You actually do not need a Kinect to play this title. I thought the same at first, when they gave it out for free during the Games for Gold promotion a few months back. The second time I went to play it, I was checking out the options and noticed you can play it with just a controller if you want.
It is a pretty decent game though.
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Thanks this game looks very interesting! I think I will get it. :)
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I'm not a fan of this extra difficult games. It's only frustrating for me to play these. :/
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I've always felt the same. It's not that the game is super, ridiculously hard like many claim it is, it's more just about trial and error and being cautious. I played the games on old gen and I really didn't see what all the fuss was about with the difficulty.
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I would say fuss is about game being unlike most games nowadays leading player by hand and being easy enough that everyone can constantly move forward. Its very hard to learn to retreat when in trouble when you play game that tries to challenge. Especially when it doest give difficulty level setting ;>
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So? It's a good game nonetheless. Maybe just wait for a sale or something.
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True :/
...but, order 1886 is not even a game, its a tech demo to show the ps4 capabilities, no one should have to waste money on that.
Dont trick people into buying this game, its 60$, for 6h of gameplay where more than half is cut scenes and QTE´s
Just watch the movie if you must
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I'm not interested in PS3 games but I think Uncharted comes as a Remake for the PS4...
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Well, it is a PS3 game series; but check out the Uncharted series.
BTW - I notice you are a fan of Parasite Eve!
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Parasite Eve ist my favorite game. ;)
I'm not interested in PS3 games already played what I liked.
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The Last of Us Remastered has really great multiplayer. The story is garbage though.
InFamous First Light is alright.
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There aren't enough console exclusive games which would worth the money to buy a console right now. maybe The last of Us and The Order as the folks were wrote before, on Xbox Forza 5, ryse or Dad Rising but they are not really good games. You should probably wait 1 or 2 more years until something really cool comes out. (Like Uncharted 4)
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But the Halo collection is not an Xbox One exclusive, just a remastered collection like every second game on the current gen consoles. (About Forza 5: Dunno, i don't have X0, so maybe you have right. But i believe that all Forza games are great)
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Forze Horizon 2 could be a game for me, will check it out!
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Final Fantasy Type-0 comes out in a couple weeks on PS4 & Xbox One. It also comes with a Final Fantasy XV demo and that was a big selling point for a lot of my friends. Just pre-ordered it myself for ps4 so I hope it's fun. It looks pretty good. I really like the capes and skirts combo that the characters wear lol :p
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I think I will order or buy it in a shop too. I like Final Fantasy games. :)
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Metroid Prime, Star Wars: Rogue Squadon II, Eternal Darkness, F-Zero GX, Starfox Adventures, The Twin Snakes, Luigi's Mans- oh, sorry, I thought you meant Gamecube exclusives.
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Haha they are good games I already own a Wii U too. hehe
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very funny :P Let me guess you are a PC gamer only- ^^
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what gave me away? But seriously i havent seen a game that had made want to buy a console so far, i bought a PS2 to play Shadow of the Collossus, and a PS3 to plat Red Dead Redemption, so i have gave away to consoles, but so far in this generation has been pretty boring games, and the ones who are mindly interesting are on PC aswell.
I guess you could play the exclusives like that superhero game on the PS4, and sunset overdrive on the Xbox One, Gran Turismo or Forza if you like cars.... and... thats it ?
Oh yeah the Wii U has some interesting exclusives, Mario Kart 8 looks like fun. xD
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Wii U does have some interesting exclusives. Bayonetta 2, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Yoshi's Wooly World, The Wonderful 101, Hyrule Warriors, the new Legend of Zelda title, the upcoming Star Fox game, Pikmin 3, and Splatoon.
All much more unique and interesting games compared to the exclusives on the PS4/Xbox One. Plus, thanks to Nintendo's Seal of Approval, you're near-guaranteed to have a game that isn't plagued with bugs and near-unplayable.
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Sunset Overdrive was actually a very fun Xbox One game if you are into 3rd person sandbox games. It's pretty fast paced, lots of running and jumping, with shooting and melee combat. It's got a lot of charm to it, I absolutely loved the whole concept that the main character breaks the fourth wall the whole time. As much as I loved the original Crackdown game, I thought that this game did a lot of things better. It's not GTA 5, but for a new sandbox IP, I thought it really held up to a lot of the hype it was getting pre-launch.
Screamride that just came out is an absolute blast to play for Xbox One and Xbox 360! Though it doesn't fall into any of your categories above, it's a very fun game to just sit back and play while you are passing some time. The game is from the original creators of the PC Roller Coaster Tycoon games, and it shows, but plays nothing like them. Instead of building an amusement park, the game is split into 3 main game modes.
Project Sparks is real fun, though it's also out on PC for Windows as well (and it's cross play... kinda). The stock game is free, though it's more of a game engine. It has a Fable vibe to it with looks and the way it plays out, so a 3rd person action/adventure RPG. The stock game shows off a lot of it's core features through what they call Crossroads, which is kind of like a choose your own adventure style game, where you are given different choices and the game makes it up as you go.The game engine itself can be used to create your own games, which you can share with the community, meaning you can download other people's work. The game also allows you to download and remix other people's work if you want as well. The game is heavy on DLC, with many different packs that add new items to be used into the game engine, to be played or used to create, however, the game allows you to purchase this DLC with either real world cash or you can unlock it buy spending in-game money you'll make for doing all kinds of stuff. It can be time consuming to go this route, but if you just keep playing others people's work, creating your own, or just playing the crossroads, you'll gain up that cash in no time.
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Thank you for your effort.
I think I will check all 3 games out! Its great that there is a demo für Screamride!
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If a running and gunning game is what you seek then check out Sunset Overdrive. Its actually quite fun. It's like if Tony Hawk meets Grand Theft Auto. But some people see a deal breaker with the adult humor but its stuff most children wont know about unless they google it.
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I'm looking for exclusive PS4 and XBox One Games.
May favorite genres are RPG, Action-Adventure, Jump and Run and Adventure.
Are there any games you can suggest?
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