Yes yes yes
Got a game from AMD Gaming evolved can;t remember witch one....
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Eh? I still see games on my rewards page.
Pricey, at least 15k rp, but understandable.
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Its been like that for a while, and Raptr Support has been terrible about responding to questions, concerns, or issues. They make SG Support look downright speedy and Steam Support effective!
You can still purchase most games (when I looked last week), they just don't show up on your Rewards page. You have to find the post announcing the beginning of that prize being available (i.e. "Dirt 3 is now available as a Raptr Reward!") and then follow the link in the post that says to go there to purchase it.
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Thanks for this comment.
I had been saving up for Titanfall since I joined Raptr, learned earlier this year as I was getting close that they ended the promotion awhile back. The program had been getting worse and worse over time and that was the final straw for me and nothing was in the store except those graphic cards that'd take another year+ to get.
Just picked up Total War Shogun 2. I wasn't super into Rome 2's free weekend but better than nothing :D Sleeping Dogs (original) was my second choice. If I can make myself reinstall raptr, I have a few months that might allow me to get this as well.
I changed my comment. Here's the list of the ones I can see that are active. Hopefully this is helpful to some.
Alan Wake - 15000 points. Expires Dec 31
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 12500 Expires Dec 31 (I assume non DC)
Dirt 3-5000 points. Expires Dec 31
DMC Devil May Cry - 25000 points. Dec 31
Dyad - 7500 points Expires June 30
Hitman Absolution - 12500 points.Expires Dec 31
Murdered: Soul Suspect - 25000 points Expires June 30
Sleeping Dogs - 12500 points. Expires Dec 31
Thief - 20000 points. Expires June 30.
I think that is all the active ones, do note, this is based on the "sale" prices. I dunno if these change a lot or not. And definitely do NOT count on the expiration dates or you'll may be disappointed like I was.
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[Company of Heroes 2 - 20,000. Expires May 30, 2015](
The easiest way to see the currently available games is to use a browser and be logged out.
There's also Titan Quest Gold and Darksiders II.
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It's just a program that tracks gametime. Steam does that but it can handle nonsteam games as well if you like keeping track. It's got other bloatware features like video streaming/capturing or something like that but not really worth my time to use. Leaving it running while you play games will net you slooooooow points over time.
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At least i got Dirt 3 off them, and it converted to the Complete edition upon activating saving me 30 euros.
But their reward process is a bit time consuming, it took me 1 year to get 15.000 points. If all goes well i will get enough points to grab another game before they actually announced to discontinue the rewards.
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It shuld take you about 3 and a half hours of gametime to get all 60 points per day but i think it needs to be in one go.
I'm hoping to get to 12.500 points before they pull it (i'm at 9.940 atm) to get Sleeping Dogs.
it's an interesting idea (Raptr reward program) just wished it didn't take so long to get a game even at 80% points take about 2 months to collect.
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Yeah i got sick of the grind and high points needed and i did not always get my points so i said fuck it,cashed it what points i had for Dirt 3,go got updated to Complete with cards,so free cards,free game.
Though i will not use then again unless it some how improves,problem is you never know when the games will run out and it takes forever to get them and if the game is gone before you get the points and nothing else interest you,you either have to wait and hope for a game you want and keep grinding.
For me the reward for the time put in is just not worth it and it just another damn program to run.I am better off spending that time on SG,i have won 2 free games on here with less effort lol
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What GPU's do you all have? I heard that if you have an Nvidia GPu and try to get raptr rewards, there are very limited rewards you can get. But if you have an AMD gpu, all of them are available. I myself only have access to the crappy eguide and the 2 GPU's and am using a GTX 970.
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I have AMD i have not used it in awhile but when i was using it i got 60 points a day but still even at that rate it was a grind,so if you got less man that sucks and i would not bother but i can also understand why they do that,they want to reward those who buy there stuff.
E-guide are a joke over priced and not worth it,the only time i ever get an E-guide is for a game like Skyrim or like it but now that i have full time access to the net even those are pointless.
The game selection they had some decent choices but some not so good,most of them where 20,000 points or more unless discounted
60 points a day 1680 a month,20160 a year do the math most games even when discounted will take at least a year and the GPU might well plan on waiting about 3 lol
In about a year you could got just about any game they have as long as it is discounted enough as some games are like 35,000 without it.
Anyhow i just thought i would share what you get if you have an AMD gpu and if you get less and unless your into E-guides it might not be worth it for you.
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65 points a day... 60 from game play and 5 from visiting community daily. I get the same points with my nvidia gpu as I would with an AMD one. The rewards you can spend point on however are reduced to the 2 amd gpu's and the e-guide discounts if you have an nvidia gpu.
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Ooh yeah my bad on that i forgot about the community thing.
They could imo at least offer a couple games as the only thing worth it for you would be the GPU and well your not short on that by any means lo,if you do not mind using it you could shoot for it and maybe sell it when you do get it.
To bad Nvidia did not have something like this after all they are the #1 GPU are they not and yet still have nothing like that and i mean #1 for selling not debating which is better.
Either way i rather have your GPU and little rewards then my 7950 and lots of useless rewards for me lol
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I'm wondering what happen to AMD GAMING EVOVLED...
Almost all the rewards have expired and then only things which exist are those eGuides and like 2 games (DMC, dirt) and those giveaways.
Is it done for?
The End
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