Probably not. It can take a while to get used to and master a tool you work it. Why spend that time getting used to a tool you probably won't be using once the license expires instead of using that time to improve on something you would use long-term.
Anyway, I bought the previous Corel bundle and I wasn't very impressed. Corel Paint Shop Pro is not as good as Photoshop (which to be fair is very expensive unless you get it the you know what way). I haven't used GIMP in ages but I'd assume it evolved enough to be a strong competitor to Corel's Paint Shop Pro at least (you'd have to do some googling to make sure).
I got Corel Painter 2019, this bundle has 2020 version, but I keep getting pop-ups asking me to pay 140€ to upgrade to 2021 version (this pop-ups happen even if none of the Corel's programs are running which is annoying and I'm not sure can it be turned off).
That being said I haven't used it much but I do like the interface and it seems to be pretty good. But then again you have a lot of good free alternatives like Krita, Medibang, Fire Alpaca and what not.
I haven't tried anything else from the bundle so I can't comment on those. Anyway why it does seem that there are good alternatives (including free ones) for Corel stuff, 25€ for a bundle of such programs seems like a good deal anyway.
I would recommend giving free trials of this programs a try from the official website, you have 3 days to play around with them and see are they worth buying the bundle for.
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Thanks. That is a very comprehensive answer!!
I used gimp a bit. But i am very slow as beginner.
I guessed that Corel might be more tutorialised, if i can say tha
Otherwise i will definitely try krita
I have recently discovered inscape too. Sounds a good common creative freeware
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"I got Corel Painter 2019, this bundle has 2020 version, but I keep getting pop-ups asking me to pay 140€ to upgrade to 2021 version (this pop-ups happen even if none of the Corel's programs are running which is annoying and I'm not sure can it be turned off)."
Does it happen even if you haven't used one of their programs since the last bootup? If so you could check what programs are on autostart. If it only happens after using one of their programs you could try to find it in your task manager (or your operating system's equivalent) and terminate it there. It would still be a hassle since you would have to do it everytime after using their software and you shouldn't have to do it in the first place but hopefully it will be a bit less annoying.
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Does it happen even if you haven't used one of their programs since the last bootup?
If so you could check what programs are on autostart
That's a good idea. Used CCleaner's utility tools and found Corel Update Helpers in Scheduled Tasks and Corel License Validation Services in Windows Services.
I'll disable update helpers for now and see if that does it. Thanks.
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As a graphic designer, the Corel programs are no where near as good as Adobe, even the older Adobe CS6 which I keep on my home computer.
However, if you're only using them for personal use and not professionally, I think this is a VERY good deal. Corel is one of the better budget softwares out there.
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It is for personal use of course. I just don t want to be forced to pay a monthly subscription as adobe cloud. Can you confirm that?
I just want a one life use, no matter it can t be updated. Cloud services are too expensive for a simple personal use.
Thanks for more details if possible
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Try Krita, open source and very feature-complete free painting app. MyPaint is also a good one.
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For vector art Inkscape is good free and open-source but if you want something that's maybe a bit better, Affinity Designer is not so expensive (and at least not a subscription-based service).
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Every piece of software in that bundle is a once off (for life) payment, except for the one CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2020.
CorelDRAW has some of the functionality of Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Indesign for both vector illustration and layouts. So if that's the only reason you want this bundle, you might decide against it. That one is a 6 month subscription. But to be fair, it is the more expensive software of the lot. From my experience using Adobe CC, subscription software stops working after you stop paying since you have to log in every few days for it to keep working.
For Life
Both Paintshop Pro and Painter could be compared to the tools in Adobe Photoshop,
Aftershot 3 is something like Adobe Lightroom for touching up photographs.
CorelCad is for CAD drawing, so might or might not be interested in that.
GIMP ( is a free alternative. I have never used it personally because I've always had access to Adobe, but there are countless tutorials online if you wanted to check that one out.
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I have no idea. I've never used CorelCad. =)
I have tinkered with some of the Corel graphic design software out of curiosity, so could help with comparing them to their more expensive counterparts. Ultimately though, I stick with Adobe.
EDIT: I googled it. :P
It looks like you have to have separate licenses if using them on different computers at the same time. Same user can install on two for personal use. But if it's for use by different people, like at an office, each computer needs it's own license. You'd be better to email Corel support and ask them directly if concerned about it.
I really know as much as you do on this kind of thing. ;)
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Thank you very much man. You were very helpfull :)
Its good to have it as an altenative Cad software, just to open dwg files and be legit. I had draftsight in the past but now its paid so I dumb it. CorelCad looks familiar to draftsight so it wont be no struggle I guess
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I haven't used a paintshop pro software in probably about 15 years, so... I can't speak on it, but... If you're looking for a cheap alternative to photoshop, that does not have a monthly sub, I'd recommend Affinity Photo. I purchased it a few months ago, along with Affinity Designer which is an alternative to Adobe Illustrator for Vector art, and I'm quite satisfied with both.
My only gripes with Affinity Photo so far are that it has no DDS support, and exporting PNG's with transparent backgrounds changes the image proportions to the actual pixel border of image shown. Can be a pain in the ass with having proper dimensions for textures. If neither of those are an issue, I'd suggest watching some video's on youtube for the software to get an idea if it's what you may want, and here is a link to website.
Edit: There are also free trials available you can try to see if you enjoy the software.
As for Affinity Designer for Vector, I have no gripes so far, I love it. Here are stages of an image I did with it, so you can see it's useful.
Edit 2: Corrected some mistakes, my brain is exhausted, not thinking straight when writing.
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I'm hobbyst and this bundle is good for me. Insta buy. I'm using Photoshop, but for vector CorelDraw wins over Illustrator. I'm using CorelDraw x8 for CO2 laser and cnc router. Illustrator is better for trace pixel images, but CD is easier to use for working with curves and paths.
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Inkscape drives me crazy. Dialogue panels sometimes don't come up or take minutes to, and yeah, it's quite quirky in general. As you say, something that one needs to get used to. I guess if I was an artist using it regularly I might get used to it, though the panel thing would probably drive me mad. Still better than using Krita for vector drawing, where some stuff on the screen doesn't get drawn and the exported SVG is a total mess.
I've considered buying Affinity Designer. I don't really do much of that stuff, but I just want something solid for when I do. Might buy it on Black Friday if I remember.
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If you want to know if it is worth it then it really depends on what your interests are and how much use you are going to get out of it.
I bought it without question for Corel Painter. I'm a traditional artist with an interest in digital painting, I've used previous versions of Corel Painter and I really like that it is digital painting software with a focus on emulating traditional techniques. As much as fan as I am however the first to admit it is quite a niche product. Fire Alpaca is a great free alternative that I would personally recommend for beginner artists, for a more experienced digital artist without a traditional background there are various other alternatives both free and paid.
I've used versions of Paintshop Pro before now and personally I quite like it, but I wouldn't get the bundle just for that given that there are alternatives that are free (GIMP) or better (Photoshop). The 6 month CorelDRAW subscription seems rather mediocre to me. The main draw of the software seems to be the vector graphics capabilities which isn't really my area of interest. For someone who was interested in that area there are again free alternatives (Inkscape) or as you will be paying after six months anyway the Adobe alternatives might well be the better option.
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The only things that's subscription based in the bundle is CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2020. All the rest are permanent licenses.
If Painter is what appeals to you, then I think that Painter with the collection of brushes in the bundle would be worth the money. If you're just looking for decent beginner's painting/drawing software, try Krita if you haven't already. It's free.
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the only issue with Krita (and something worth noting) it can mess up your settings across the board on other software if using a graphics tablet. ive yet to figure out how / why but its been the case for several years across two different tablets for me (one wacom, one xp-pen).
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Hi all,
Is that bundle worth it ?
I mean : do i have to pay a compulsory monthly subscription (as adobe services cloud) for the corel software once i buy that bundle?
Or it is a no limit time licence?
Thanks for help
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