You should play Brotherhood, it's the best game in the series, with wonderful Rome and when you're on top of Colosseum with in-game music, it just feels epic! Also in terms of story Brotherhood is very important, it gives you wider perspective and gets you deeper into the story.
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If you finished 2nd then play Brotherhood and then Revelations, 3rd there is no Ezio anymore, character changes, so you will miss all important part of the story, and IV don't really makes a continuation of the story. If skiping games in sequel why bother playing the game then? also 2nd and brotherhood are the best, 3rd is boring and 4th just good, very enjoyable at first hours and boring at the end.
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I don't know man... Brotherhood is really fun, revelations is really shitty, and 3 is fun as well (not as Brotherhood, but it's not ridiculously bad as everyone says). I never played 4 so yeah. I would say wait but that's just me xD
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I played 1-3, and in my opinion Brotherhood was the best out of those. Skip Revelations.
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Brotherhood is simply the best one in the series - mainly because the best designed city and fun / challenging side-dungeons. AC:R is fine but nothing special, but for storyline you should play this one as well, because it conclude's Ezio's tale. AC3 like mentioned already features different era and different characters, so unless you're intrested in can freely skip it and go directly to AC4.
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There's one special thing about Revelations: Ezio's bard songs.
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Brotherhood was probably the best one in the franchise imo. I liked revelations a lot too, contrary to the general opinion apparently... AC 3 was the worst in the franchise for me, but I never managed to finish that one though. AC 4 was an improvement compared to the third one, but I still missed the Ezio trilogy while playing...
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I have played up to and including 3. I would defiantly play brotherhood. Revelations is easily the worst of the ones i have played so far, I ended up rushing the story to be done with it. 3 isnt the best but its still worth playing imo. None of the missions were amazing but i still had a good time with it, especially the dlc.
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Yea the Washington Tyrrany is something else. Kind of the Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare of the AC series. :)
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As many people have already said, I'd say this is a series where you really shouldn't skip any iterations. They go on sale for very cheap prices on steam now, so it shouldn't be a problem. They all have something good about them. I'll be worth the wait! I just played my second full marathon of every Assassin's Creed game available in front of my girlfriend as she had never played them before. She was hooked instantly :)
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Brotherhood is among the better ones although the assassins you can deploy make it way to easy. (even for Assassins Creed standards)
The different types of bombs are quite fun about Revelation but unless you want to there is no real need to use them. Also Konstantinopel isn't very memorable.
AC3 is quite good but I kind of dislike the main character compared to Ezio or Altair. (and it had the most bugs in my experience) Also if you go for 100% synch most missions only have 1 possible way to pull it off (and sometimes still don't trigger).
Liberation HD is kind of meh. Black Flag is definitly in my top 3 Assassins Creed Games.
I haven't played Rogue yet but a buddy of mine claimed that beside the main story all sidemissions are collectibles without videos or much story.
Haven't played Unity yet so I can't say much about that one.
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Everybody tells me that Black Flag is the best game after Brotherhood, I'm still stuck with finishing AC1 (booring)
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Well the gameplay is quite repetetive in the first one since you always have to do several scouting missions before each story assassination but on the other hand it's probably the one that gives you the most freedom to plan your kills and approach the missions how you want (depending on how much info you gathered in advance). From Part 2 on the story normally dictates your approach.
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Brotherhood had a lot of random stuff to do in the world, but story-wise it was almost a filler compared to AC2. It was still a lot of fun though, the ending as well as the beginning were cool, the puzzles from AC2 got even harder, and they're always a joy to solve. Revelations, on the other hand, made the story reach its climax with a magnificent ending, and marvelously wrapped the stories of two characters, but it was shorter and felt more linear (and as a result, less boring to me) than Brotherhood, it also replaced puzzles with first-person story sequences. ACIII is a conclusion to Desmond's story, which was pretty much what Assassin's Creed was originally about, I'm yet to finish it but I read the ending is very anti-climatic compared to Revelations. It starts pretty nice though. Can't comment on later games without playing them.
So basically it all depends on what makes you tick in Assassin's Creed. For gameplay only I would say go to ACIV, unless you're into Renaissance architecture. Otherwise play everything prior to ACIV for the story, I think it's really worth it in the end.
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I just finished AC2. I already own IV, as I was planning to skip to it, but now I don't want to. I know Brotherhood is supposed to be good, and Revelations and 3, really not, but I've decided I want to play 3 before 4 now. Should I not bother? Same goes for Brotherhood, and for that I really just want to know if its important in the overarching story.
I'll have to wait for a 5 dollar sale to get either (preferably through steam direct because of wallet), so playing them, especially both or even all 3 if I played Revelations, would mean some waiting, as I'll only probably buy one per sale.
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