pff. Never! I played both of them. And TES was much better then gothic, each of the games which only copy of the previous
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Like hell it is. Skyrim is overrated. Oblivion is overrated.
Daggerfall is underrated, but Morrowind is just as great as they say.
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Yea I have to say Daggerfall was the one I liked the most. Hell, only one to have done lycanthropy the way it should have been done.. and it was not just limited to werewolves either.
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I tried it for the first time last year or the year before, with a whole host of mods, especially graphic improvements. I still found the world pretty boring and lifeless outside of towns. Barren, tedious landscape over 90% of the game.
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I really liked Morrowind (played it nearabouts to back when it first came out). I never beat it, but I wandered around a lot and also died a lot. I didn't understand the alchemy system at all and didn't much like the way you could definitely hit something, but the game would still roll dice behind the scenes to see if you actually hit it. But I liked the game. A lot. It was good.
I imagine that if I played it again now, I'd easily understand the alchemy system, but still be bothered by the non-physics hit detection. I don't know if I'd beat it, and I'd still probably die a lot.
I finally started playing Skyrim about a month ago. It's great! I like it. It's much MUCH more winterly, and the different races seem to be treated with more equality (politically-speaking), but on the whole, I'd classify it as being on par with Morrowind, albeit with a console-friendly interface.
I played Oblivion when it came out. Breezed through the story and had some fun, but on the whole it felt very pretty, but ultimately empty.
I haven't finished Skyrim yet (granted, I'm mostly doing a lot of wandering since my character's not too concerned with this whole Dragonborne business... and my old computer hates the load times traveling between areas), so it may yet let me down. And Morrowind's world is an entirely different experience, culturally- and geographically-speaking. So whether or not you would enjoy Morrowind if you didn't care for Skyrim's Fallout-yness... is very hard to say.
If you played and enjoyed the original Deus Ex, or Vampire: TMB, or similarly old-but-good 3D games, then I think you know what to expect, and then I can recommend Morrowind. If you didn't enjoy those though, due to age, then no -- I think you'd be frustrated with Morrowind.
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Also he can use some mods to modernize the graphics. For example water, character models, some high quality texture packs etc...
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It's a good game, overall, if you like RPGs and Open World, but there are some annoying bugs sometimes. I started playing, but didn't finish it yet. It gets tiring sometimes, but I recommend it. And, of course, it's Elder Scrolls, like Skyrim and Oblivion, so you'll see a lot of familiarities. But you'll miss some improvementes that are on Oblivion and Skyrim.
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It kind of depends on your tastes.
It's a big game with a LOT of content, the story is good if you bother to actually follow it(most people don't due to the absurd amount of stuff you can do between the main quests), the expansions are relatively big and one of them adds interesting lore that it's later the basis of oblivion and to a lesser level Skyrim.
It has a fair number of odd gameplay mechanics, but most of the bad stuff has been modded to no be so bad.
So if you want a long RPG with almost total freedom and very little hand holding, go for it. If you want more of an guided experience or an action RPG, maybe not.
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If you own the later games, check out this if you decide to purchase it. Lets you use the Oblivion / Skyrim engines to play the game instead (though Skywind is incomplete at this time).
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As someone who got into the series with the release of Oblivion, I have to say that I can't even enjoy that one anymore. It's been a year since I tried for the last time, but it just feels off. While there is a lot of content, the textures become repetitive after a little while (I never used mods) and retrospectively, it really surprises me that I had the motivation to push for the next oblivion gate, because it's the same - over and over again.
I tried Morrowind once, but well, you have to read a lot and the world feels empty. At its time it probably was considered an amazing feat, but from today's perspective I think it could only serve as a tech demo or an early sketchy prototype.
Let's see how Skyrim will age over time.
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From what i experienced, Morrowind is a good game but not like Oblivion nor Skyrim. Adventuring on Morrowind can be more dull, not to mention that this game has a level requirement for dungeons so you can't go all out like a hero and kill everything like in Oblivion/Skyrim let's you.
Game mechanics are weird, they are old, need to get used to it aswell. You will end up pretty much a newb in this game and get killed often if you explore the wrong places this early in the game.
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The fact that the enemies don't level with you is one of my favorite parts! Some dungeons are too hard for a weak starting character, so you have to plan and decide if you think you can handle it or not. It really gives a sense of progression too when you can come back and clear out dungeons that were too hard earlier.
In Skyrim, every enemy levels and there's no challenge and the combat feels samey the whole time because of that. All the run of the mill bandits start having epic armor and weapons, which breaks the immersion and realism for me.
You can go "all out like a hero and kill everything". Just not immediately; You have to play the game and get better equipment, level up. It makes the whole unstoppable hero thing much more satisfying. I don't like that you can pretty much take on the world the second you start Skyrim, I want to earn it.
(I do like Skyrim though)
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What is wrong with that mechanics? I find it better than the one in Skyrim. It is far more interesting when you have to "wait" till you are strong enough to explore everything. What is the point when whole world levels same as you and you won't find anything challenging?
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I prefer the setting, lore, and story of Morrowind. IMO there's nothing in Oblivion and Skyrim that is as interesting as the ancient dwarven cities in Morrowind.
That being said, I don't think you can go back though. The graphics are very outdated so I wouldn't recommend it to anyone now. Unfortunately, you missed the bus on this one.
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You'll probably want to mod it. vanilla is aged and has bugs. Mods have community patch fixes, HD graphics (Morrowind overhaul), you can solve the "empty world" problem miraqix meniotns with Morrowind Comes alive mod and others. You can make the combat more new style action and not dice roll old school rpg too, etc., etc. It'll be just about like any other cent game then.
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Morrowind was great back in the day, but it pales in comparison to Skyrim. Sure you can install mods to pretty it up, but you can do the same with Skryim and make the gap even larger. The world also felt a lot more empty, IMO.
I'd say try the Witcher series if you haven't already. Do keep in mind though that the first game starts off a bit slow, so just stick with it.
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I don't think it has aged well visually. And it doesn't have full voice acting like Oblivion and Skyrim do.
I wouldn't say its a bad game, but only play it if you are willing to accept the limitations of older games. (i.e. worse animations, bad graphics by todays standards, not a lot of voice acting, less lively environments, etc.)
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If you're part of the younger generation of gamers who can't live with the outdated graphics(tho there's a mod that fixes that more or less) or full voice acting(i wonder how we ever enjoyed RPG masterpieces like Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale without full vo /sarcasm off) then yes, for you it's overrated. If you however played it back in it's day or are an older gamer then it's in no way overrated, i played it close to when it came out and i did not touch any other game for months. I got no where near the same joy out of either oblivion or skyrim, could not even bring myself to "finish" either of them.
If you really want to try it despite not being able to cope with the problems i outlined above then, like others have said, use the morrowind mods for either skyrim or oblivion.
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Then you should have no problem with it especially since, as i said, there are mods that improve the graphics. If you're looking for a nice story, fun combat and lots of exploration(the oblivion ruins are a joke compared to the old dwemer ruins in morrowind) then i'm sure you will like/love morrowind.
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I would prefer Morrowind than Skyrim. Oblivion is worse from both. For me in many things Morrowind is best from all The Elder's Scroll's. Yes Skyrim have better graphic, but in my opinin Morrowind have better climat, much more complex and more different questions and locations. I not recommend OBlivion - after few hours i have end this and never back to it to play it whole. Morrowind I want play again.
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I loved Morrowind but couldn't stand Oblivion. By the time you mod the GOTY edition you have a TON of content to play. Also the skill and leveling system made way more sense than a lot of games before or after it. Want to get better at picking locks? Pick a lot of locks. Want to get better at jumping? Jump a lot. Spending time early on making yourself a good thief could get you great gear early on. It also taught you the importance of saving often and on multiple save files.
Steal something from the house of a merchant and try to sell it to the same merchant and he WILL recognize his own stuff and attack you or call the guards. Steal a set of awesome set of town guard armor and use it out in the wilderness and you will do good against monsters. Walk into a town wearing it and the first guard that sees you will call all his friends to kill you. Details like that add a lot to a game world. And the fact that the enemies don't scale to your level is a plus in my book. Go try to fight ancient powerful monsters while still level 1 and poorly equipped and you will get slaughtered. Level up a bunch and have good gear and then go find small woodland creatures and you will simply slaughter them. That is the way it is supposed to be.
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I really love this one! I tried it after playing Skyrim by the way! The combat mechanics can be a bit frustrating, and there is a lot of reading in NPC interactions! Not to mention dated graphics!
But if you are even remotely interested in Elder Scrolls lore, then you should buy it! The whole setting, the story, the factions are all interesting in my opinion! Just don't make the mistake of starting out with max difficulty!
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If you liked Skyrim, better to step into Oblivion before you go back to Morrowind.
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Install mods, so you won't need to worry for smth like that
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I enjoyed Skyrim somewhat, but I'd like a much less Fallout-y game, but similar to Skyrim's style. I noticed Morrowind, and it gets great reviews, but I noticed everyone giving it a good review had played it when it was released, or people even admitting they liked it because of nostalgic reasons.
So basically, is Morrowind a game I should pick up, or just an overrated, badly aged game? Also, is Oblivion a better game?
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