ATOM RPG: Post-apocalyptic indie game
It is pretty much like fallout 1 and 2
Made by a russian game developers not for money but for the oldschool experience well as far as I heard =/
Here is the steam store link
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I mean no offence and I respect your point of view but I cannot agree with you
The loot system is existing in so many games it is true
But the game where you have starving, enemies (which belongs to different oposing each other factions), crafting and "you are dead start from the very beggining with nothing left from the previous tries" is pretty much a survival game
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I would suggest Starbound but I might be a little bit biased :D
Also on a sidenote, is Dead Island generally considered Survial ? It has no hunger mechanic which for me is one of the main pillars of survival games.
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I think they are very similar games.
They are. Starbound brings in enough new ideas to keep it fresh for Terraria players (like the hunger system and a story) but if you didn't like Terraria odds are you won't like Starbound neither.
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didnt the developer abadoned this project already ??
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You might be interested in the Metro series. They aren't survival games as per say, but it is set in a post apocalyptic future and you have to conserve ammo to purchase items with and of course, kill enemies. They've got great stories I totally recommend.
You can play on harder difficulties where conserving ammo becomes much more important or you will be screwed, every bullet counts.
As for an actual survival game, Project Zomboid is one. Honestly this game frustrates the hell out of me as I cannot stand learning it's ways because it is so detailed and difficult (well at least to me). I have not played it much due to that. But, having said that, I read multiple reviews and most (77%) say it is a good game. So it may be worth a look for you.
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Enjoying Survival games a great deal myself, I'd highly recommend gems like Darkwood, Project Zomboid, Sunless Sea and This War of Mine, although none of them is 1st person. The 1st person ones I can recommend are already in your list.
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I see two commenters already beat me to PZ because I'm so bloody slow. As for the frustration it brings - sure, there's a lot to learn and it's quite difficult at the beginning, but for me it's well worth it because a lot of the mechanisms are quite well thought out. And it's still in development, so there might be a lot of nice stuff still on the way.
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I was about to give up looking but I knew there was a Walking Simulator which sounded like it fits your bill in the Winter Sale Deals thread :D
Near Death
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Big fan of survival games myself! I'm currently waiting for a sale on Conan Exiles. Has some negative reviews, a lot of which are related to features that were promised but not delivered in early access. But I've read a post from the developer stating that anything that was promised will be delivered post release. Game looks pretty awesome to me, in any case :)
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Yes. They posted a dev stream on 2 March talking about some recent changes. They've also set a release date now, which will be 8 May (if I remember correctly). This is what got a lot of people pissed because they admitted that some features will not be done by then, but will be added at some point. Take from that what you will :)
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Empyrion is good and getting better with each update, the crafting is fairly simple and mining can be automated once you can build the auto miners. You might have some performance issues if you play on larger servers with a bunch of people but otherwise it should run great unless you're using an older computer. Definitely check out the vehicles in the workshop if you decide to give it a try, there's so many you may end up spending more time browsing them than actually playing the game.
I see you've already decided to give Project Zomboid a try, but I'll just say avoid the "RP" servers in general unless they specifically state they're no PVP or consentual PVP only, it's been my experience that they're usually "open pvp with RP elements." Of course, if you're into pvp then go nuts.
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We Happy Few might be something to keep an eye on, despite the little controversy about them raising the price and what not ;)
Also, Darkwood. I've heard good things about the game, though I haven't played it myself. It's on my watchlist, because it looks pretty good in my opinion :)
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Crea if you like games like Terraria and Starbound -
Eternal Winter -
Planet Explorers -
Salt -
Signs of Life -
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I'm surprised you haven't listed Don't Starve, or The Long Dark yet. (NVM, it was mentioned, my bad)
They're both really good!
There's also death road to canada - which has local co-op if you prefer!
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Have you cleared the other modes? They've added in new characters in these few months if I'm not mistaken?
Death road to canada is p fun <3
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Cool, cool!
If you get some nice survival game recommendations, let me know as well!
Recently got into the genre and am loving it.
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its a videogamedunkey clip
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Counterpoint. Don't be an idiot reviewer who hates on Konami.
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Yea, it was cheaper some months back. But in preparation for their release, they raised the price. Unfortunately, they pushed back the release date with the hopes of getting it out this summer.
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Have you considered No Man's Sky?
Hear me out, now. I know the game got a lot of well-deserved hate due to the outright lies the devs said during the marketing campaign, and the fact that it was pretty bad and shallow at launch. But after three major updates (and dozens of smaller ones), the game is turning out to be a pretty good space exploration survival game.
Yes, it is a survival game: Gather resources to maintain your life support and environmental shields, even to keep your mining laser/ and weapon charged. You also need resources to fuel your ship, build bases, upgrade your suit/weapon/ship, or trade for currency with which to purchase blueprints or other resources at space stations.
I'd only recommend it at a discount. If you don't mind spoiling yourself the early game, you can only check Let's Plays on YouTube, but if you do, make sure they're dated September 2017 or later, after the Atlas Rises (v1.3) update.
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Yes, I have it, and I like it. I play in Normal Mode (kind of a "light" survival) so it isn't too difficult, but there's an actual Survival Mode with harsher environments, stronger or more aggressive creatures and robot sentinels, more limited resources and faster depletion rate of your suit and equipment's charge.
I don't know if I'd call this game a zen experience, but it's true it isn't exactly nail-biting (at least not in Normal Mode), it's often more about patience: the patience to explore, the patience to mine or collect resources (not the most exciting activity).
A lot of the crafting, basebuilding and farming is only viable later in the game, as they often require blueprints or complexe resources that can't simply be mined or crafted yourself, both of which you'll need currency to purchase. And getting currency can also take time, as if you mine and sell too much of a specific valuable mineral, it's value drops dramatically in the current system, forcing you to find different minerals to mine (exploring other planets) and eventually move on to other star systems where you can rinse and repeat.
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didnt get the chance to beat it yet
but its interesting, kinda hard as well
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While not a survival game, have you considered Elite Dangerous? It's about as open-world (galaxy?) as you can get. If you like solo play, you can head out in any direction and keep jumping until you exit the human bubble (or just select solo mode at startup). Then it's just you and the deep black, exploring stars and planets.
Deep exploration, thousands of light years from any human contact, let alone starbase is where it resembles survival. Managing your damage and fuel to keep going. Making sure not to get sucked in to the neutron star while charging your FSD (a faster than light drive). It's not for everyone, but I find the remote exploration and mapping zen-like.
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Hello fellow Survivalists,
After beating a wonderful game called Subnautica i am left with a big emptiness in me i want to play more games like this. But how i have already played:
7 Days to Die
The Long Dark
The Forest
Savage Lands
Empyrion Galactic Survival
Dying Light The Following
Dead Island
How to Survive
Far Sky
Astronneer,Osiris New dawn,Escape the pacific and Stranded deep seems so content limited for the price.
Not interested in PVP only PVE games
Any suggestions?
Recommendations so far:
ATOM RPG: Post-apocalyptic
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
Cold Fear
Collision Course
Conan Exiles
Don't Starve
Emerge: Cities of the Apocalypse
Empyrion Galactic Survival
Eternal Winter
Fade to Silence
Fallout 3 , NV, 4
Fallout Shelter
From Dust
FTL Faster Then Light
Hold Your Own
Home Behind
Life is Feudal: Your Own
Medieval Engineers
Metal Gear Survive
Metro series
Near Death
Next day survival
No Man's Sky
Novus Inceptio
Out of Reach
Planet Explorers
Project Zomboid
Signs of Life
Sir, you are being hunted
Stranded Deep
Surviving Mars
The Flame in the Flood
Thea: The Awakening
They are Billions
The Final Station
TITANS: Dawn of Tribes
Valnir Rok
Vortex: The Gateway
We Happy Few
Wurm Unlimited
Thank you Everyone
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