You see someone making huge amount of bundle key giveaway - you do report. The rest is on us.
But please do not report for few games that might have been in a bundle. We had Potato sack, Cube pack, 50% discount for all indie games, etc., which are legitimate. Not everyone who have given away some inde games is an abuser.
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Personal use just means you can't use it for some commercial use. Most movies and other media you buy also says it's for home personal use only. That doesn't mean you can't give away a DVD. It just seems like it's a case of "Someone said this is bad, so it's bad, and we should ban it! Yup!" without having any real reason.
The only thing negative about it is if contributors cry that they had to pay more for their contributor status. But that should hardly be a reason to set policy.
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yeah i gotta agree with this, if anything just have the bundles locked out from adding contributor? but thats a kick to the nuts to people who paid full price to be given away...So to counter that no bundles giveaways allowed end of! cant please anyone
note* i realise this comment hasnt helped in any way
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While I mostly agree with you I believe the main reason for the bundles ban was to prevent people from buying a bunch of bundles for one cent (back when most bundles allowed that) and then letting people give them away. When the bundles went for one cent it actually costs them more money to distribute the games then they were making. Of course I always found that arguement flawed since they allowed full bundles to be given away.
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You sound arrogant.
Does it really matter where the game came from if you end up getting it, for FREE I might add, regardless?
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The only real problem is inflation of contributor value. But, even then, I'm not sure how it's different from giving away, for example Metro 2033 or Arkham Asylum during one of those 2,50 deals they have so often. I'm a bit conflicted on the whole thing.
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Most really good sales are 75% off. One example of a bundle is Indie Gala 5. Buy a gift of the basic bundle for $1 in the first week, and you get 4 total gifts. you get "Beat Hazard" (10 Points), "Razor2" (10 Points), "Making History" (5 Points) and Ironclads Collection (1 Point).
Do the math and that's $104 in contributor points, for every $1 spent. If a product was $104, and you could buy it for $1 that would be a 99% off sale (Thats Rounding DOWN to 99%). Thats why this kind of thing is against the rules.
To sum up: For a bundle I can spend $10, and get credit for over $1000 Contribution. For a regular 75% off deal, i would have to spend $250 for a $1000 contribution. Is that fair to other contributors, that give so freely of their own money?
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Except that giveaways for individual bundle keys are very much against the rules for this very reason. Only complete unused bundles can be gifted. And you don't get multiple gifts until happy hour, which also requires you buy a copy for yourself in the first week.
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Thats my point. This is WHY individual bundle keys are very much against the rules. I explained because there seems to be some confusion on that fact. Many people think "a giveaway is a giveaway, why does it matter?", so I'm showing why it DOES matter.
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you just show that people don't care about gifting stuff to others, but rather care about their contributor value
to quote someone from the discussion about contributor giveaways before they were added:
many people don't seem to want to gift something to others but rather rub "I have more money than you! how does that feel?" in their face
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In my Opinion, i like this rule because, it makes gifting about gifting. If this rule was not in place, this site would explode with Bundle keys, and nothing but bundle keys... If you look at the gifts that are up, a great many of them are Bundle keys. Can you imagine what the site would turn into if they allowed Bundle keys? It would be flooded, and the capacity would be so high, the Admins wouldn't be able to keep up. Also, it would be pretty disrespectful to the creators or Bundles. In part, that was why the minimum price was set to $1 for Humble Bundle, because it was getting hugely exploited.
EDIT: More to your point, that is an issue with contributor giveaways now. Greed and notoriety. But i truly believe there are many who gift just to gift. In the end, i believe the scales of this community tip in the direction of "positive" rather than "negative".
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They will just wait and then make them if we put a limited time ban on certain games.
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Can't you write a script to scan the steam inventory? And only be able to put up games that you actually have in your inventory.
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Most of the suggestions i see are posted by you. You should just add a moderator and just tell them.
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Or maybe we should email the bundle-er company and ask them to bundle the key like humblebundle. It's better for them I think.
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This is quite possibly the stupidest solution to the problem I've seen someone suggest.
May I remind you, this site is about GIVING not RECEIVING. The entire Contributor Rank feature completely derails this. However, I'm inclined to agree that it is a good idea to have giveaways that are specifically for Contributors. The way that it's executed is entirely wrong in my opinion.
I don't believe users should be able to choose how much people have to give away to participate in their giveaways. There are some times where I legitimately get angry because someone took the cheapest, worst possible game the could get their hands on, and then only let people who'd given a ridiculous amount of stuff away get in.
I also believe that Contributor giveaways shouldn't be public by default. I believe that they should be hidden from you until you can enter them. Otherwise, you feel pressured that you HAVE to give away a lot of games or else you're not worthy of using the site. This site's philosophy shouldn't be "Come give away some games then maybe you'll win one." It should be "Come try and win some games, and if you can, try to give back to the community aswell!"
The only real solution to the "Bundle Game Problem" in my mind is to simply say that unless the giveaway creator can provide proof that the single game they're giving away is not from a bundle, then it will not contribute to their contributor total. However, I believe that support should be added for bundles like the Groupees Bundles that just give you separate keys for all the games. You could also add a detail to the giveaway creation form where you could enter the key for the game(s) you're giving away and it would be an instant delivery just like the Faerie Solitaire giveaway that everyone won.
Now, before you start saying "But stickman, there isn't nearly enough staff to monitor all these giveaways and ask for proof for them to go ahead!" Well, I see two possible answers to this. One, you could simply completely ignore group/private giveaways. Those don't really affect the community as a whole anyway. And Two, you could simply have any game that was in a bundle in the past 6 months red flagged and put "On Hold" until the staff can verify it's not from a bundle. You should also give the creators a choice while creating the giveaways to request the verification. If they don't, then it will by default not add to their contributed amount.
Now, back to entering gratuitous amounts of Nuclear Dawn giveaways. That game looks awesome.
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It's about giving AND receiving. And it was common practice to create giveaways to enhance your chance of winning even before Contributor giveaways were implemented. Only then you could get into some giveaway groups. It's a simple tradeoff.
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