Your giveaways ended only less than 20 hours ago. Give it some time, keep in mind the fact that other people may have a different time zone or simply don't visit Steamgifts every few hours.
While I can understand your eagerness to create more giveaways (and I can respect that!), I believe you should have a little more patience. ^^
Oh, and welcome to Steamgifts! Really nice of you to register and start creating giveaways right away. Kudos to you!
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I (Boar), cast a vote to make jbond a forum moderator.
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Why stop there? I'd nominate him to be in charge at Steam support (if that job didn't probably suck and was likely already taken by a semi-skilled raccoon with behavioural problems).
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Certainly, the rant was kind of general and not just pertaining to my giveaways. I was just giving my example. Thanks, a shout out to reddit for directing me here. People on reddit suggested me to put giveaways here
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FYI: You can reply to someone's comment by hitting the reply button below their comment. It will allow them to see your message as a notification.
It is a bit frustrating in the beginning when you have a very limited amount of slots for giveaways. Just get past the initial hump and things will go a little smoother for you. Patience is key. :)
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Thanks for the tip, I really thought I hit that reply button (I hope I did it this time atleast).
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Yeah, creating the GA's here are way better. But what you are complaining about is such a complicated matter. Just a couple days ago there was a guy that created GA's complaining that, the winner of some of them was asking him for the key, while it had passed only 4 days since the end of the giveaway, opposed to 7 that is the time limit recommended by steamgifts. You'll often also see people complaining about not receiving the key right away. I mean, everyone has different times, and honestly different priorities. It is the "good" thing to do to send the key as soon as you can, and for whomever received it mark as received as soon as he can, but for some it'll happen in a few minutes, and for others in a couple days.
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True, totally agree with you on the timezone issue. The one thing I didn't like in one of my giveaway was that the recipient has been online since hours and has not marked it (must have his own reasons). I guess I will cultivate patience and I hope I never get late in delivering keys.
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:( Well on the plus side two of your giveaways have been marked as received. But sometimes adding a level requirement might help with winner responsiveness. Some people have had winners never mark games as received, and end up going to support to request feedback. It happens less often with level 1+ users since they tend to know the site's rules better.
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I guess it's not about the site rules, it's about how frequently they visit this site. Someone who's given to the community is obviously more connected to steamgifts, than someone who just comes here every now and then spends all his points and leaves again.
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my pc is on 24/7. that doesn't mean i am really at the pc all the time.
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I pretty much show "Online Now" 24/7. There are always certain tabs open for convenience, SG is one of them. Doesn't mean I'm here, or even home, for that matter.
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Here's another thing to consider. They may be on Steamgifts away from their computer with Steam on it. I often browse the SG site from my phone, my tablet, a work computer. And even though I'm Online at Steamgifts that doesn't mean I'm on the computer where I can redeem a key and therefore mark received. :)
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I have had one higher level winner of one of my giveaways rant to me that I delivered his key " to late " after 1 day that the giveaway ended but I have 7 days to deliver the key in full compliance with SG rules; period...
Some patience can go a long way :-)
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The giveaway limit is annoying but it's a necessary evil to counter those who will join and start making fake giveaways because they either don't understand how the site works or they're simply trolling. Some people would prefer if the number of slots was even smaller for new members.
For every 3 successful giveaway, you get an extra slot so over time you gain more and more and this limitation is no longer a problem. (Unless you're trying to do a 100-gifts train or something like that)
Welcome to Steamgifts and enjoy your stay. We have a nice community around here, with a lot of nice people. (Except that guy over there, but you can just ignore him.)
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Thanks guys for the wonderful comments, I have given at places where people will flame you even for being generous, I am really liking it here. More giveaways coming from myside (atleast until my wife finds out about this). And yes I will add level requirements to some of my giveaways from now on.
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Try to make quick 1 hour GAs. People are more likely to still be online and mark as received often instantly.
Also we (well, certainly I) am always more happy to join a 1h GA with very little entries rather than a x days long running GA with 10+k entries :D
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steamergary, I know what you mean. I just joined a few weeks ago and had a ton of bundle games to give away and it was "painful" waiting to just be able to put another game up for giveaway. As you give more away though you get more slots to give things away and that helps. I'm still hitting the wall, but it's a little more wiggle room now.
My guess is they must have some problems with trolls coming through and listing giveaways that don't exist, so they may put limits on newer accounts so the site doesn't get bombed.
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I understand your sentiment. (For some odd reason, my winners always seem to go on vacation for a week immediately after winning my giveaways.) However, they do have seven days to mark it received. As others have already pointed out, there are many possible causes for a delayed response.
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and sometimes I see the GA winner come online and offline several times during a day but it seems (s)he don't care about her/his new win message !.
another day, and another day and another day and finally you should leave a comment on one of their public giveaways or their steam profile " :
Please activate this damn game and mark it as received " THANK YOU ! :D
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if you really want to increase your giveaway slot. create a bunch of giveway that available for 1 hour and in description ask people to receive asap.. you can do it with the cheapest dlc you can find and really increase your gifting slot by a lot in just a few hours.
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Welcome to SteamGifts! I started out myself around the end of July. It takes a bit of experience to get the hang of closing out a GA once it's ended, but I found the following steps to be valuable.
Most importantly, have fun!
There are a lot of good people here.
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Yeah, I just had to do that for one of my winners, because they haven't actually logged in since they won. I don't get too worried about it, though. I would rather have every single winner take five days to activate their games than see one game get regifted.
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Hello guys,
First of all I love this community, recently I got a job and to celebrate that I decided to giveaway a few games on reddit and SG. I have bought quite a few games for this giveaway and have almost finished all giveaways on reddit. The problem with SG is I am not allowed to create more giveaway until the current ones are marked received. I try to send the key in evening as soon as I reach home, and so my giveaways end at that time.
This is a general request to everyone who wins a giveaway, please mark received soon after redeeming the game code, I would like to give more gifts but it wont happen until old ones are marked received and I want to finish giveaway before next week as I will be super busy and might not get time to put up new stuff out.
Thanks for reading my rant and I love giveaway communities SG in particular. Kudos!
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