Good lucky guys:
Glacier 3: The Meltdown 2KEP6-ANVE0-BE3V6
Steel & Steam: Episode 1 4E6EF-VLC2W-KQMFZ
Earth 2150 - The Moon Project MJY0T-ZD2DI-Z9YWE
Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf 96KZL-3TQWL-CZKDW
Dead bits YK95K-PRQD2-WGK4M
Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf 99IYG-AHFIR-P26BQ
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Yup! And my cake day party still goes on! You're invited as well :)
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i have most of the games listed here but if you still have Battlepaths i would be most greatful
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Can i have particula please?
Or Realms of haunting
Or Dead bits
or Pid?
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Robert don't listen to the cunt I asked if 1 of the games were spare he had a shit fit over it, I accidently added him but he still wont stop whinding at me and bmh67wa I do have a vac ban and what the fuck has it got to do with you? Now piss off.
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If you read the whole post you would have known that you weren't eligible and wouldn't have wasted my time. I'm glad that I didn't give you anything now. And what does your mother have to do with this? How do you accidentally add someone anyway? You're so full of shit and I'm sure that your comments have lessened your chances of winning from the others who added you to their blacklists.
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I just told you the games that i wanted,so if any of them runned out i could still have one.
I don't wanted all of them at once.Just gave you the option to pick one and send to me as you proposed
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Particula, Dead Bits and Pid are all still free I thiiiink so if he runs out you can still get them oh earth 2150, jet gunner and overcast might be too and a few of the others he's listed so if anyone else wants them and he runs out check out and hopefully everyone can get a copy :P
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Can I have enclave or blockstorm please?. I would greatly appreciate.
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Well, there was that "Only one key per person so make sure of the one that you want." thing up there. I don't mean to ruffle your feathers, but this is the 3rd one you're mentioning, so you might be doing yourself a disservice. Cheers.
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I see humanity asset has some good reviews maybe that 1 which 1 you have free pls.
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I don't like the blacklist feature but I'm pretty sure that some of you who don't read before responding or fail to follow my instructions will end up on it. I welcome you now as this will be out last correspondence before I add you and you disappear from my life. I am making this thread long on purpose so that all of the TL;DR people can screw it up and those that take the time to read can have a better chance of experiencing my (cough) generosity.
Whenever IndieGala, Alienware,, or some other site gives away free keys for games it's usually for I game that I already own so I have a bunch of keys laying around to give away. Most of them are bundled games or have been removed from the giveaway list here due to their free/given away in mass quantities status. Sorry, no Skyrim. I heard that there was still one Steam user out there that still doesn't have Gun Monkeys. Hopefully he sees this post.
(Many TL:DR people will stop reading here.)
Rather than drop them here for ungrateful ninjas who never say thanks or say that they got it I've decided to do it differently. Just reply what game you want and I'll add you on Steam, give you the key, and unfriend you soon afterwards. I have no idea where I got some of these keys from and I have had a few for quite awhile now so I cannot guarantee their validity. If I give you a key that isn't valid I will apologize now in advance. It's not like you'd be losing anything anyway. If you bitch about it you will be blacklisted. Feel free to reply in the comments below, even if someone has beat you to it, because they may not get the game from me still. I will be looking at your Steamgifts and Steam profiles before giving you the key. If you are a regifter, have unactivated gifts on your profile, are already on my blacklist, have a VAC ban, or just an asshole, don't bother unless you have missed a position on my blacklist and are just trying to remind me that I need to add you. If you don't thank me or acknowledge receipt of the key after I give it to you then you may end up on my blacklist for that as well. Saying thanks, calling me an ass hole, posting cat gifs, starting and participating in arguments on who can kick whose ass between Floyd Mayweather and Rhonda Rousey WILL NOT earn you a spot on my blacklist. I'm not that anal. Only one key per person so make sure of the one that you want.
(I pity the TL;DR people who stop reading now.)
DO NOT FRIEND ADD ME ON STEAM OR I WILL BLOCK AND BLACKLIST YOU!!! I will send you an invite. If you don't respond withing 36 hours I will cancel the friend request and give the key to someone else. I will also reply under your reply with "request sent" so you will have a second notification.
Blah, blah, TL;DR (dumb ass), blah, and here is the list...
mood music
(If you are a TL;DR person you haven't yet scrolled down far enough.)
Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf (WAITING FOR RESPONSE - colincat9)
I also have 3 guest passes for 48 hours for Booster Troopers full version. You may also request them below. Please take one of these damned things.
BTW, F**K YOU!!!! All keys from them were already used.
Oh yea. I seem to recall saying something about Gun Monkeys. You mean you really don't have it yet? Well sorry, I lied. I have no key for it to give away. UPDATE: Thanks to jbondguy007 for helping Gun Monkeys to make a brief yet welcome and appreciated appearance!
Oh, and you TL;DR people can continue reading now.
I will edit this post as the keys are given out. Depending on how things go there may be a future rule addendum, hidden giveaway (or maybe there already is???), or some other thing I feel like adding.
I am saddened by the dramatic increase in the size of my blacklist because of people being stupid in this thread. Now I'm feeling guilty so I don't plan on keeping most of you on it for very long.
I am on the west coast of the United States (PDT). For those of you that I have already added if I'm not answering it's because I may be in bed. I won't forget about you though and will still send you the key A.S.A.P. after the friend request has been accepted. If there is no reply after 36 hours I will give to someone else.
If you are still looking for a hidden giveaway you may stop now. There never was one.
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