The definition of the word undermine - to injure or destroy by insidious activity or imperceptible stages, sometimes tending toward a sudden dramatic effect
Translation in simpler English - to put their items at lower prices than normal, which destroys the chances of the other people to sell their items at an acceptable price
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Only problem is you're probably thinking "undercutting" which is a legitimate market strategy of someone who's willing to sell at a lower price point for short term profit. The market reaches equilibrium when noone is willing to undercut any more. That probably means that current steam market prices are inflated.
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You are right, but that was not my point because the prices on the Steam Market are not inflated, yet people with many keys just post their items for ~0,10$ less than the original price (which is quite normal)... I used undermine because it bears a bad connotation as opposed to undercut which, as you mentioned above, is a marketing strategy...
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You are right, but that was not my point because the prices on the Steam Market are not inflated,
You reckon? Crates are found "randomly" while playing the game; not earned, not bought. That they have any value whatsoever is puzzling. This is somewhat borne out by the fact that there are 100s of thousands of them currently on the market, with the prices starting at $0.02 USD...
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That never happens in tf2. There's always someone willing to undercut. ALWAYS.
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"Socialism! Everybody has much, much less than they would under capitalism unless they are a high ranking government official in which case they live like kings."
Fixed that for you.
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I thought you were gonna be able to sell hats for example, but apparently no deal, I guess Valve doesn't want to lose money by people lowering the prices.
I tried to sell crates (I have like #2, 3 etc. the old ones) but how the hell am I suppose to set a price when
a) it doesn't let you search for a specific number of the crate (and there's like 80 000 of them on the market now)
b) there's no real price variation since the crates are sold 0,02-230 euros
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Valve can't lose money in the market, they just get money. Even when you would sell a key for some cents Valve makes profit of it (from the purchase in the Shop and then from the market purchase). They probably disallow hats because they can be crafted for free and the other things can't be crafted (only crates can be gotten for free).
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Allowing the sale of hats would be the dumbest thing ever because people cannot manage to learn the actual prices now when there are only 50 eligible items... Think about what will happen if there are around 500+ items for sale, that would be total chaos without any firm prices
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Same as regular market and key giveaways: the most skilled ninjas (and lucky people) get the best deals.
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The beta market is limited to one time use items only. Once the beta is done you'll be able to sell almost every item.
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Oh, I've had 16 TF2 keys just sitting there for months. BTW, this is going to make getting premium on a TF2 account so much easier if you can send a TF2 key to a free account; put it up on the market for cheap, and then buy something off of the mannco store. You don't need to spend $5
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You can't sell things if you are not premium AFAIK
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That's how it works. Profit is based on the amount of items you sell, and there's no better way of selling a fuckton than having the cheapest price. As long as the profit from the amount of items you are selling outweights the losses from having cheaper prices, there's nothing wrong with it.
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winter and naughty crates, u can get 20,40,70 cents depending on the situation :P
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English not being my first language, I did look up undercut:
"un·der·cut verb ˌən-dər-ˈkət
6: to undermine or destroy the force, value, or effectiveness of"
also here:
"Main Entry: undercut
Synonyms: burrow, cut, gouge, hollow, tunnel, undermine"
Maybe I should look up what a synonym is, too...
EDIT: I just noticed English doesn't seem to be your first language, either - are you quite certain the difference you're implying between the two actually exists ?
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I accidentally bought a crate.
For 23 cents.
Now I'm poor!
Edit: I sold it for a penny, I'm not poor anymore.
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Care to list some examples? Most items I've seen are increasing in value unless they were way off the mark to begin with. Should probably be grateful that keys are as high as they are when you can purchase them for $1.25 on many other sites.
I saw a post below where you said "Keys and Salvaged Crates" are the only worthwhile items to sell. Not sure if you're trying to hide the good items for yourself or actually think those are the best two items, but you can purchase items for 1 ref and sell them for nearly as much as keys so I think there are some better choices. They don't sell nearly as quick, but profits are higher!
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People who undermine the prices in the Steam Market should be put to violent death with an exorcism after that.
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