I thank everyone that has given me the games via steam. Not sure how I'm suppose to thank them after they give it through the website. That's why I prefer adding people when I win or when someone else has won. Gives a sense of emotion, rather than robots spamming this website, looking for games.
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? I take you don't speak of your personal experience, as you got 9 comments max on the rare ocassions you made public GA. Unless someone makes a popular, bot-lurker-leech-etc. attractive, low level giveaway then maybe gets a few dozen thanks during the whole run. Hundreds? Hell no
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While that may mean more, unfortunately sometimes GA creators forget you thanked them on steam. If you thank on the GA after you've won, it's different than the other ones before :-)
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But you can't count one, because the creator of the 'massive' GAs is know to not care for re-rolls.
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hmm really? i look thru the comments on one of them and he was willing to do rerolls .
i dont like him but i can at least give him some credit for that
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I had multiple wins because I joined a few giveaways for that game. I got the first and the second one on the same day and didn't realise. I got punished for a very long time because I didn't leave my other entries on the same day.
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I didn't know, remember winning the other one. So it was my bad.
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Solution to this is to provide the creator with a new key and ask them for a reroll... It will be removed from your record on SGTools.info
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don't even have to provide a new key, I got really unlucky (or maybe lucky) this week and won 3 games, each one 2 times within a few hours difference, usually when I was sleeping - I just asked giveaways creators to re-roll me, apologized for trouble, good thing I am trustable enough on this site because they had already provided me keys but I hadn't touch them
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Due to the groups I belong to that happens to me from time to time.... Just only mark received after you've actually activated a key for the GA you've won. Never before. Then you'll never have the problem... Rerolls are common enough on the site especially when you are trying hard for a specific game :-)
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Maybe I confused the GA creator. There have been a couple of cases of "developers" not doing re-rolls.
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I don't say a lot on the forums. Maybe from posting offers on trades :/
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41 because people can't handle blood thirsty chickens ;3
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I want to say, that the ghosts of the people you stabbed Bl you. But that would be way more than 41...
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phh... when I see someone blacklisted me, I give him my heart and leave a positive comment in his thread so he could understand that I'm an angel and that he will burn in HELL!!!
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This is what I mean. People being butthurt for no reason.
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I won the same DLC three times within short period of time. Accepted one of them and asked the other two to be rerolled and they were cleared. Winning multiple copies of same title is not a problem. Keeping those wins is.
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WOW What a worthy blacklist, comes to this discussion just to rant about his own problems.
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That sucks, fortunately most of those people, probably Blacklisted you for breaking the rules
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No sure, but they weren't major. First was for spamming, second was for entering multiple giveaways for the same game and won 2 of them on the same day.
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I don't trust the staff for SG. They never listen to me.
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well, praying won't get you anywhere. You need to create a ticket
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But he got them both and marked them as received. :/
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I can't consider spamming as something bad. But well, winning the same game twice is something bad. :P
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Just accept it, opening a thread like this will only help you raise that number, its also the easiest way to get suspended if you havent already
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I'm on 8 Blacklists only.
Sad thing is that people who broke the rules added me to their BL, because I told them that they broke the rules... but whatever, they're mostly not worth anything.
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you have 5 won / 26 win (0.19 ratio)
you have broken the SG rules (by having multiple or not activated wins)
both of them are popular blacklist reasons
PS: I am not saying that you were not already punished for breaking the rules, I am saying that it's one of the popular reasons to get blacklisted
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People really BL people for winning too much and not giving away enough?
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Yep, they blacklist for any reason or for no reason at all.
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You blacklisted me first. xD I never blacklist people, except if they've blacklisted me first. There's only one exception with a guy that was a ultimate shithead, but as I said, he's the only exception. But you probably had your reasons to blacklist me. But check what I wrote below about another guy:
"For example, I saw today that someone blacklisted me (dunno when he blacklisted me), although I have never talked to him, never participated in his ultra small number of giveaways, and I have a far better ratio than him (when I say far better, I mean MASSIVELY better). So, why would he blacklist me? I don't understand. :P"
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1) The winner should obviously activate the gift. Other than that, he can play it whenever he wants, if he wants. 2) I'm not a bigoted shit.
So, no way I took part in the 2nd conversation. About the 1st conversation, I don't think so, but anyway, check your notification history to be sure. I told you my opinion about both though.
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Alright, there was a guy who said that according to EU laws this site is illegal because the winner should do whatever with the gift and I thought it was you! Well, since now I don't know why I did blacklisted you in the first place, you're off that. Hope everything's cool, and of course, it's alright if you keep me on your blacklist.
All the best! :)
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Well, I'm not a lawyer and I don't know about laws. I know about laws related to food though. It would be better if you would remember why you blacklisted me at the first place. The last thing I want is you to eventually remember that reason and blacklist me again. But anyway, I removed you from my blacklist. :P
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I'm not a rich person. The only games I can give away are ones that are under bundled games, meaning I will earn hardly anything from those.
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An indiegala happy hour bundle can give you up to 15$+ CV for a dollar ^^
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also his steam inventory counting cards only is worth 130$+ , not to mention all those TF2 items
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I appreciate that, but most of it is from trading.
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You have over $218 from steam alone, another $417 from TF2 alone, making a total of over $630, and you say that you you can't make giveaways because you're not rich or that you got that from trading.
If you spent ONE percent of everything you made from "trading", it would be equal to 6$, enough for buying 6 IG HH bundles and giving away over 70 games, assuming 12 in each. And many people at group buys accept steam keys for CS:GO/TF2 as a payment.
It's called being selfish and repeating to yourself that you can't make giveaways believing that eventually it will be a truth. I can assure you that at least 99% if not more of the community here is not rich either, majority of them have even less than you, yet they're still trying to contribute what they can. If you want to change anything, start from yourself. It doesn't take much money to buy a bundle or three, and it doesn't take much effort to give them away either, it only takes willingness. Perhaps if your ratio was better, you'd also hit more whitelists and less blacklists, but instead you decided to rant about that and you exposed yourself, which means that the only thing you'll be getting is blacklists counter being increased.
No, I don't care about ratios in general, and I won't blacklist you for that, neither for breaking the rules, because you don't deserve it regardless. I'm just getting sick seeing people with over 600$ steam inventories claiming that they're "poor" or they "can't" buy a $1 bundle to make somebody's day, yet they accept generosity of other people doing exactly the same, while very often being in much worse situation than the one who claims to be "poor".
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If you spent ONE percent of everything you made from "trading", it would be equal to 6$, enough for buying 6 IG HH bundles and giving away over 70 games, assuming 12 in each. And many people at group buys accept steam keys for CS:GO/TF2 as a payment.
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I suggest to start from Group Buys. Here you even have example GB running and creator accepting TF2 keys. 2 TF2 keys for 3 bundles is very good price (although not excellent and it's only example group buy, you can find much better ones, I'm just too lazy to find them for you).
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I'm dirt poor. I'm on disability have 6 kids and a wife who works at walmart. I'm completely reliant on the state for food and my 6,000 dollar a month medication and most months I have 0 dollars extra to spend. So what I do is tremor for many cheap bundle games, enter plenty of sweepstakes, and then I idle during my websurfing, take the cards sell them and buy games for give away. When I get bundles from humble I give some of those away. Really no excuse in my opinion for not giving back something on occasion and when adult Christmas aka tax time hits Ill be doing a top 3 wish list GA to try and even out my low costs GAs during the year..
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For example, I saw today that someone blacklisted me (dunno when he blacklisted me), although I have never talked to him, never participated in his ultra small number of giveaways, and I have a far better ratio than him (when I say far better, I mean MASSIVELY better). So, why would he blacklist me? I don't understand. :P
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Because your avatar promotes violence against harmless shadows. The shadow has no weapon in hand.
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Trust me when I'm saying that if you were faster than your shadow, you would have shot it too. :P And check out the shadow a bit better. The shadow is trying to reach its gun, so Lucky Luke shoots the shadow first.
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currently on 7 blacklists, don't know why, but if people think I should be on their blacklist, I won't stop them, it's their right to not like me :)
also on 40 whitelists, thank you to all these nice people :3
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nearly 100 and growing here :D
anyway probably it's because of you bad ratio
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Butt hurt people obviously will blacklist me just from making this post.
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I know. I wasn't planning on removing this discussion. Thank you for the support though :^)
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Absolutely love that Leonardo DiCaprio gif. Keep it up!
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someone has just blacklisted me after this comment hahaha
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Not me, but I think you can BL and then unBL but it still counts towards your number.
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No, it's calculated in real time so it doesn't account for blacklists you've been removed from. If you look at the graph you can see that the numbers only go up, never down
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You mean that if you open your stats page right now, you can see for example something like 50 blacklists on Janurary 1, and 49 blacklists on January 2 ?
I didn't mean that it can't go down since the last time you checked the page, but when you look at the graph and compare 2 dates, the oldest one should never have a higher number than the other one
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my first blacklisting was a mistake, which was a shame, but now I have three which are real!
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21 blacklists \o/ That's it?
212 whitelists o.o Thank you!
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Eh not quite. I let the game run even when I'm at work or sleeping to mine resources ^^
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I'm on 18 blacklists. Some people in the world just don't like smiles! :)
Well, that's what I tell myself anyways.
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48 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by SilentGuy
So I was just going through my statistics and found out that I have been apparently blacklisted by 19 people. Not sure for what, but I have. So, just wondering how many people you have been blacklisted for. Do we have a few rebels amongst us? :^)
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