I need help with Dual Monitors. My dad is thinking of buying a new Computer, mainly for work, internet browsing and video watching. He wants two monitors however, because he feels that he could get work done faster and more efficiently. He came to me for help, but I have no clue bout Dual monitors, as I never set it up before. So I need help. I mainly just need to know what specs are good if he's running two monitors, and what's required and yadda, yadda, yadda.

10 years ago

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As long as he has a graphics card with multiple ports, he is good to go.

It's really not taxing unless he plans on doing some dual screen gaming :)

10 years ago

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Beat me to the punch. What Atomic said :D

10 years ago

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Yep. All you have to do is plug in a second monitor and mess with the Windows display settings (same place as resolution settings).

10 years ago

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I didn't dream about having 2 monitors, until I upgraded my GPU and I saw....2 dvi ports, hmm, what could happen If I plug in another monitor, and.....TADAAAM now I have 2 monitors, multi-display, so, a larger display. I kinda really fucking love it even if the 2 monitors don't have nothing in common nope, they are not the same mondel, size, etc. Once you go 2+ monitors, you will never go back.

10 years ago

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Depending on your GPU, you will need to get a mini or normal DisplayPort Cable for the second monitor.
I wouldn't reccomend trying the HDMI port, because a lot of important info of that second monitor is lost that way and it might only be recognised as a 720p Monitor or TV.

My GPU pretty much looks like that one in the picture and I am using a 144hz and 60hz monitor in "expanded mode" and everything works fine. :)

10 years ago*

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I wouldn't reccomend trying the HDMI port, because a lot of important info of that second monitor is lost that way and it might only be recognised as a 720p Monitor or TV.

If you're sure the monitor can do above 720p it's most likely the HDMI cable, if not try to see if you can downsample on that specific monitor.

10 years ago

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might have been the "old" HDMI cable that I tested then, now I'm happy with my mini DisplayPort and there is no need to buy a new HDMI cable. (`ー´)

10 years ago

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he feels that he could get work done faster and more efficiently.

He is right about that. Also about the setup etc. all you need is two monitor ports(don't have to be the same type of ports) on the graphics card as @AtomicWoodchuck said.

10 years ago

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After using a multi-monitor setup for a while, I'm actually having a hard time working on a computer with only one. I'm so used to spreading things across all monitors that I have no idea where to place open documents to see everything.

10 years ago

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I have no idea where to place open documents to see everything.
Buy more monitors.

10 years ago

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If I could afford it, I'd go from 3 monitors to 6. Then my biggest problem would be to find out on what monitor I left that darn document... :P

10 years ago

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I got a simple solution for that: Stick post-it notes on each monitor.

10 years ago

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If your dad wants, he could get a 21:9 ultra widescreen monitor and use the "Split screen" feature to have everything side by side. Though, at the moment the cheapest good 21:9 monitor is the LG 25" (they go up to 34" I believe) is ~$249 USD. :/

All you need to do is connect the monitors to the ports and select as individual displays or extended and you're done. :)

10 years ago

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other commenters got it first, but once you go multiple monitors, you can never go back. been running 3 monitors for a while now and went to visit my brother and used his 1 monitor pc and it was awful heh.

10 years ago

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Same here. Even my 2 monitors setup at work feels contrived now.

10 years ago

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I've got 2 monitors at work and i love it.

10 years ago

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Thanks for all the replies guys. This really helps.

10 years ago

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