Or you just want someone to say yes, when clearly the answer is no.
NO you can not be banned for this glitch.
NO the files will not be deleted from your computer.
NO the game (skyrim) will not be revoked/removed from your account.
NO you will not be charged for the dlc that was handed out.
Any other questions?
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That's what you got from what he said ? Seriously?! Even from the part where he said...NO ? ..
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I don't think content that was added to your Steam library and auto-downloaded by the client counts as piracy. This isn't an unauthorized reproduction of the content, it's an authentic copy being distributed by the DRM client.
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I just want to point out that although you did receive an authentic copy, you did not receive a license for that copy.
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You don't actually need a license to run software, no more than you need a license to use anything else.
You do need a license to make a copy of a piece software (including downloading it or, in many cases, installing it), and that license can then contain terms that attempt to constrain you in other ways, which may or may not be enforceable. But copyright is a system under which the government grants (and enforces) only a few specific, limited and temporary rights for copyright holders in order to encourage people to produce more artistic or conceptual output and add to the public domain by preventing them from being endlessly copied the moment they're produced; it doesn't grant a copyright holder total control over everything that anyone does with it, nor is it intended to cover for their mistakes (as in this case.)
If someone makes an illegal copy of Microsoft Office and installs it on a public computer, the person who downloaded or copied it without a license to do so will get in trouble, but the people who merely used it won't, because they haven't violated copyright law.
That makes this an extremely unusual case, since they installed on other people's computers accidentally and without forcing those people to sign a license first. If that seems stupid or weird or ridiculous, it's just a symptom of the fact that our copyright law is a convoluted mess of an incentive structure.
The short version: Copyright law gives a copyright holder temporary control over where, when, and how copies of the copyrighted material can be made, which they usually use to turn a profit before it reverts to the public domain. If a copyright holder decides to make a bunch of copies and give them out for free without asking for a license (or does so accidentally, as in this case), the law will not help them.
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did it download automaticly? if so, then you would not have played it in the intention to do something illegal. you did it without purpose (or at least you could say so, do they would have to proof you are an evil guy who always checks the DLC list for his updates and if blablabla) and are ok. and you do not have to delete the files manually, because you still can say that you don't/did not know anything about it. was a free update, you could say...
TL;DR IF IT WAS AN AUTO UPDATE keep it until bethesda says something
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How is it not? They made a mistake, are you suggesting banning people because of a flaw in the program that was not caused by the user but by them?
I will say it again, its on their end, no question about it.
No ones gonna get banned here.
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It's nice actually owning it instead of having to be like ya'll looking over your shoulders and never having any type of peace of mind. That must really suck. Oh well.
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I'm not worried, I just deleted it. I'm waiting for all of the DLC to go on sale before I pick them up, then do another play with them all enabled.
The way I see it, even though it was a mistake and the files were left on your computer, they removed the license on your account, so knowing you have obtained an unlicensed copy of a piece of software, even through their own mistake, continuing to play it is the same thing as piracy.
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Can my account be banned if I downloaded the DLC through the glitch, played the DLC and kept the files even though I didn't buy it?
There are some people discussing this subject at Skyrim forums and for now, there are people saying it's safe to keep and play the files, while others says it can get you banned, putting in risk all purchased games in my account.
Who is telling the truth?
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