And gone 3 seconds later.
50 keys an hour... 500 and maybe. But 50 is just botfarm territory.
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I just kept doing 'open in new tab' repeatedly, to test it, and during the time I tested, between two tabs it went instantly from 1 minute to 60 minutes, meaning that all 50 keys were gone within a single second.
So, be it bots or an incredible amount of users spamming it, it's just not worth the hassle unless you're into that sort of thing, or really want the game :X
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Er, I don't know what other people are saying, I'm just saying it seemed really fast, so I tested it the one time, and they were all gone within a single mouse-click, that one time.
After that didn't seem worth trying, even if that was a unique case. :X
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The next round (50 keys) starts in 60 minutes. meh...
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(May have to open twice, I did since first redirected to home page.)
Does seem to be 500, as Dandey mentioned.
If they're expecting all 500 will actually review the game though then they're in for a drastic surprise. I'd be inclined more towards maybe 50 at best, unless there's actually 5000 keys and its being spread out over a couple days.
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If they wanted to get people to review it then they should have done it like a competition more than anything. I highly doubt few if any of the people who get keys will review the game. Hell knowing some of the people round here I doubt few of them will actually play the game..
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Guilty. Lol, well when referring to the last bit at least. There's quite a few of mine I haven't played yet, while others have put quite a few hours into.
If it looks like a game I'll play then I enter for the GA's, probably are two or three I wish I hadn't bothered with after getting them, but are some genres I actively avoid. Mostly Arcade Shooter (RIP was an exception, and early days >.^) since don't have the patience nor reflexes for them compared to 15~20 years ago. But priorities of games to play constantly changes, RPGs or FPS tend to be fairly easy to put down, since there's a lot of sidequests taking away from the main story already, while a novel or lineur RPG Maker sort of thing, its easy to lose track if you put it down and don't go back for a few days.
But in any case, the only notification even if wanting reviewers is on the page I linked. There's no mention of it on the Profile page to get the key. Seems they're only doing it to try to keep that Mostly Positive that has been slowly creeping away. The entire first page for me is covered in negative reviews, though don't go into much detail aside from complaining about the servers going up and down, a ridiculously long tutorial, and severe FPS issues - while others have no problems, common among any game though that last part is.
I'd give it a try if could get a key, empathist on the "IF" haven't been actively trying the entire time, but a good 4~5 times. Still, imagine some people putting negative reviews just for the hell of it because of the amount of hassle to get a key in the first place. Multiple different locations would have worked better, or just more keys in general. Especially if their goal is reviews. Or maybe will get some "I was given this game to positively review it"...
Heck, probably needs those reviews. Apparently its been in development for over 7 years at least, some of the reported bugs would have been resolved in a month at the most as they're hardly unique or rare to occur from the looks of things.
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Last hour I checked I didn't even see a button to claim a key, lol. All the keys went extremely fast (few milliseconds or so).
BTW. Is there a way to see previous keys given away by them if one claimed some? I swear I had some more than just Pirates key there while I still haven't used the keys :( I know that was stupid but who knew.... Perhaps there is still a way to retrieve them? I thought they will be located in my account once grabbed but doesn't look like that.
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Does it mean I've lost the keys I have claimed in the past?
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