Mordor, Dishonored, Bastion is the best combo with that budget. You get your action-y combat, your stealthy combat, and a killer indie with amazing music.
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The Witcher 2 but play Witcher 1 first if you hadn't its awesome but underrated compared to the others.
Also Dishonored.
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If money is tight and you want a lengthy game, then The Witcher 2 is your best bet out of those. Shadow of Mordor is also relatively beefy, but not as beefy.
Both The Witcher 2 & Mordor will take forever to download with your connection though... Dishonored would not be a fun download either.
If money is not very tight, and you'll be able to buy plenty of games in the future (just not right now), then Hollow Knight is amazing. It's the game that finally de-throned Super Metroid as the greatest Metroidvania ever.
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Dishonored + Bastion + Transistor. Lots of replayability and such good games. Plus those aren't heavy to download.
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The premise is confusing, you have enough to buy Bastion three times and yet seem undecided. Imagine your two favouriest people in the world. Imagine them playing Bastion. Imagine their happy faces.
There is no greater gift than the gift of Bastion.
But if you don't know two people DIshonoured and Witcher 2 are both bargains at these prices.
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If you dont have rush to play Hollow Knight then wait for better sales in the future.
Transistor and Bastion, although I've never played them, being from the same dev you'll probably get similar gameplay felling so if you buy one dont get the other.
Taking in account that you have a slow download speed probably get a less internet demanding game and then one of the 3 bigs and download them while you play the smaller download game.
If you want to maximize number of game bought i would go with:
Mordor $4.00 + (Transistor $2.99 / Bastion $2.99 / Devil Daggers $2.49 / Domina $4.99 / Mother Russia Bleeds $5.09 / Party Hard $3.86)
(Dishonored $2.49 / The Witcher 2 $2.99) + 2 * (Transistor $2.99 / Bastion $2.99 / Devil Daggers $2.49)
Dishonored $2.49 + The Witcher 2 $2.99 + (Transistor $2.99 / Bastion $2.99 / Devil Daggers $2.49 / Party Hard $3.86)
(Dishonored $2.49 / The Witcher 2 $2.99) + (Domina $4.99 / Mother Russia Bleeds $5.09 / Party Hard $3.86)
(Dishonored $2.49 + Deadbolt $6.99 maybe let deadbolt discount raise in the future aswell
Hope it helps. Happy shopping! ;)
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Devil Daggers $2.49
Transistor $2.99
Bastion $2.99
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Well, it'd take you 259 hours to download Mordor at that speed... It's a great game but that takes dedication to download for a 40-60 leisure hours of gameplay, in the end.
I'd go with Witcher 2, Bastion and Transistor. You get two relatively lightweight games to play while Witcher 2 takes about 5 days to download.
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I'd suggest Transistor and Bastion through the bundle but considering Pyre is in there too you might want to either wait for it to go on sale and grab all the games when they're all on sale or pick one and get the rest later.
I considered Witcher 2 myself. What swayed me away from it was the fact that I already have plenty of third person actiony rpgs and, again, the third title isn't quite on sale as low as the rest of the games in its big bundle.
I got Mordor because while I don't have the space for it right now the game originally costed $50 for just the core alone. All the DLC currently costs about $45 and some are skins. The GOTY version (which is all of it) is $20 base price and its $4? From $95 to $4 that's one hell of a deal.
Never played Dishonored, Deadblot, Devil Daggers, or Domina. Mother Russia Bleeds looks fun. Hollow Knight looks AMAZING. Sadly I'm waiting for it to go a little lower.
Party Hard's sequel had its alpha downloadable for free via Humble Bumble somewhat recentlyish. I would give a recommendation but I have yet to give it a whirl.
So in the end I'd suggest Mordor and either Bastion or Transistor. Which one depends on whether you want to play a hacknslasher or one with more of a tactical combat aspect respectively.
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I'd 100% pick Mordor.
Assuming that you manage to sell 3 more cards, you could add Transistor and Bastion.
If you don't, I'd pick one of them and get Devil Daggers as the third game.
Why I chose them against the others:
I wouldn't play Dishonored without the DLC.
Witcher 2 is good, but Mordor is imho better.
And the other indies can't compete with content/price ratio.
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dishonored id wait unless your getting dlc
bastion is okay but wasn't my favorite
same with mordor it was fun for a few hours
hollow knight is solid but its not the best deal. I'm thinking of it myself but at this point I'm probably just going ignore it.
deadbolt is also pretty solid.
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..and you want a lot of games, what do you buy?
That's is a little summary of my situation, Can you help me?
A few games that i want:
Mordor $4.00
Dishonored $2.49
The Witcher 2 $2.99
Hollow Knight $9.89
Transistor $2.99
Bastion $2.99
Deadblot $6.99
Devil Daggers $2.49
Domina $4.99
Mother Russia Bleeds $5.09
*Party Hard $3.86
One more thing, just to keep in mind for games like mordor, my download speed is 60 kb/s, really bad right?
Edit: Thanks everyone :D
I will put a GA as a way to say "Thank You", but tomorrow, now i'm sick and i want to rest :P
Edit 2: Here's the giveaway LVL+1
And what do i bought?
Here you can see
What do you buy on the last day of the sales?
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