOL. Much less complex than DoTA. However Smite is third person and easy to learn.

9 years ago

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If you learn dota 2 later on your gonna enjoy it more than league.

9 years ago

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Neither. Go with Heroes of the Storm. I played League of Legends many years ago and DOTA 2 a few years ago. Both have an item system that requires you to take a lot of time to read and understand. Both require you to be good at last hitting. DOTA also allows for denials. I am more familiar with DOTA than LOL, and with that in mind, DOTA is more complex.

HOTS have neither of those. You just focus on what skills you want and the objectives of each map.

9 years ago

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Tried to play both of them years ago, didn't liked them. Tried to play them 1 year ago, people just don't like new players..

9 years ago

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give HotS a try then. Much less angry kiddos crying and swearing over how it's all everyone's fault they lost ;) Found it's community much more friendly. Sure - some idiots now and then, but they're rather exception than norm like in LoL and Dota2 :>

9 years ago

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I'm not a MOBA fan but ill try it ^^

i love awesomenauts tho

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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well, only problem is half of HotS maps don't have mid as they are 2-lanes :D:

9 years ago

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oh.. I remember playing the HotS tutorial. Indeed it felt a bit different :p
AFK OR FEED then.. choose wisely!

9 years ago

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In LoL "MID OR FEED" was actually "mid AND feed"

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I was once in the same situation. I tried Dota 2 without anyone to play with and I hated it. I tried LoL and always play with a friend. I'm not good but I have way more fun, whether we win or lose.

9 years ago

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Between Dota2 and LoL, I'd say LoL is much more forgiving when it comes to minor mistakes, like running solo into an enemy hero/champ.

Later on you might enjoy Dota 2 more, but that's about personal preference and you should try both.

9 years ago

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I never played Dota 2 before LoL, but I can say from experience it wasn't a smooth ride.

  1. When I started LoL, I just felt like I really didn't know shit. I was right.
  2. About a year later, I started playing LoL with a friend. It took me about half a year to really know what I'm doing.
  3. Tried out Dota 2, I was overwhelmed, quit it.
  4. Tried Dota 2 again, was boring, quit it.
  5. Tried Dota 2 with some friends, we sucked, quit it.
  6. Tried Dota 2 by myself, got my patience together, now I'm a Dota 2 player, but it was hard.
  7. HotS was boring, nothing original there, feels like playing Dominion in LoL...

TL;DR: Play with your friends, make sure you have at least 5 friends you can party all night with.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Pretty much the same. LoL is easier for a beginner, Dota 2 is more complicated for me.

9 years ago

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Skillcap wise, HotS > LoL > DotA 2 in ascending order.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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+1, cause you inverted the order, right?

9 years ago

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Inverted, how? Ascending meaning low skillcap to high, no?

9 years ago

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Youre saying, HotS is more skillcap than LoL, that is more skillcap than DotA2. Is that what you want to say?

9 years ago

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What I meant to say is, HotS has the lowest skillcap amongst the 3 and I would recommend them in that order for newcomers. I probably just phrased/formatted it weirdly.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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League of Legends is easier to learn. Mechanics are easy to understand and identify. Lots of unique champions to choose from based on your preferred playstyle.

Dota 2 is a bit messy in terms of presentation and arrangement, but has more features to offer. Being on Steam and having Steam API integration is really nice to have.

Heroes of the Storm has the least mechanics and would be much easier to start. Do be aware that it IS much more team-oriented than most games in the genre. Interacting with characters from the Blizzard universe can be fun.

Another game in the genre is Strife. It's fun and not too hard to learn, but isn't as popular, so has a smaller user base.

Infinite Crisis can be amusing, but other than using characters from the DC multiverse, it doesn't bring anything new to the genre.

Awesomenauts is a 2D-sidescrolling MOBA that runs a bit fast pace and will take some getting used to (not recommended for those new to the genre). There is an initial cost to the game, however.

If you're looking for a challenge, then look no further than Bloodline Champions. The player base isn't that large anymore, but it has some solid gameplay. While it's easy to understand a lot of what happens in this game, most characters have a reasonably high skill cap. A distinguishing factor is this is one of the few MOBA games that lack a tower defense angle to it and the primary mode of play is purely a battle arena. Not recommended for those new to the genre.

Smite is unique in that instead of being a top-down, it is third person over-the-shoulder gameplay, which makes for a lot of interesting game mechanics. Characters in this game are based on the mythology of various cultures.

The "big four" are League, Dota 2, Smite, and Heroes of the Storm. All are unique in their own ways and it seems that most people will enjoy one, be neutral to a second, and absolutely hate two of them.

9 years ago*

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This is the best MOBA that exists XD

9 years ago

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Moba sucks.

9 years ago

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Eventhough i am a LOL enthousiast after taking a break from wow i do hear HOTS is one of the better Moba friendly games out there. never played it myself as for me like many other players we stick to playing LOL. In the end it doesnt really matter what moba or game for that matter u play as long as u enjoy the game u play and the best way to play is with your frriends and family :)

9 years ago

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I played LoL for a long time because I knew some people who played, and I was just used to it. I got fed up over their freemium system and eventually eased myself into Dota 2. Now I primarily play Dota and have had more fun than I ever did in LoL.

9 years ago

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Definitely Dota 2. Playing LoL is wasted of time, LoL is pay-to-win game addictionally. (I played over 1000 games) There are games which does not speak loudly, because they are too good. We do not want it spoiled a community. Dota 2 is such a game.

Maybe Dota 2 is quite hard for new player, but there you will learn things, which does not exist in another MOBA. For example blocking wave, pulling creeps, warding and dewarding and using courier.

Dota 2 is the most extensive game, Here, a lot of things going on and a lot of stuff there is to do. Other MOBA are simplified and you will be bored them after some time.

I player over 1000 hours Dota 2 and I cant say that I know most about the game. One map and every game is different and every game require another skills. Every chatacter is free and you dont have to unlock anything.

Are you beginner?
Just play special mode for new players and tutorials. Try to win games. Try different heroes and dont break down. Probably you will be flamed and so on.


9 years ago

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How is League "pay to win" when there is literally nothing you can buy which affects gameplay?

9 years ago

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For example boosters, which allow you to gain more quickly IP -> more runes.The advantage from the beginning of the game.

9 years ago

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Most people even don't use runes until level 30... LoL isn't pay to win at all IMO, but it's nice o have more champions without grinding ip for months for them.

9 years ago

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DotA will always be the one and only true Moba out there. Been playing DotA well over a Decade now, and never bothered with any other newer copy cat releases like whatever people are mentioning. Then Dota2 came along, suppose it was time the game entered the new era of improved graphics but i haven't bothered much with playing Dota2 all that much because I've had my fair share of DotA all together. It certainly is not an easy game to grasp at first because you have to learn a lot of tactics and predicting opposite player's thoughts, tactics, movements based on what character they are playing. i recommend Dota2 if you're looking for the full experience.

9 years ago*

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Hots is like extreme casual player. Do you wanna learn some moba or do you wanna play something easy and quick? I will stick with dota 2, i find it more complex, hard and (at the same time) funny and has a lot of positive reinforments.

But, you gotta now, the learning curve in Dota 2 is hard and slow. Very slow. You have 1000 hours and still suck. The community in lol and dota 2 is shit. Its unfair, its always insulting and you are a "noob retard report this bastard" in 1 of every 5 games and probably without any reason :D

9 years ago

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LoL is easier to learn but has a shitty community (your new name will be "noob" or "retard" every game), I'd recommend you to play with friends, it's much fun then :-) another negative suspect is that you don't have every hero "free", you have a little rotating champion selection and can buy the champs with points you earn after played games.
I tried Dota2, liked it a lot but have to say that it's much harder, has more mechanics and seems a bit "slower reacting". The matches are usually longer than LoL, BUT THE BIG + POINT is that you have every hero free, you can even find skins and SELL THEM on the market. The community is not much better than LoL, I have to say. Ignore-function helps ...
personally I have tried other mobas as well, don't remember the names tho, but nothing has really moved me to play them again.

9 years ago

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None, stop playing mobas

9 years ago

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Lol is easier than Dota, but u must play with some friends, these games are made for playing with friends

9 years ago

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Lol is easier but if you start mobas from the begining (DOTA) others one will be so fucking easiers.

9 years ago

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