As much as I like computer games, I'm actually more into tabletop gaming. Boardgames in particular, but also pen & paper RPGs & miniatures wargames. Are there any tabletop gamers on this forum, and if so, what does your collection look like? Any favourite games?

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9 years ago

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Ticket to Ride is Amazing! So is Oi Dat's Me Leg.

9 years ago

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I've got TTTR on steam, have you played it, and how does it compare to the board game? Oddly enough no one I know has played both, I am hoping you are the exception to the rule:)

9 years ago

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The ticket to ride on steam is identical to the board game.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Yes they are the same, The steam version is a bit faster since everything in automated.

9 years ago

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Nice PS:T avatar.

9 years ago

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I have some boardgame: Agricola, Carcassone, Catán, Fresco, a lot of Munchkins, Formula D, Cadwallon, Diamant, Ubongo, Twilight Struggle...
The last year i was in a Boardgame club in my town, but now i don't have enought time to play and only play these games with friends in my house.

I also play RPG games, i use to direct a gem in "Aquelarre" (a medieval RPG that occurs in my country, Spain, it's very recommendable, i love to play it). And of course i play D&D and Cthulhu.

Does anyone plays Aquelarre?

9 years ago

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Formula D' is great!

9 years ago

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Settlers of Catan and Carcassone were two of the first "Eurogames" I tried, and they still have a fond place in my heart.

Agricola is awesome, played it at a board gaming convention and can see why it was rated #1 for so long on BGG.

Also I see people mentioning Twilight Struggle but how about Twilight Imperium?

9 years ago

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I really want Twilight Imperium, but it's so darn expensive, and the playtime means that it won't see much use :(

9 years ago

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have you played eclipse? I havent played twilight struggle but ive heard that eclipse is simmilar in alot of ways. But eclipse only takes 2 or 3 hours. And its awesome.

9 years ago

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I've heard of Eclipse, and I was bidding on a copy on ebay a few months back, but sadly someone else had deeper pockets than me :( The theme interests me, so I'm still on the lookout for a copy at a good price.

9 years ago

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well if you haven't heard of them before:
BGG hot deals thread

probably the two best places to hear about sales on board games aside from auctions or stuff of that nature.

long ago eclipse went on the red dot sale at Barnes and Noble for 75% off, so you never know, just keep an eye out ^^

9 years ago

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I live in the wrong end of the world for such sites to be useful :( Postage is a real killer

9 years ago

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there is a hotdeals thread for europe

9 years ago

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Postage is still sadly a bit of a killer. I checked the postage for a game from the UK recently, and it was £20. That's $31. It works for smaller games, those that are cheap to begin with, but for anything larger it can become really expensive.

9 years ago

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I know lions!

9 years ago

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I don't know if it's a board game but almost every summer I play Monopoly and Remmy and some other games who do not know how to translate in english(I can put picture if you want) but don't know if they are cataloged as board games :)

9 years ago

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I will post some pics later if I have the time. My boardgames are seeing more playing time than my pc games actually...

9 years ago

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Hells yeah for some Risk. Been playing ALOT of Cosmic Encounter lately too. All the Risk games are fun. Dominion is great. Pandemic is great.

Just started playing 2 rooms and a boom as well. Not a board game, but if you have the people it's really fun.

9 years ago

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Dominion is actually one of the few "serious" board games I could convince family members to play, we usually get in at least one game during the holidays:)

9 years ago

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Wow, you have a big collection! I always wanted to try board Civilization :) Also I'm interested in Arkham Horror. Hope I'll play it someday. Most of other games are unfamiliar to me.
I've played only Munchkin series, Monopoly, Die Siedler von Catan (have it with one extension) and ADnD. Not that much :) I would like to play more but I don't have any company nowadays.

EDIT: Btw, there is useful site for The Settlers of Catan: here. May be somebody will find it useful.

9 years ago*

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I've heard that Eldritch Horror is a better game than Arkham Horror. I've not played Eldritch yet, but if you're interested in that style of games, it might be the better starting point (heck, from the reports that I've heard, Arkham is about to be entirely replaced by it in most gaming groups).

9 years ago

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Hm, if I understood right, it isn't the remake of Arkham Horror. Just one more game in the same setting. Good to know, thank you :) One more awesome game to play. Still I like the name of the first one more than Eldritch Horror :) (didn't know this word before looking for this game).

9 years ago

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It's not a remake, but it's a game similar to Arkham.

9 years ago

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I'm out of town so I can't post any pictures, but I own quite a few board games.

One of my favorite collections is my 5 Resident Evil games and expansion packs. I also have a few complete sets of all the bonus collectible cards. My wife mocks me to no end over these. She doesn't play any video games and mocks them. Also mocks me for board games based on video games. I say mock lightly as she legitimately enjoys the RE board games despite their video game origin.

9 years ago

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This is the RISK version that I have (not my photo), used to play it with family/friends on the new year, and a chess set. Used to play Monopoly as well, not quite sure if it is still around, very worn. And I also used to have the UNO Madness that is long broken and thrown :(

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9 years ago

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I sold all my old boardgames. Required too much time for impatient kid i was so i rarely played. Now i miss them.

Did restart collection with Tsuro and Dabble(aka Spot It). Both quick and easy enough to entertain even non-gamers on occasion.

9 years ago

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I have a couple of games in the closet that were bought with good intentions, but still haven't been played. Of the games that I have played, my favorite is 4-player Knightmare Chess. Grab some friends, a 4-player chessboard, and Knightmare Chess cards (which let you perform special moves, alter pieces, change the rules, etc.) and let the utter chaos ensue. It's an absolute blast, but certainly not for chess purists, since it throws all strategy out the window and makes it an unpredictable game of tactics.

9 years ago

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I used to collect boardgames. I had some really nice stuff, much of it irreplaceable. Then, when I was about to go overseas, I gave my entire collection to my younger cousin. By the time I got back, they were gone, forever.

He didn't even sell them for a hefty profit. P

9 years ago

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That is depressing :(

9 years ago

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We have a regular gaming Saturdays almost each week. It all started with MTG (OMG already) 18 years ago! Our group usually gathers in numbers from 5 - 10, so many times we play 2 different games. I personally prefer strategic over dice, but here are some recently most played games in my group:

"epic" games (in terms of long play time):

  • Civilization - most of us played and enjoyed all of Civ video games, so this is actually a quicker and simpler version for us
  • Eldritch Horror - "smoother" version of Arkham Horror - lots of play with recently bought MoM exp.
  • Twilight Imperium - sometimes too epic :)

card games (quick setup):

  • MTG - our first love still gets a lot of play time, but only Cube format
  • Dominion - probably most played game, cus of the few rules, quick setup and lots of replayability
  • Among the Stars --- we KS-ed this last year - also sees lot of play

when in mood for conflict:

  • Game of Thrones, 2nd ed
  • Cyclades
  • Battlestar Galactica

we buy games together and try not to have to many different games (around 50 at the moment) and we prefer to buy expansions for the ones we got, but damn you kickstarter --- i already backed 4 this year :D

9 years ago*

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I have only Monopoly and Talisman with The City expansion. My friends have much more, for example Arkham Horror, Munchkin, Zombicide, Carcassonne(playing with all expansions, lol), so I don't need to buy them all ;)

9 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. Glory be to vassal and its online boardgaming.

Quickly scanning didnt see Mage Wars mentioned, mind is blown. Mage wars is simply astounding. I would recommend not doing much research on deck building and just let it develop in your group naturally, my group had a blast trying to figure out how to counter each other.

Twilight Struggle is the most glorious, and vassal actually has a pretty big community of people who play it, same with BSG.

You also mentioned Twilight Imperium which is also on vassal, it also has a save and load feature! Finally got my group of gamers to play it by introducing them to vassal and its glorious save and load.

9 years ago

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yes, but its hard to find people willing to play.

i like to play chess once in a while.

9 years ago

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I absolutely used to LOVE boardgames! Now a days, I don't really get a chance to play much, since my wife isn't too into them, my son is just way too young, and most of my friends are just either not into them like they used too or just far to busy to get together for them.

When it comes to actual boardgames, I've always loved anything with strategy! Risk, Axis & Allies, and Settlers of Catan are some of my all time favs! I also used to be huge into a game called "Heroscape", which is a pretty sweet figure based collectable game by Hasbro. I was so into it, I used to make maps and scenarios for the game in my spare time.

I used to be into the CCG thing, mostly Magic and a few others, but after working for a store that did trades for Magic cards, I quickly noticed the greed involved in the game, where everyone at the time just seemed to not care about the game and was just in it for ultra rare cards to sell at a high price, which kind of killed the game for me. That was well over a decade ago (or 2? been that long!) and I am told the game is almost not even the same as it used to be.

I was also HUGE into Pen and Paper RPGs! I absolutely LOVED D&D, but my one true love has been and always will be Shadowrun! I started back during 1st edition Shadowrun and was a GM up until the launch of the 4th edition. Also used to run Call of Cthulhu, GURPS, Marvel Superheroes, Cyberpunk, and countless others that I don't even remember anymore.

9 years ago

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Huge boardgaming fan, love playing them although don't have a massive collection because of my limited household space.
And I might be a FFG fanboy, considering I tend to purchase their games mostly. This has just come in the mail, for example :)

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9 years ago

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Mostly eurogamer here, favorites being Caverna, Castles of Burgundy and Terra Mystica lately, sometimes i don't mind games that doesn't burn your mind (but i find Arkham Horror quite boring, never understood the hype)

Used to play a lot of RPGs (mostly DnD really) but it took too much time and it became impossible with me and all my group starting to work

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Drunken Monopoly is awesome fun.

9 years ago

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