it's only Germany region which gets that kind of key, and don't worry the game will always stay detected as long as it is activated
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You can just restrict the region to Germany only (although the key is activated WW). It's not the "definitive" version so beware
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To late for that, I activated it, not knowing it was the German version, and consumed the key. I just wanted to know if Humble or Steam decided to give out that version and warn others. But thanks for the info.
While the German key can be activated worldwide, do you know if the "good" key can be activated from within Germany or if it is blocked? In that case, giveaways might need a restriction to "everywhere except Germany".
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In that case, giveaways might need a restriction to "everywhere except Germany".
As a rule, it's best to check the relevant bundle thread before posting a game, as our bundle thread caretakers do a great job of listing relevant region restrictions in the OP of the thread. As stated in the current thread, such a restriction does seem necessary.
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no idea about this very case, but it's weird that game A is permitted while game A remastered version is not.
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I'm pretty sure it's one of the DLC that is specifically the issue. On the Xbox 360 the standard version had it's own achievement list for the German release but none of the DLC was released for that version. The Definitive Edition including the DLC would then explain it unavailability.
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Deine Sorge ist berechtigt. Denn das gleiche ist bei Wolfenstein der Fall. SG erkennt kennt die deutsche Version bzw. ID einfach nicht, sodass du de facto hier keine German Edition weggeben kannst, wenn man es ganz genau nimmt.
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Der Kauf mit einer deutschen IP des Humble Monthly kettet Dich and unsere miese Version, eine Bezahlung mit deustcher Kreditkarte ist eine weitere Methode um uns zu erkennen und entsprechende Änderungen vorzunehmen. Wir haben deswegen ja auch 'nen andres Spiel im November Monthly gehabt als der Rest.
Du kannst das Spiel hier nicht legal, also ohne VPN, aktivieren... und anfangs auch nur mit spielen. Die vielen GAs müssten eigentlich für uns unsichtbar sein, weil eigentlich mit Restriktion (not in Germany).
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Das mit dem November-Bundle war noch vor meiner Zeit als Monthly-Subscriber, ist mir daher gar nicht aufgefallen. Aber schon doof, dass Humble solche problematischen Spiele reinsteckt. Natürlich nicht so doof wie unser bekloppter Jugendschutz, der einfach viel zu weit übers Ziel hinausschießt.
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Wir haben Resident Evil 6 bekommen und alle Anderen Dead Rising 2.
Dieses Problem betrifft übrigens alle Varianten von Humble Bundles, nicht nur die Monthly Variante. Gerne sollen wir auch den vollen Preis zahlen wenn ein Bundle 'nen Spiel weniger bei uns hat, weswegen ich solche Bundles dann nicht kaufe. Wenn Humble wenigstens den Preis dann um 1/? reduzieren würde, da wir ja 1 Spiel weniger haben.
Comment has been collapsed. may help give you a good idea on the topic. Generally, checking in on the relevant bundle thread is the best way to get those kind of answers, as that's where everyone is looking for them to begin with.
As I understand how Steam functions, they can't auto-replace anything. Humble, on the other hand, is known for distributing keys based on the purchaser's region. Further, going off what I've seen before, and in the comments linked above, it seems that the definitive edition can't be activated in Germany (without the risky approach of using a VPN) at all, so there's presumably no legitimate way around it for you.
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Sorry for not using that thread. I'm quite new here and didn't look into the Deals sub forum yet. But next time I'll know where to look, so thanks for the directions.
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Do subscribers from Germany get special keys for the crappy version?
This option. The standard and definitive editions are seperate games so the second option wouldn't be possible.
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So not being from Germany we shouldn;t have to worry about winning the Germany key from the various giveaways that are occurring? Like what would happen if we would win the Germany version, would it not activate being from the USA or elseware?
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And I guess we wouldn't know what version we get till we would activate it? So probably have to have giveaway creators let people know what version it is that they are giving away?
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The German version is the base game, not the Definitive Edition- meaning if it's posted correctly (and both versions do show up in the giveaway list, so confusions on that matter should hopefully be few), you'd know what version it is. If it's not posted correctly, then by site rules you'd have to mark Not Received on it anyway, and would still have the option to continue entering for the Definitive Edition.
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Humble made the decision, because it's the best one they could make.
The Definitive Edition keys they issued to the rest of the world wouldn't activate in Germany. When I created a giveaway for it, I was warned that it was region restricted and wouldn't work in Germany.
Thus Humble could either give you a key that you couldn't use, or give you the base version which doesn't include the DLC but is still a great game, and you can download the free High Resolution Texture Pack and it'll look the same.
So it's unfortunate, but the base game is great, you can make it look awesome for free, and hopefully you'll have a great time with it.
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Maybe that applies to the international base version. But the German version is not just the game without DLCs. It is heavily censored, not just visually but in gameplay as well. And according to what I read while researching, it didn't get any maintenance, so it still has all the bugs that have been fixed for ages in the international version. Missing DLCs are just an additional malus. The censorship is why I wanted to avoid that version on principle.
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Square Enix made the decision to provide keys for the censored standard version for German users not Humble. Square Enix have done this for this game before and Humbles offering in cases like these is either to just not provide the item in certain regions (see book bundles and E3 Digital Tickets) or to offer store credit in their place (see previous monthlies).
Humble could in theory have suggested this as a solution but even in that case it would still be down to Square Enix to provide those keys.
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You're very likely right, it probably came down from SE that there's no German version available, and then they had to figure out if they were going to give out keys for the base version or a credit or what.
It's not Steam pulling a switch, as the keys are given out by Humble, but it's likely that Humble had little say in the matter - outside of being able to chose between giving out the base version or nothing or credit in lieu of it.
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So is the German version the first one showing up when you try to create a GA, or is it not even listed here?
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Can't check right now as I have 8 other GAs still running and can't create new ones yet. I'll check once I'm able to.
Update: The first entry (202170) is the German version. The Definitive Edition link gets redirected to the Steam store front since that one isn't accessible from here.
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Sort of, the German version isn't a seperate app/package but a seperate depot so as far as the store is concerned the German and International versions are the same products.
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is there a way to get the definitive edition if you already got the other one?
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I just activated Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition from Humble Monthly, or so I thought. Since I live in Germany, I got the crappy version instead (censored, unpatched, no DLCs, me sad). Now I'm wondering. Do subscribers from Germany get special keys for the crappy version? Or are the keys the same and the version gets switched by Steam when activating it from within Germany?
If Steam switches the version, that might cause problems for giveaways when the supposed version can't be detected in the winners library afterwards.
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