Kickstarter link.

11 years ago*

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Thanks for sharing that. Really cool idea I think. Then again I am also studying the Japanese language so :P

11 years ago

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I advise against backing this.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Its being done by one guy who needs to commission artwork, soundtrack and voice actors from third parties/free lancers. Personally, I think the goal is not enough to make this game.

The guy is also not a native speaker and there seem to be some mistakes on his video.

I do like the concept, though.

11 years ago

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hmm exactly what i think after knowing the creator and country.

11 years ago

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While you haven't stated a reason, I agree. :) I'm always against preorder/backer exclusive content, but in this particular case - an educational game - it seems a particularly bad thing.

However, it's a nice idea. It's not the first learn-japanese-RPG (there's at least 3 others I know of) but it might be the first to really integrate it with the story element, rather than the battles.

11 years ago

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I think I'll pass on this...

11 years ago

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reached the goal!

10 years ago

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£50,000 goal: PSVita Support, reached!

10 years ago

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3 days left

10 years ago

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It's not a jRPG, it's not japanese.
jRPG isn't a genre, it's a term for japanese RPGs and nothing else.

10 years ago

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Funny enough, Dark Souls is a jRPG and yet it feels totally like a western RPG.

10 years ago

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Why because it has a western setting?
Tons of early jRPGs did because wRPGs are influential them. It's the reason why Dragon Quest, the early Final Fantasy games, Glory of Heracles, the Tales of series, and others.

Not going to copy and paste but here's a short post I did over at NeoGAF talking about the subject

Seeing how popular how Wizardry was/is in Japan it wouldn't surprise me if it introduced people in Japan to the western-fantasy setting.

10 years ago

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i'm well aware the creator isn't japanese but he got helps from japanese so... the only thing is its not in japan, although the map is in japan region.

10 years ago

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So? The Marvel vs Capcom series are still Japanese fighting games despite having help from westerners in some way.

10 years ago

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lol but yeah what genre we are going to add for this jsRPG. RPGj?. its inspired by jRPG. its related to japanese art style or originality.

10 years ago

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"lol but yeah what genre we are going to add for this jsRPG."
jRPG isn't even a genre and never was, it was a term for Japanese RPGs.
But the answer you want is turn-based RPG.

"its inspired by jRPG. its related to japanese art style or originality."
So? jRPGs were inspired by wRPGs, Wizardry being an example yet they're not called wRPGs.

10 years ago

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my bad. alright alright.. you win. haha

10 years ago

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JRPG has become a term for games in the style of certain Japanese RPGs (and not even all of them, just a small subset of them -- generally ones that trace their line of inspirations back to Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior.)

You can dislike that usage if you want, but it's extremely common (it's used even by publishers themselves and by most places that categorize game genres in detail), so it's well-accepted and entirely accurate to use the term that way. Besides which, it's a more useful term in that respect, since knowing a game's inspirations is much more useful than knowing its literal country of origin.

10 years ago

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"JRPG has become a term for games in the style of certain Japanese RPGs "
To people who don't know what they're talking about.

Is american dudebro shooter a term for shooting games with white cleanshaven protags? No.
As I said before mechanics, story, and artstyle can not tied down to a country.

If you do think mechanics, story, and artstyle can be tied down to a country why does is it only apply RPGs? Why not other genres?

It's a simple term people who don't know what they're talking about are trying to complex.

10 years ago

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I have, in fact, heard people describe non-American games in terms like "American dudebro shooter" and immediately understood what they were talking about.

10 years ago

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awwkay, more shovelware
EDIT: Ohh I see It's a semi-educational game, my bad.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Eldrants.