As expected of Valve

6 years ago

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Actually, pretty expected. Your commend may sound ironic or fun... But it's terribly real :P

6 years ago

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I wasn't being ironic or sarcastic.

6 years ago

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you cant choose to be ironic. making your comment ironic.

6 years ago

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you cant choose to be ironic

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6 years ago

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Also the word "irony"...

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6 years ago

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Also, yes of course you can choose to be ironic.

6 years ago

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actually, you cant. irony can only be observed in the third person or with hindsight. it is not sarcasm - nor related to it.
many european language mistranslate it as sarcasm, when it is in fact not related. american english also does the same (though likely due to eurpoean settlers).

so your last three comments are incredibly ironic as you evudently have no grasp of irony. ironic that.

6 years ago

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Several (if not all) dictionaries disagree with you:


    using words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning; containing or exemplifying


    Verbal irony is a statement in which the meaning that a speaker employs is sharply different from the meaning that is ostensibly expressed. An ironic statement usually involves the explicit expression of one attitude or evaluation, but with indications in the overall speech-situation that the speaker intends a very different, and often opposite, attitude or evaluation.


    The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.

Irony and sarcasm are closely related so it's not always simple. But stating irony can only be observed in the third person is blatantly wrong, view my sources why. If you have sources that support your view I'd like to read them.

6 years ago

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you do know that all definitions of irony are correct, right? the one you chose to read does not invalidate the others

also: "american english also does the same (though likely due to eurpoean settlers)." what?

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Trying to school others on something you clearly do not understand facepalm

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Thanks for the blacklist. I knew it was coming. People like you are so predictable.

6 years ago

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But... wouldn't a blacklist mean more if the blacklister creates giveaways? Otherwise what's the point?


6 years ago

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Yeah, you could call it self-sabotage in this case. 😜 I don't create many giveaways, but some, and I intend to keep doing so.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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As bizarre as it may sound, anything that is marked as a F2P game doesn't have card drops binded so on the other hand, i don't consider it as a giveaway but if it is anyone else's interpretation of a limited time giveaway game, Valve is merely going along the lines of F2P.

6 years ago

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"Instead of starting to drop Trading Cards the moment they arrive on Steam, we're going to move to a system where games don't start to drop cards until the game has reached a confidence metric that makes it clear it's actually being bought and played by genuine users."

6 years ago

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Well that would be what i assumed, yet i don't know if the review system would equate to the game consisting of genuine users since a fraction would play and the other fraction would typically idle.

6 years ago

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Yeah, but people will actually have bought the game via Steam Store vs the developer giving it for free to all the bots and then farming the cards. I don't think it matters all that much if people idle in real games. Perhaps the bots will find a way around it, but it seems like a good idea to slow this shady activity for now, and perhaps we'll see less crap games showing up.

"Bad actors"... this is why we can't have nice things.

6 years ago*

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Wait -- Ben Affleck is why we can't have nice things?!

6 years ago

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LOL! Him especially.

6 years ago

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"genuine users"

is that bullshit even legal ?

6 years ago

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That term is used in reference to bot accounts used to farm/launder things for profit on their market.

6 years ago

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and it's intrusive, abusive and hypocrit

6 years ago

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Discerning between genuine users of the service and 'zombie' accounts used to game the system and generate profit is not abusive, as the zombie accounts have no users to be 'abused', and the actual users of the service are not being referred to as anything remotely negative.

I don't think you understand what a 'hypocrite' is, and I am baffled as to how you feel it is 'intrusive' for them to want to remove bot accounts? I'm detecting a major language barrier here.

6 years ago

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That blog post was made in may of 2017. This has been in place for 19 months already.

6 years ago

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Could farm Hitman 2 right now, so that's not 100% true (got Hitman here ).
Valve disabled card drop in Geneshift and Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion. And that's all. Lets wait for the next giveaway and we'll see.
You could blame "generous" people with thousands of bots and valve - cause they allow things like this

6 years ago

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the only game that with working idling now (from the past giveaways)

6 years ago

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Regarding H2, Valve would be probably flagging it soon enough but we'll wait and see.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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Well said!

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Here's the reason valve did that: "I WANT you guys to get trading cards. It actually makes me money".
Devs are already selling their games and "games" for a few cents in hope to profit from card sales commission. Also valve has blocked mass-generation of keys for off-site giveaways and 1c sales. The logical course of action would be devs making their paid games temporary-free so that lots of people get them and farm cards. Valve needed to react before that happened, simple as that. Whether Geneshift was the first game to be affected by that or not, I don't know, but it's a completely natural move from Valve and nothing to be shocked about.

6 years ago

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So... use Steamkey giveaways rather than use Steam to make it free to profit. You know, the good old kind?

6 years ago

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that would be against developer agreement though.

6 years ago

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Devs are no longer allowed to give away large doses Steamkeys?
Even if it goes free on Steam later, something like a Humble key would still unlock Trading Cards if I read this right.

6 years ago

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This applies to everyone, keys and steam store purchases included. (as in it will display 0 drops earned / x drops gotten and keeping booster eligibility due to them setting cards to f2p mode).

Basically there's three modes for cards:

  • "Normal": Half-set drops
  • F2P: $9 per drop, no cards for previous buyers
  • Previously paid, now F2P: Same as above, purchases still get half-set like in normal.

So these games has been moved from first to second.

Devs are no longer allowed to give away large doses Steamkeys?

They're allowed to giveaway as long as they give same deal on Steam.

6 years ago

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Yeah, but since keys are "purchases" they would still classify as normal, right? Like how you can have a f2p game and if you delete it from your library it "dissapears" but if you get a key from it, even if it activates nothing else it sticks around.
So if that hasn't changed, just give the keys (Humble) then make it f2p the week later as Steam forces; everyone from Humble still gets cards? That was my original "this could be so easily circumvented it's just silly".

Or do you mean if any devs now give a f2p weekend they'll lock out cards FOREVER. Since that would be just silly.
I can't see how Steam can enforce this all too well.

6 years ago

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Even if Valve blocked mass key generations, then the giveaways fot over 1k wouldn't exist effective immediately at this point.

6 years ago

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That article is from MAY 2017. And it's been in active since then. You know... "Steam is learning about this game"???

6 years ago

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Yeah, I thought to myself when I read it: "isnt this old news" :)

6 years ago

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^This. I don't think that's the right article.

6 years ago

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1st they banned game gifts, then they banned cs go items trading, now they disabled trading cadrs drop from giveaways. What else???

6 years ago

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Literally anything they can find that is exploitable.

6 years ago

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What kind of Giveaways? If I win a Game on Steamgifts or get it for free on IG?

6 years ago

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mass giveaways, including steam store ( i assume)

6 years ago

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How is a mass giveaway defined?

6 years ago

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dunno, however steam checks it

6 years ago

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The giveaways are clearly visible on our activity feeds and groups so there are many possible ways to find out.

6 years ago

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Usually more than 10,000 keys, on official websites

6 years ago

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I dropped cards from Geneshift and it's still on giveaway.

6 years ago

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First they came for the cross region traders, and I did not speak out —
Because I was not a cross region trader.
Then they came for the CS GO community, and I did not speak out —
Because I despise Counterstrike GO.
Then they disabled card drops for the latest freebies, and I did not speak out —
Because I had already farmed those games.
Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me.

It's a tragedy. A true tragedy.

6 years ago

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Soon they will ban people with bad won:lost- ratio!!! 😱

6 years ago

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I'm angry on Valve! Not being able to get free money from a free game is a crime.

View attached image.
6 years ago

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Technically it isn't a crime due to the cards being rewarded as you and everybody else are meant to earn them by playing each game genuinely but Valve wouldn't be sure who is and who isn't due to most people exploiting that by creating a idle-program then taking a quick shortcut and farm all the cards to simply make a quick buck.

6 years ago*

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I'm calling the FBI.

6 years ago

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You're free to do as you please but honestly i doubt that will help.

There is also the thought that this could br related to the loot-box, gambling fiasco, not sure.

6 years ago

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I'm texting the Avengers.

6 years ago

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This might help

6 years ago

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Gaben will regret his evildoings when the Hulk gets angry on Steam.

6 years ago

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Either you are missing the joke completely or you're being so good at it that it's indistinguishable from the real thing. And I can't tell which one it is. :D

6 years ago

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Sorry I didn't get a chance to explain this earlier (been a busy day), but I was quoting some recent "SG memes," which usually come about by someone being so incredibly angry (and expecting everyone else to be as angry as they are) over something so insignificant that you can't help but facepalm.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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You forgot to mention that some "people" instead of farming 1 game, create 1000 accounts, and farm 1000 games at the same time.
Or 10000 accounts.
Or 100000 accounts.

Once you build a program to do this automatically, the difference between 100 and 1000 accounts, becomes as simple as adding a 0 at the end of a single line of code.

6 years ago

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The thing i noticed was that when the latest insurgency and prismata GA's were active on steam, the "player" surge was about 160k, but yesterday, there were almost 300k bots farming away at hitman 2...

I have no idea how can someone set hundreds of thousands of accounts going with card drops enabled... 5 euros a pop, these farmers would have to spend several k just to get all the accounts dropping cards.

Probably some big time exploits going on...

6 years ago

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I have no idea how can someone set hundreds of thousands of accounts going with card drops enabled... 5 euros a pop, these farmers would have to spend several k just to get all the accounts dropping cards.

What 5 euros a pop are you referring?

6 years ago

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You need to spend $5 on new Steam accounts to be able to drop cards.

6 years ago

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Does it have to be $5 spent directly on the Steam store or just $5 worth of games though? If the latter it seems you could have your operation running after just a few freebies.

6 years ago

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Must be spend directly on Steam, at least by adding $5 to Steam Wallet using Steam Card.

6 years ago

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Well that's good, at least they have some barrier for entry. Guess I've had an account so long I never knew that was a thing. Thanks for the info :)

6 years ago

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So you can add $5 to your account, and then buy a card for $5 from your other account, you'll only be down a few cents (Steam fees).
And the same account can be used for farming multiple games over time.

6 years ago

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Just because you are able to buy a card, transfer that to main account and sell it. You are still down $5 that you cant spend in any other place then steam :)

6 years ago

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Well, card farming in general generates money you can't spend anywhere outside steam. So this is no different.

The fact people to it, makes me think that there is probably some way to "launder" that money and get it out of Steam.

6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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Gaffi, where did you get that hand grenade?

6 years ago

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Hey look, I'm riding a furry tractor!

6 years ago

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I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.

6 years ago

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View attached image.
6 years ago

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+1! We should join the barricades at France!

6 years ago

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cards from giveaway games was the only way for me to get games on steam ( trading them) :c

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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Valve's only mistake was that they introduced trading cards. Sure, it's a very nice way for people (Valve, devs, some users) to earn money without actually doing anything, but that's exactly the problem: it gives meaning to games that have no other meaning. The more Valve restricts them, the better. Getting rid of them would be great.

6 years ago

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Not entirely. You had people like us pester Valve for changes after changes and they generously offered it to us, in which trading cards could have been meant for only trading, nothing else, not even virtual credit.

6 years ago

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Yes, if trading cards couldn't be sold, it would have been better. But I still feel that trading cards detract from games, because they move the game to being treated more like a collectible than content for consumption.

6 years ago

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sometimes I buy games only for the nice badges.

And why is that a problem? The devs get money, steam gets money, I lose money. Everybody gets what they want.

6 years ago

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It's a problem because you tell the developers that crap games are perfectly okay, because you're only interested in badges. And then people complain that Steam has a lot of crap. Steam customers actively tell devs that they don't care about games at all, only about the meta-game that is Steam.

6 years ago

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You have the option to ignore. Steam should not dictate what I want to buy and neither other people.

Edit: I know people that buy games, just for the sake of buying them. And never play. Is it wrong? No!

Edit 2: If the games are so bad and the only salvation point of selling them are badges. Then they should not be on steam in the first place. Steam decides if it wants to sell a game on their platform. If a game already passed that barrier, then it should be at least decent.

6 years ago*

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Steam's decision was to open up the store to anyone, without curation. It's a reasonable decision, because there are tons of games, many of them passable, and they can find their own fans. However, Steam is also encouraging bad games, by providing a revenue stream which has no relationship to how good a game is.

As for people who buy games just for the sake of buying them, yes, that's wrong. It's a psychological problem. I can understand buying a game in the hope of playing it some day and not getting to it. I can understand buying a game to support the developer and never playing it. These to me are legitimate. Buying purely for the +1 is a kind of addiction.

6 years ago

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Just a note, you don't need games to craft badges.

6 years ago

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yes, but I never buy full priced games and if I buy a game only for badge, then that game will drop some badges. And I also have a limit of max 2$. Once I got a game for like 0.19 cents, got 3 cards, sold 2 of them, made the money back.

6 years ago

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I like the idea of gamification on your profile, I'm not chasing levels and badges actively but it is a nice option to have... I'd rather say, their mistake was not setting these restrictions upfront, because once they had it freely available and then start adding restrictions later, it seems bad. It's not, restrictions like "no cards for new games until they prove themselves" and even "no achievements until..." are actually good for protecting Valve store from people who are releasing "games" to scam other people and don't really care about games in any way.

6 years ago

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Nobody can expect a company to present themselves perfectly upfront, as they implement ideas throughout the course of several years, then fall back to improvise or rectify their problems so its merely phase after phase and every company no doubt is bound to come across their mistake/s.

6 years ago

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I agree, just saying while they are doing something good, there's a perception of them doing something bad, because they "offered more" at first. I see these new rules as improvement, because the less incentive there is to cheat the system (and the users), the less of that will be and less and less "fake games" will appear just to launder money for some regional mafia from Asia or who knows what.

6 years ago

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I like the game backgrounds.

6 years ago

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trading cards are for shit games, to give people some kind of motivation to buy these shit games.

6 years ago

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Precisely the problem.

6 years ago

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Exactly. It would have been way better if they would just give 3-5% of the money directly back to your wallet, like Humble does. No cards involved.
Those shitty games would disappear in the snap of a finger. If people really want emoticons/backgrounds and badges, just let them buy them directly as well.

6 years ago

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wasn't it like that in the past already? i remember a couple of games not dropping cards until it was back to full price?

6 years ago

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Yeah. This system has been in place for over a year, they only just found out about it :P

6 years ago

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probably... i can also imagine that guy was close to a heart attack when he found out some of his calculated drops were gone and he thought he was hacked or something like that ;)

but since it seems that even some regular licenses seem to be a f2p license now, there actually was some kind of screw up from valves side... guess we'll find out sooner or later

6 years ago

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I think it's pretty common sense for them to do that. Maby it's 4-5 cents for card but multiple it by how many ppl will get the game and they can loose a lot on those GA if ppl just farm them to sell and get some credit.

6 years ago

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Valve rule, game need have enough sell(owner) to start drop cards.
If free as giveaway, the owner become enough to drop cards is break the rule.

6 years ago

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Whine more silent because they took you a way of earning 5 cents....
And its clear that such a thread started from someone like you.
(Your words "1st they banned game gifts, then they banned cs go items trading, now they disabled trading cadrs drop from giveaways. What else???")

I don't say more or it can be taken as calling out

6 years ago*

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Evolvation normally has 50 - 100 players

Get a peak of 170k "playing" users when developer allowed game to be free and drop cards. 170k IDLE farmers and bots that farmed this game to the point dev servers couldn't handle all this traffic.

So I'm all in favor of setting game to F2P instead of free.

6 years ago

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How are dev servers stressed when card idlers don't actually play the game, just tell Steam they are.

6 years ago

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Looks like part of logging in to the game was made through their separate servers, not Steam.

Edit: Also not all bot farmers use Archibot, it's still niche in comparison to whole Steam base. So a lot of people simply download this game and tried to "play" it in order to get card drops.

6 years ago

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I'd say downloading a game you don't want to play is the niche group here, maybe 5 people will do that while a Russian bot farmer starts their 5k+ bots. SAM, IM etc idlers have been around even before ASF and cause majority of such peak numbers.

6 years ago

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The dev and the guy writing that article has no knowledge about idling community or idling programs. Just because Steam showed 180k of users doesn't mean those were 180k users hammering his game servers, at least good 170k of those were ASF/IM/other idle users that never reached the actual game files in the first place, while at most he's struggling with 10k (probably less) of people that actually wanted to see what the game is about and downloaded it, or never heard about idling programs.

The "niche" you're talking about is 630k Steam accounts using ASF alone, add another 370k of IM and other programs and you get 1 million "niche". People that are actually downloading game files and idling in the most troublesome manual way are in so insignificant minority that no other dev making his (multiplayer) game available for free has ever reported such issues. I wouldn't be shocked that servers handling 10-20 players tops suddenly started to struggle with 1k - if that guy had any actual knowledge then he'd analyze the real amount of people hitting his servers instead of refering to Steam concurrent players. If he really got 180k traffic, his servers would explode in a DDoS attack, not just have "issues" with handling concurrent players.

Also not all bot farmers use Archibot

Nobody uses ArchiBoT, because ArchiBoT is not ASF. And out of all idling programs available, ASF right now has more or less 60-80% of userbase.

6 years ago*

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Same thing happened to CK2. It went from 10k daily players to more than 140k "players". (ಠ_ಠ)

6 years ago

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I have no idea why you assume that this is a new Steam procedure, while it seems that Steam just messed up what the developer had intended to be given away for free. Unless they create such "special version/bundle" without trading cards for every future giveaway, this remains an exception.

6 years ago

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Sure ! GREAT job from VALVE ... one more year and we must pay for actually launch the game !

6 years ago

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Now that I think of it, there was one free for a day game a few months ago where they didn't disable the cards and it jumped to the top10 most played on steam because of bots and everyone was "wow what an oversight by valve", and now that another game doesn't have the same "oversight" it's considered weird? TL,DR; whatever they do people complain.

6 years ago

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Maybe because it's a bad change? We still have games that does not drop 1 single card . Why you would make this change ? Because you don't want pople to get 3 cent / card?

6 years ago

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Those 3 cents come from someone, like the gifts on this website. You have "bot farms" in Russia and some Asian countries where hundreds of thousands of accounts farm the cards from "free for a day" and similar games and sell them to... whom? Yup, a consumer from the western Europe, USA, Canada, whatever. And those 3 cents end up being millions of dollars that end up in the hands of not some poor guy who's trying to feed his old grandma, but hands of organizes crime more likely.

Denying them cards through these "new rules" will make them look around for easier money laundering scheme, which will make them leave Steam alone, which will remove 50% of new asset flips and stuff coming to the store and that will make you happy in a long term.

But hey, I guess your "free" 3 cents are more important than the future of gaming.

6 years ago

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"Poor guy who's trying to feed his old grandma, but hands of organizes crime more likely." Ahahahaah yeah sure ! Stop watching SF movies please ! Gaming was never been a crime .

6 years ago*

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You can't be serious, are you? Have you ever stopped wondering for a second why exactly majority of bot networks are located in Russia and China? Hint: it's not because only those two countries have "organized crime" scene.

While I'm not supporting bot abusers in any way, at the same time I don't understand the hate against them. It's not like they're freaking stealing something out of other users or in other way affecting anybody or anything negatively but Valve servers at most, and me as a developer of the program they're using second, but not you, the developers, the users or the quality of games being developed. Basics of economy, if somebody wants something, then somebody else offers that, if nobody wanted to spend money on crappy Steam levels, badges, emoticons, backgrounds and whole that mess, then you wouldn't have cards selling for any higher than $0,01 and so huge competition that people would just move somewhere else.

"The future of gaming" has nothing to do with people taking advantage of what is given to them for free, and quality of games being developed has nothing to do with people trying to make a buck or two from selling stuff they don't want to others that do. You're acting like this would not happen if it wasn't for the cards to begin with, well guess what - Steam no longer enables card drops for newly-released games in Steam learning, yet the people are still making them, selling them, and others are buying those asset flips without cards to begin with. You had digital homicide first, then asset flips second, now it's "hentai" genre, it'll most likely be something else tomorrow. If somebody really considers idling a business with real "profitz", then I don't see how that is different to buying big box of your AAA game with intention to resell it for 3x in the future, or farming gold in world of warcraft. Ever wondered why most of the WoW gold farmers are from China? You found a correlation now.

6 years ago*

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If somebody really considers idling a busiess with real "profitz"

I don't know how old you are, maybe you don't remember the economy like 30 years ago in your own country. And while Poland changed for the better, many places never did. Trust me, there are people in Eastern Europe who can earn more botting 1000-5000 accounts then actually going to work every day. It's easy not even being able to fathom this, because it sounds crazy so I don't blame you for having a dismissive attitude.

And it's interesting you mention wow... you think gold farmers are some kids doing it after school? There are entire "living bots" farms in China where people go to work and receive pay for farming gold all day long. Even worse, there are prisons where they force inmates to do it and the state takes the earnings.

Sure, living in the EU/USA, having a job, security, home, comfy chair... paycheck that can buy a house in another country... doesn't make you actually grasp the extent of what this "profitz" can mean to someone who has it different. But please have an open mind about how deep this rabbit hole can go.

6 years ago

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Last movie you saw please ?? I'm just sarcastic, you do not have to pay attention.

6 years ago*

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That's the 2nd reply where you dismiss everything I said with a funny remark. I didn't even respond to you this time but to Archi. I'm assuming you don't have anything more useful to say, no arguments to counter what I said, so I'll ignore you from now on in order to avoid any potential conflict. Thank you for reading and have a nice day.

6 years ago

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Thank you ! the same .

6 years ago

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Exactly, people can make living off this in poorer countries, and they do not make any harm to anybody while doing so. If the person put so much money and/or time to make 5k bot network or farmed enough of gold in WoW that he makes a decent living, then why would you want to end this, considering neither of those two groups do anything wrong, any harm to people or other negative impact? You don't have anything against the government or bank for taxing the poorest that can't pay off their debts/taxes, yet you do hate the person living in such awful conditions that farming gold or idling Steam cards yields him more money than finding a real job?

This is exactly why I do not judge those people. I've seen enough of really disgusting behaviours as ASF dev, but I for one am happy that I can be the person with enough of knowledge and skills to actually as a hobby develop a program that others lifes can even depend on, as crazy and artificial as it sounds. You're the person who blames those people for quality of games being released on Steam, while the only one to blame is customers for having shit taste, and Valve for adding cards in the first place, not the people that are making use of it.

If stealing was legal in some country, then I wouldn't blame the thieves for stealing, but the government for having shit law that needs fixing. Likewise here, I do not blame bot idlers or gold farmers, but the target market of them, and companies that made it available second, but only partially.

6 years ago*

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Dev keys are the actual source of such problems, not cards. Nobody would buy the games from Steam for $1 per game, but if they can buy 20 of the games in a $0.40 bundle, then it's worth it. If there were no bundles or keys sold for fractions of a cent to other resellers, there would be far fewer trash games on Steam.

6 years ago

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Which still is based on target market (customers) spending money to get those cards, and Valve for not doing anything to fix this being available in the first place.

Although Valve actually took a few steps to end this - limits on keys generation and Steam learning are two examples, likely more to come.

6 years ago

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may try to solve the problems that they themselves have created

6 years ago

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You misunderstood. I don't mind the poor people surviving on this. I'm against organized crime abusing those same people. Against prisoners being forced to farm and so on.

You know the cute beggar kids asking for a few cents on the street? You must know there's a car with a huge bald guy who comes in the evening, picks them up and takes all the money? They're often too scared to take food from strangers, because they know they are being watched and holding a piece of bread will diminish potential income for the "boss". And indoctrinated, don't know of different life, so they rarely try to escape. Even if they do, system often spews them back to where they started, and they end up on the street again, this time with a severely broken leg and crutches.

Mothers holding silent babies in the cold? Babies are most often drugged heavily, and not theirs. They "rent" them for a day.

Yeah, most people are decent hardworking people trying to survive. Then, some people are scum of the earth who'll abuse anyone they can, and will find any gray area to flourish in.

Yes, many botters are just regular people trying to survive and earn some pocket money. Then there are organized groups who use it for money laundering, and are involved in other shady and illegal business too. And their farms are large and accounts are many. Their earnings go to destroying people's lives. It's sad.

6 years ago

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I don't mind the poor people surviving on this. I'm against organized crime abusing those same people. Against prisoners being forced to farm and so on.

You're trying to ban knives because some people are using it for robbery while the most are using it in the kitchen. Removing Steam cards entirely will not make your organized crimes disappear, they'd move onto another market, same how robbers would just use baseball bats or other guns, while people that are actually trying to earn something legitimately without doing harm to anybody (e.g. chiefs), might be forced to start stealing or do any of those actions you explained above exactly because there is no legit no-harm way of earning money anymore. Your solution is wrong, even if your reasoning is valid. If you have a society addicted to drugs, the proper way is to educate that society why drugs are bad and help them get out of addiction, not banning the drugs and acting like problem will solve itself - it will not. You might at best create yourself utopia where you can't see problems anymore, even if just a few steps behind there is a pathological society in dire need of help and much worsened conditions since you started making it "right" for yourself.

6 years ago*

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Maybe you're right. But it's not me who's "solving the problem". I just commented to explain what I think why Valve is doing these new rules. It's my opinion that they are trying to "push those people into some other market" as you put it, and wash hands of it to protect themselves of being implicated in any way with gambling, money laundering or whatever might come up next.

6 years ago

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It's not me either, but removing Steam cards is not going to magically solve the problems with your organized crime, the biggest hit will be casual Steam users using it for extra bucks and people that are actually trying to make a decent living because of such availability. This is why I say that it's not a solution to the problem, and automatically assuming that all idlers are belonging to some one huge organized crime is awful misinterpretation and generalization, most of the ASF users are typical Steam users like you or me, trying to idle their games more easily than if they had to download them separately. And since this is given to them from Valve, I don't see how they're doing any harm to the "gaming future" or society, just because you have a small group of rapists around doesn't mean you're supposed to ban sex altogether. The proper solution is always to limit the scale of abuse (bigger police force for instance) instead of doing actions that will result in direct hit for normal people (e.g. curfews).

6 years ago

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Not my organized crime, I have no connections with that.
Also, never said that most asf users are part of some huge organized crime, nor did I say anything against asf.

What I said is that there are groups who abuse this feature/system and that their farms/income are huge compared to normal botters or regular users with 1-X accounts.

Also, I like the cards, it's one of the tiny things making the life more...colorful. I just agree with Valve that free games or games temporarily free shouldn't have them. Also that new games that didn't sell enough shouldn't have them yet. And so on.

I don't think that any of these rules affect regular users much. Regular user who buys a game will get the cards eventually or not, but they bought the game for the game itself.

Organized crime will be affected, as they push game-like-objects through various canals and then create 100.000+ keys specifically for botting, selling under value to other bot farms and so on. Now they can't request those keys anymore, their new games can't get keys nor cards... and today even a free for day game will not allow them to abuse it... how is that not good for the future of gaming? How does it affect regular gamers / asf user except for those "free 3 cents" in the case of this particular game?

6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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I don't disagree with you, I like this change...

But I have to ask: is there an actual, documented connection between Steam trading cards and organized crime?

6 years ago

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I really hope that this is not one-time thing but they actually did something right and truly disabled card drops for games that can be temporarily obtained for free, this will have a very positive effect for normal Steam users, cut the ASF bot abusers and overall make me happy. This should be done years ago.

6 years ago*

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Instead of starting to drop Trading Cards the moment they arrive on Steam, we're going to move to a system where games don't start to drop cards until the game has reached a confidence metric that makes it clear it's actually being bought and played by genuine users. Once a game reaches that metric, cards will drop to all users, including all the users who've played the game prior to that point. So going forward, even if you play a game before it has Trading Cards, you'll receive cards for your playtime when the developer adds cards and reaches the confidence metric.

They are not removing cards from games that is used giveaways they are removing cards from games until they reached a certain number of something. And at that point cards will start dropping to new people or be given to old people that actually played the game
or use archie steam farm.

6 years ago

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the section you quoted is about 1.5 years old if I remember correctly... this is more about the "steam is still learning about this game" thing before cards and achievements are activated for a game... i don't think this has anything to do with those two games not dropping cards...

anyway: I just don't get why people freak out about this, without an official statement that things changed... and even if, wouldn't it increase the cards value due to a more limited supply?

6 years ago

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Too late, steam levels and trading cards in general are already devalued. Plus, thousands of "games" do already exist for the sole puspose of selling keys to farmers.

6 years ago*

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Maybe devs will start making better games now and not just make money from market transaction fees.

6 years ago

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I really hope so !

6 years ago

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You mean "asset flips with stolen art since Valve don't care"... then... yes.
That's the current trend after the trading card/achievement attempts. Quality hasn't been considered yet, and we all know won't be until Valve manually checks games (ie. NEVER)

6 years ago

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Meh. It was nice to get some "free" XP for Steam levels (with 3 alts), but I think I'll survive without it (especially as not few others now also won't be able to level up through "free games", and by that not lowering the overall booster drop rate for us others - meaning that less incentive to push for a higher Steam level when the higher ups get their "easy leveling" complicated too). I certainly won't be spending at least around $10/10 Eur to get from level 110 to 120 in any case tho (or double that from 200 to 210, etc.).

6 years ago

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