from what little I know of the game banished might fit that I could be wrong
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Having played Banished I wouldn't say it's that much about micromanagement, which doesn't take away that it's a good game; maybe just not the thing you may be looking for. I would say a game like Crusader Kings II (which is in the current Humble Bundle should it interest you) or Europa Universalis would fit the bill better, though if you're really looking for taking care of units, my recommendation will always be Fire Emblem: Awakening; great game, but not on pc sadly enough :D
E: Don't know if there's really an unit to take care of in EU, but I guess you could call your empire in CKII your unit, or possibly your king.
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I wouldn't call it boring, but it's definitely repetitive and lacking in endgame so you may want to wait and see what mod support adds in the end indeed. Also, Prison Architect does indeed look nice, bought it quite some time ago and while I haven't played it yet, I followed it a bit and the updates they provide are good and regularly enough.
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Granted, the cutscenes have aged, but the gameplay and outer-space stuff is still perfectly viable. Plus, you can download all sorts of mods for it. I liked running around in Star Wars ships. I used a Mon Calamari battle cruiser for a while, but that really felt like cheating, since it had so many extra weapon mounts. The Millennium Falcon was a perfect fit, though, if you wanted to play as more of a rogue/smuggler.
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You have a strange idea of what strategy/tactical micromanagement is, but I'll toss this one out there:
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If you like micromanagement, check out Infested Planet
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In a weird way think actually you might like the Wargame series a lot if you are into the micromanaging where taking care of your units matters. Basically in Wargame once you lose a unit, that is it gone. Forever. You cannot replace it.
Other thing I can think of is XCom.
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Here's a few sugestions that might fit your description:
Star Wars Kotor (1 or 2): your unit is a squad of 3 people which can depending on your playstyle require lots of micromanagement and you ugrade each of there specefique gear. (plus its in star wars universe)
Wizardy/Legends of Grimrock : Old school rpgs where you control a party of adventurers (unit) and lvl them up/equip them)
3.The Guild 2 : not sure about this one but it requires a hell lot of management and you can't control more than 3 familly members at a time.
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legend of grimrock is a very good game you could like :)
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More suggestions:
X-Com: UFO Defense. Well, old ones have pretty large squads to micro-manage. If you think that looks and feels too outdated, try Xenonauts.
XCom: Enemy Unknown is a worthy successor too, but gameplay wise it's a completely different animal. Focusses on smaller squads and less managing in general (no more time units or inventory puzzles) in favor of faster-paced tactics.
Dawn of War 2 + expansions: Unlike 1 which is more of a typical base-building RTS, this is more like a realtime version of the tabletop game. You get 4 units/squads out of a selection of 6, and you customize them with bits of loot (or wargear as the game calls them) and experience points/levels, and it will take micromanaging the various skills etc. to get through the games.
Runner-up: Company of Heroes, made be same folks, and which paved the way for DoW2's gameplay but uses World War 2 as the setting.
Anomaly: Warzone Earth. One of the better tower offense games - guide your convoy past the turrets, optimize your convoy order and the route taken to get past the levels. Becomes puzzle-like in working out the strategies quite fast.
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Vangers might fit this description - imagine a trippy RPG where you are driving a vehicle around alien planets.
Something more like XCOM, but only one "unit" might be Project Zomboid
Any of the X games or Evochron Mercenary would play a lot like Pirates, and Kinetic Void will be there eventually.
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Port Royale - I will check reviews of Port Royale 2 and probably will give it a shot.
Whales Voyage, Nethack, Prince of Qin - With so many other propsitions, I guess I will skip 10+ years old games for now ;)
Weird Worlds - I have tried it some time ago, but I didn't like it back then. I guess I can give it another try.
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Man, if you played Dungeons of Dredmor and other roguelikes you must give Tales of Maj'Eyal a chance. It's sooo good and it's free if you download it from the official web. ToME is the game you are looking for, believe me.
Have a nice day!
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From your title i would have said war in the pacific admiral edition rofl.
Dwarf Fortress has both a mode where you build a fortress if you want a city sim and an adventurer mode if you like rogue likes.
Check out Zeus Master of Olympus as well.
The latest X Rebirth is supposedly bad but you manage one main ship apparently.
There was an old game i forgot the name of, battleship something about a space battleship, from the 90's.
What about something like capitalism 2 ?
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I know that on the PC, Dragon Age: Origins can count as this if you choose to operate with the tactics view. You can be as little or as much hands-on as you want to be, and you could even set certain automatic routines if you want to cut out some of the micromanagement.
I think this could also be considered for Neverwinter Nights 2, where you can use the strategic view and pausing to micromanage your party rather than letting them operate on their own.
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For something a bit older, I'd say Fallout: Tactics. Not as popular as the other fallout games but a lot of fun and you can play either real-time or turn-based. It's squad based, so you can manage up to 6 team members - or you can use only 1 - its really up to the player.
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I'm looking for games with the focus on managing a small "unit". Many things can be considered as a "unit", some examples:
Your "unit" is a space ship. You improve it and you need to take care of it. It's in the center during the whole game.
Dungeons of Dredmor, SotS: The Pit, Bionic Dues (other roguelikes?)
Your hero is a "unit" in this case. You upgrade his skills, get better gear, and in general you have to manage only him.
Civilization IV: Colonization
In contrast to other Civilization games, you take care of one (or a few) settlement(s). There is no research and the game take place only in one era. A settlement is a "unit" in this case.
Sid Meier's Pirates!
You have a ship and you wonder around doing whatever you want. A ship is your "unit"
I hope I made myself understandable. Can you suggest games with similar concept?
EDIT: One more thing. It has to be turn-based, or must have some sort of "active pause" system.
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