RU normally means you can play only in Russian and CIS territory, and sometimes only in Russian language, but you can ask Steam support in case it was a scam, because trader have to say it that the version is RU, even if you don't ask, but maybe he didn't know too, and maybe but a little chance they can trade back your items you traded for. But ask him first, maybe it was mistake.
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Where do you see anything about their conversation? It's a bit blunt to just assume someone was scamed.
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So the gift just magically appeared in his inventory and he decided to trade it with OP? What I'm trying to say here is that at some point this game was purchased in the Russian store. If someone doesn't ask about the origin of the gift it's their own fault.
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I heard cases when A trader knew it's a RU version even if there wasn't a "RU" tag, but he wasn't saying it, he just traded it, and when the B trader activated it, he saw it's a RU version, he reported him to Steam Support and they trade banned A trader. I'm not saying in this case the guy who traded with OP is a scammer, maybe he didn't know too. If he activated the game, maybe he could play it too, maybe MP will be only with Russia and CIS, in this case is not a problem because MP in AC game is stupid thing, or maybe the game will be only available through Russian language or anything else, this game works with Uplay, I don't know what they do to RU versions there.
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Normally games that are RU tagged will be shown as RU Gift when its put up in a trade. I don't see any fault with either the buyer or the seller, since... From Buyer's POV : Hey, I can get it cheaper from this dude, It's ROW anyway. From Seller's POV : Hey, I can make a small profit by selling this game, thankfully it's ROW! Steam : HUEHUEUHEUHEUHEUHEUHUEUE.
And regarding the items being traded over 10 times, that's precisely why RU tagged games should show that it's RU only, like the second picture that the thread starter posted for us.
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A lot of games are playable even if RU tagged, in Sleeping Dogs RU just mean it's less violent version, in one of RU CoD games are playable only in russian servers, but in RU Dishonored is full blocked to these regions and only Russian language is available, let's hope your restriction is not bad, it's Steam fault for not showing the RU tag, but is the first game I see RU on Steam that works through Uplay, so they apply whatever they like not Steam in this case.
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You could simply ASK the trader about it before trading.
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I always unlock all achievements with SAM because I find them super annoying, especially all those notifications. And as it's not possible to deactivate them I just unlock the achievements so I can play the games in peace without that achievement crap.
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I personally wouldn't ever use SAM, but I sympathise with your reasoning. Steam notifications are incredibly annoying. The one that bugs me the most is that "press shift+tab" message that pops up whenever any game starts.
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My Steam version of Splinter Cell Blacklist came like this. Everything about the game (including the uplay key it included) plays just fine.
RU tags usually aren't a problem if you're allowed to activate them. The Russian traders usually know what the deal is.
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I believe I read somewhere that the RU tag is in account details and not in the library by someone who activated it, if that makes any difference.
But I too am waiting to see if it actually is playable, also I'm more interested in Watch dogs anyways.
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Assassins Creed IV Black Flag Digital Deluxe (RU + CIS) look
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there were a lot of people (including me) who got the dig.deluxe editions from steam trades which had no tags on the gift itself. after the lock, users sent messages to steam support, ubi support etc. and after 2 weeks ubisoft added new subID codes of the game, removed the old ones from store . and today, they removed the lock of the previous dig.deluxe edition of the game (SubID 32624) to satisfy their customers. Why would they add the lock again?
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So what do people get out of this if they bought the ROW version? Ubisoft are satisfying the people who are buying versions outside their region and screwing over the people who have followed the rules and paid more money? Does that sound reasonable to you? Unless there's an official announcement as to why the locks were removed, I wouldn't make assumptions.
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Hello guys,
So I’ve gotten the Digital Deluxe Edition of the game from a trader and it looked like this
After activating the gift, i went to my Account Details and it was written as " Assassin's Creed Black Flag Digital Deluxe Edition (RU+CIS) " . So it means it will be avaliable only for this region? Normally, when a game has region restriction, it’s written (RU), (DE) etc. tag on the steam gift. How can we know if we got a RU version or a ROW version if there’s nothing written on the name of the steam gift? It’s a bit confusing actually =/
Update: Standart version of the game has a (RU+CIS) tag, but Digital Deluxe Editions doesn't. Link
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