WW and yesterdays pop remake was awkward ! its called prince of india believe me i`m a persian xD
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yeah its being develop by a ...studio with low budget dont expect final fantasy or resident evil remake :|+
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After all these years, it is good to see someone actually cares for the Prince of Persia title. So much potential got wasted when Ubi dropped it. Of course I am not expecting too much from a remake made out of game made in 2003, but it somehow made my day happier.
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are ridan to bazi faqat :| maham goftim bebin che remake i dar miyad in remastere fek konam goh zadan besh
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jalebish ineke migan bodjeashon ziyad bode 170 nafar dashtan rosh kar mikardan bad yaro omade gofte engine bazi anvil bode o baraye bazi haye open world sakhte shode baraye hamine ke nemitonim khob dar biyarim bahane haye alaki posht ham miyaran che rabti be graphicsh dare taze shabihe hendia ham kardanesh on dg rabti be motor bazi sazi nadare ....
badtarin jaye majara injast ke baqyash ro ham mikhan ba hamin engine besazan o toye ona ham ye gande dige mizanan pesar cheqadr shad bodam remake mishe graphic fazayi mire bala dastanesh yekam taqir mikone keif mikonim vali ubisoft kheily vaqte ke ride ta daste
jalebe taze omadi in site sabt nam kardi ?? man inja ye evil 3 ba arzesh bordam mabaqish ziyad arzesh nadasht inja asan irani ham hast ?ya mese ma kheily kam hastan bishtar wow mizanam to blizzard steam ziyad play nemidam
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Wasn't WW the one with the infamous goofy metallic bikini ass-shot, and dated screamy music with the grim-dark Prince calling everyone "Bitch" before chop-chopping them?
Was too discordant a jump from Sands of Time for me.
EDIT: I had to have hardcore porn open on the computer just in case I was caught by my parents so that I wouldn't be embarrased
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Honestly I enjoyed the SoT trilogy as a younger teen and was confused as hell when I tried to replay them a few years ago and found that my teenage brain had blocked all memories of the Godsmack soundtrack. Still decent enough action romps but not nearly as great as I thought they were back then.
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version of 1992
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MS-DOS 1989
on my Intel 80286 had no colours
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all the original trilogy games are some of the best games ever made but warrior within was and still is my favorite of the pop games, the combat was very well done with the ability to equip and throw your secondary weapon at any time and that gave you alot of cool combos to play with and the backtracking especially in the second half of the game as the wraith was great in my opinion
anyway if you have not played any of the pop games before i highly recommand you play them in order starting with the sands of time then warrior within then the two thrones, the forgotten sands was meant to be in between the events of the sands of times and warrior within but the story there and the combat were very underwhelming and did not add much to the original trilogy's story
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Sorry to be nitpicky, but Warrior Within is not part of the original trilogy. The series was nearly 15 years old by the time Sands of Time came out. There's some release oddities with the older titles (back in the olden days different versions of games could vary quite a lot, and sometimes be semi-sequels, even if they were not numbered), but there were at least 3 games prior to Sands of Time.
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well obviously what i mean by the original trilogy is the general known and iconic pop reboot that started with the sands of time lol, and for that it is actually 4 games and not a trilogy since the forgotten sands is a cannon prequel to warrior within
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The one that came out in 2008. Its by far the best looking game in the series, and is the only one in the series I enjoyed enough to beat. Also worth noting that the retail / disc release for PC is DRM free (that's how I played it).
That said, Sands of Time is the most popular, though if your going to play that game get it for Gamecube or the original XBox (every other version messes up the controls, graphics, or audio in some way, while the PS2 version runs at a lower resolution then on Gamecube/XBox).
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My personal favourite PoP game is Sands of Time, by a pretty wide margin. It's almost a mixed blessing that not all PoP games have got digital releases, because the game that came before was really bad (Don't worry about the story with that one, Sands of Time acts as a reboot for the series, so no need to play the previous 3+ games)
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To what are the Disgaea games similar? I haven't played that many JRPG's in my life, but I like games like Trails in the Sky, Final Fantasy (16-bit ones) and Super Mario RPG. Are the Disgaea games comparable?
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Disgaea are grid/unit strategy RPGs. Similar to Final Fantasy Tactics.
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In my opinion Disgaea is easily worth picking up at full price, so getting it for only $2.99 is a steal. You mentioned you love FF Tactics so I definitely don't think you'll be disappointed in Disgaea.
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It's somewhat similar to Fell Seal which was in one of the previous Humble Choice bundles. But it can be indeed compared to Final Fantasy Tactics. Just if you want to 100% the game you have to do A LOT of grinding.
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I don't mind grinding, but this sounds up my alley. Liked Tactics.
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They're similar to the Final Fantasy Tactics in the whole "play in a grid with turns" sense, but otherwise I'd say they're pretty different. You have a main area with shops, healing area, recruitment place, etc..., and from there you can talk to an NPC to do missions. The missions are always available for revisit any time you wish, even with higher level characters, except bosses, whose missions have different, generic enemies instead as replacement.
During missions, you have a hub panel from where you spawn your units from. You can get out up to 10 unique or generic units, classified into humanoid and monsters, each of which can do a movement and active action per turn, in any order you wish. You may attack, use magic, an item, or grab an adjacent unit and throw it to somewhere else, among other things. You can end your turn leaving units without doing anything if you want too. Then it's the enemy turn. There's a mechanic which let's you "capture" enemy monsters by throwing them to your hub panel. The grid panels can be of different colors, to which "geo effects" can apply, including healing for any units sitting in that color, damage, extra power and more. Also, depending on different factors, including the damage you do to enemies, you get rewards after finishing the missions, which include money and gear.
There's a thing called "Item World" which let's you go through a multi-leveled dungeon of sorts to upgrade your items. Every single item has its own Item World which you visit (so you can't equip the item whose world you're visiting) and you can find special bonuses which you can transfer to other items if you want after getting out of the Item World (usually after 10 levels, with 100 being the max). Each level in the Item World becomes harder and harder, so it's normally difficult to get absurdly powerful items from the get go.
Another mentionable thing from this game series is the absurd caps it has. Normally, you should be beating the main story with around level 80-100, but levels can reach 9999, without including the "reincarnations" which make a character go back to level 1 but with extra stats and which you can do multiple times for the same character, damage easily goes up to the millions, billions and even trillions with newer releases, and the postgame will require you to grind often if you want to see everything the game has to offer.
For me, it's a good series, with fun charcters and generally nice stories, but also a goddamn timesink which can absorb your life.
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Thanks for your detailed description. I will definitely check Disgaea out!
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This is a pretty good description of Disgaea. I've only played part 1 so far a long time ago but it's such an awesome game. I'm glad you mentioned Geo Effects, which is a really interesting mechanic and Item World is such an interesting and kool feature in my opinion that takes the game to a much deeper level. As I finished reading I was really surprised you didn't mention the Dark Assembly, Stacking and the Combo System which are 3 very kool features and mechanics that are definitely note worthy.
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I was making a quick comment to explain the overall mechanics and didn't feel like I should extend with a too big wall of text. Plus I think there are many more and better elaborated reviews/descriptions of the game out there to check if one needs more information.
I personally played Disgaea DS and Disgaea 2 PSP, and as I said, I do think they're really enjoyable games, but getting everything in the postgame requires an insane amount of time. I was constantly farming/grinding on the Item World and eventually just decided to move on to other games because I felt I was never getting enough progress done even if I spent hours playing everyday, and meanwhile my backlog of other games kept growing.
If I had 3 or 4 of me, I might just manage to have enough time to go back to them, but until such thing happens, I'll leave the series aside and just enjoy the story on some youtube video :)
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I am very interested in SoSC because of the awesome artwork and the story seems interesting (fan of isekai, what can I say) but every review I watched on youtube says that the game is obnoxiously difficult with a lot of bosses one shotting you, with game being random with monster encounters sometimes throwing monsters of way too high level for you so you just get stomped and more.
I don't mind hard games that make you think, but this one seems to be built for masochists.
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I was all set on getting SoSC after seeing it go -80% off, I tried it during a free play deal on Steam sometime ago and liked it.
Thanks for alerting that a remaster arrives in the future though, that actually gives me some pause about getting SoSC now, ha
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In your opinion which is better, Disgaea or Disgaea 2?
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I own both on Steam. I only played the first one back in the day on PS2 though. From what I saw there's some changes from that version to the one on Steam.
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Note that if you buy Forgotten Sands Digital Deluxe Edition, it comes with a copy of Sands of Time. Works out cheaper or the same plus you get dlc.
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No, activated straight way. But if you already own it you may get a gift in your inventory.
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Not a stupid question mate. Looks like someone posted a few links for you above. For me both versions are shown on the same page.
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For some reason Ubisoft set a price for every country except the UK. So the Deluxe edition is unavailable there, even thought the base game is. It's confusing.
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I brought Warrior Within a while ago but i can't get it to work properly with my xbox 360 controller and i really don't want to play with a keyboard and mouse :(
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I Love PoP all games. I own all on Ubisoft so wondering if buying them on steam makes sense?
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yah, you can see ubi the settler.
Last time settler 5 and 6 got gold edition. Then later they come out history edition. They not even give offer to loyal customer for this series.
Then if you quickly buy 5 and 6 history edition. You will regret because they come out The settler history collection which got all 7 series.
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