Uh, controversial to whom exactly? The only people that would have a problem with this are homophobes and their opinions couldn't matter less. :)
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How is this controversial? people and their narrow minds....
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On the steam forum their was (or still is) a long thread about how and why it is and shouldn't be by people supposedly neither homophobes or anything, they just feel strange and totally uninterested to see this feature in the game.
I personnally don't care at all, it is there, and it's your choice to take that route or not, because you like it or for the kicks. Remeber DA:O with Zevran ? it made a fun reading and you're not forced to watch the cutscene.
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The same "scenes" are in a lot of games. Screen fades to black, sex is implied.
I'll just be surprised if the gay option isn't DLC.
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People must get offended over everything if they find this offensive.
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The whole "controversy" part comes from the fact that so many people, myself included, are simply sick of this filth being shoved down our throats. We shouldn't be forced to choose whether or not to buy a game, like a movie, etc., because of ludicrous content in it. The same issue would be brought up if it were related to pedophilia or abortion, or any other major political issue. Simply put, they knew it would cause a huge fuss, but they did it anyway because they only care about making their gay activist supporters happy, not their regular customers. Same thing goes for The Old Republic, both of these games are ones I will not be purchasing, or even playing, ever. Any game that comes out with this kind of content in it will not be seeing my money, period. A wise man once said that if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. Remember that.
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Comparing homosexuality to paedophilia, abortion (lolwhat?), "wahh, you're shoving GAYNESS down my throat, I'm not buying until your gay agenda is gone", the usual bollocks trying to masquerade itself as a reasonable argument.
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There's a difference between not liking watching gay people and being... well, PMDMNKLR about it. If the mods disagree, they disagree, but in my opinion, he crossed that line.
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There's a difference between not liking watching gay people and being... well, PMDMNKLR about it.
I agree...
If the mods disagree, they disagree, but in my opinion, he crossed that line.
What rule exactly did he break? He didn't call anyone out, he didn't swear, he didn't use hate speech or promote violence against a group.
You mentioned his comparison of homosexuality to pedophilia and abortion, but that's not really what he said. He compared the topic of homosexuality to the topics of pedophilia and abortion, and rightly so... all three are indeed 'hot button' issues, especially in politics.
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What did you all expect in a Thread "Mass Effect 3 Controversial Scene"? A controversial opinion? I don't share his mind, but I think it's not bann-worthy, cause it's his opinion. People can decide whether what he said is *** or not. (I hope that)
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So if you see two men kissing in real life do you walk up to them and yell "KEEP YOUR GAY AGENDA OFF MY STREETS! Quit shoving your gay filth down my throat!" If you did they would probably proceed to literally shove some "filth" down your throat.
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simply sick of this filth being shoved down our throats.
I simply don't see how it is "shoved down your throat". The possibility is there, sure, but you are the player with the commands and you choose wether to reach that route or not. you are not forced, if you feel so, I'm sorry for you but you're not.
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The scene was less controversial because of homosexuality, but more because the heterosexual option was original the renegade option.
The connotations behind setting up the alignment like that is going to cause some issues, yes.
I just dislike Mass Effect 3 because its a shitty game from the leaks and everything else Bioware has done this quarter, especially watching the Tortanic and the Heplerberg quietly sink the sunset.
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Can someone explain to me why this is controversial?
Because there is a sex scene in it? There was a sex scene in the previous games and those caused uproar but that was completely unfounded as far as I'm concerned. There is sex in all other media and it is much more explicit. I have seen movies, read books that easily have more detail in a single scene/paragraph than in this whole thing. And the same can be said about games. Anyone played The Witcher? I'm not even going to go on about the other genres ... you know them. Even so, why would this be a problem? It is rated 15+, isn't it? If there is someone who at that age doesn't know about sex then their parents aren't responsible.
Is the problem that it is gay sex? Is that what is offending someone? In that case that someone is the problem.
So really ... what is the controversy?
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Is your body ready?
Personally, I'm okay with this.
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