I'm sure there's a few games out there that you loved, but cant remember their names. So hopefully everyone can help each other out with this.

One of them for me was a game I read about on Kotaku. It was something about an up and coming Indie game that was to be sold on Steam soon. However, I don't think it ever came. I don't remember much, but there was asteroids, and you controlled a robot, or a ship that could turn into a robot.
Edit: Was figured out it was Strike Suit Zero.

1 decade ago*

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Are you thinking of Planetary Annihilation by any chance? That game secured its funding on Kickstarter recently and won't arrive until summer 2013.

1 decade ago

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No, but that does look awesome though. The game I'm thinking of from the pics, mostly took place in space, and the robot form looked anime-ish.

1 decade ago

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The game sounds amazing like Argus... At least to me.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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It was like a ww2 game maybe from 2001-2003 , in one scene 2 trucks were waiting at a barrier and the one in the back exploded.

1 decade ago

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Was it a FPS? Medal of Honor: Allied Assault came out in 2001, and the first Call of Duty in 2003.

1 decade ago

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I happen to have Allied Assault, I could do a quick runthrough to see if it's that game.

1 decade ago

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I doubt that it's from CoD , it's probably Allied Assault

1 decade ago

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Could of it have been Time Splitters?

1 decade ago

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Was it Strike Suit Zero?

I wonder what happened to that game. I remember reading that it should be released this summer, or even earlier.

1 decade ago

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Was just about to post that ;)

1 decade ago

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Yes! That's what it is! Thank you soooooo much.

1 decade ago

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Great thread idea, Vipes. Sorry to say I don't know the game you're talking about.

I remember playing an arcade game about 15 years ago that was a 3D space shooter, first person perspective, fairly primitive polygonal graphics. The first player flew the ship and had a fixed position energy weapon. The second player controlled a turret mounted on the same ship, and I think had a cloaking function they could occasionally use. Anyone know what it was?

1 decade ago

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Sounds bad ass. I want to see that machine.

1 decade ago

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I haven't played much arcade games, and I hate to say it doesn't ring a bell.

1 decade ago

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Could it be Shadow Squadron?

1 decade ago

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After looking up Shadow Squadron, I can safely say that wasn't it.

Also when I tried to search for the game on Google just now, the first search result was this thread. >.<

1 decade ago

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T.T Well I tried.. (:

1 decade ago

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And how many of us can even say that Luna tried to do them a favour in the first place? It's ahsum of you to have tried. <3

1 decade ago

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Well, consider yourself obligated. ;D

1 decade ago

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An older game (10+ years), I can't remember if it was a first person shooter or third person. It reminded me of a splinter cell type game but not. I wish I could remember more, that's probably not enough to ID the game. In the first level of the game you sneak into a compound and can zip-line from one guard tower to another. I also seem to recall a level where you mostly sniped.

1 decade ago

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That sounds a lot like the original Metal Gear or Metal Gear 2.

1 decade ago

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Single player only. Not squad based. I'd call it a "tactical shooter".

1 decade ago

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Metal Gear was squad-based? O_o

1 decade ago

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Sorry I wasn't replying to you. Just adding info and was too stupid to click edit. It's not Metal Gear. More obscure than that.

1 decade ago

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Never played it but maybe IGI or IGI 2?

1 decade ago

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Oh man. I can't believe you got that from my shitty description. Looks like it from some screenshots. I'll have to check out some gameplay footage.

1 decade ago

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I have four more games for this thread:

First one was some sort of DOS game, sidescroller-ish. You were some mage/wizzard, who was short or young in some castle who attacked by spells.

Second one was another DOS game, this one also a sidescroller, came on floppies, and you were some barbarian who collected things.

Third was some learning game. This I believe was a series. You were some guy in a blue coat, a red hat, and shades, and the big bad was always the same scientist.

Forth, was a DOS game yet again, you started near someone's home. Medieval setting, a cartoonish style that was kind of disturbing, at least for little kids. And as soon as you'd leave the house or, maybe if you took to long, a giant's foot would come crashing down. I believe it was in something like 101 Games, or something.

1 decade ago

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2nd might be Golden Axe or Gauntlet.

im pretty sure the 3rd is Commander Keen.

1 decade ago

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Nope for both. The second one wasn't a beatemup game. And third was not Commander Keen, the guy you played as was not a kid. Infact I don't even think you saw his face, of even skin.

And found out the third one: Super Solvers/Super Seekers. However I remember the main character looking a lot cooler..

1 decade ago

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For the OP.

1 decade ago

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Thanks, and already figured it out above. Oddly I remember reading about it two-three years ago, not one.

I am so going to get $10,000 just to pledge to them.

1 decade ago

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A very old game I played about 7 years ago. I played it on an older school computer, windows 95/2000/xp ? I have not been able to find out wether it was preinstalled on those windows versions or not, but it went like this:

2D big black background.

You are a green line. Make boxes like in Fortix.

There is one orb of lines with pretty random colours and shape you have to avoid. If it hits you you are dead.

The goal was to achieve 50/60/70/80% of the screen.

If anyone knows which game this is, repair my life by telling me.


1 decade ago

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I remember looking for this game a few months ago, and I found it. But I forgot it again. I'll look for it and tell ya :P

Edit: It's Volfied =)

Although the backdrops weren't black, they always had a theme to them, I just remembered.

1 decade ago

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There's this adventure game from the early 90's, no later than 1992, that I used to play at a friends house. It ran on whatever Apple Macintosh machine was in vogue at that time. The setting was a huge mansion, possibly haunted, and the drawing room was decorated with a bear rug or a stuffed polar bear and similar things of that sort. The game was completely black and white, and from a first person view, and you could click on things and break them (probably do other things as well), I remember me and my friend would get into giggling fits smashing mirrors and stuff. I doubt that was the objective of the game though. I also remember that there were no other people in this house, except a spooky Victorian lady that you only saw from behind. Once you encountered her though (often beside a staircase, I think) she turned around to show her face... which was a skull. That was game over.

Anybody know the title of this game?

1 decade ago

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Sounds like Uninvited.

1 decade ago

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Yes, that must be it! Thank you, you've solved a mystery that's been dogging me for the past twenty years of my life.

1 decade ago

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No problem! If you still like those kinds of games, you might be interested in Shadowgate, too.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for the rec, I have no idea what I'd think of the game now though ;D

1 decade ago

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Yeah, they haven't exactly aged well, but for 20+ year old games, they're not bad. I know I enjoyed them quite a bit.

1 decade ago

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Oh god. Shadowgate. I remember that game, As well as the detective game Deja Vu. I had the colored PC versions however.

1 decade ago

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Holy crap, I just found a screenshot of that crazy skull face woman I was talking about... this is bringing back memories...

EDIT: Here's a shot of her face... heh, fun times.

1 decade ago

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It was fun.

1 decade ago

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well, i dont know what game youre looking for, but i can tell you one game it definitely isnt. Diablo III.

1 decade ago

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I remember playing some demo of a game back years ago... it was around the year 2000 I guess, maybe newer or maybe older, can't remember properly.
What I can remember that it took place in a really futuristic city, and somewhere (if I recall it correctly) there was a floating car in the bottom right). And if you walked a while you found building (i think it was a hotel) where the elevator was broken. You played some kind of police officer.
I hope someone knows this game since it is quite old.

1 decade ago

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Was it Anachronox maybe?

1 decade ago

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Nope =(
i watched some Anachronox plays at youtube, but the game i'm describing isn't a third person kind of game.
It was more topview, or atleast from an higher angle (a bit like Final Fantasy VII camera's style)
Thanks for helping though! :D

1 decade ago

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It was an old rpg, a little bit like sacred gold. Played it 2002, but could be older!

1 decade ago

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A old, pixelated Dos game for me. For the gameplay you used the arrow keys and also had to type commands.

You are some guy, who is in a castle. Every time you try to leave, the witch (I think), shows up and casts some magic spells on you. One of the spells was changing you into a slug. It was all temporary (you would turn back into a human after a while) and eventually, you could escape down a rocky, winding road. You could go to the haven, with a few stores and people, but there was also a desert (where you could die) and bandits in, I think, the forest.

As kid, I called the game "Witches", but I am not sure if that is the actual name. If anyone knows what I am talking about, much appreciated ^^

1 decade ago

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I got several.

First was a shareware game for Windows, there was a rocket you were supposed to guide to the end of a level. It had limited fuel, so you had to refuel on special platforms. I don't think there was any combat.

The second was a DOS game that I remember very vaguely. It took place in a city at night, you controlled a blue dressed pudgy guy and the thing that stuck in my memory the most was that you could somehow destroy buildings in the background. I don't know if that was the only destroyable building in the game or if you can do it multiple times, but I clearly remember making a building fall. There might have been local multi, because something tells me there were other pudgy guys, but I'm not sure.

Third was first person (maybe) shooter. The protagonist was an anthropomorphic sausage whose main weapon was a hand-cranked mixer. I believe enemies were sprite based. Pretty much all I remember about it.

1 decade ago

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Heh, a lot of these games are Dos games. :v

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Vipes.