What's your favourite (or favourite concept) choose your own adventure movie?
To be honest, games like mcsm are more than amazing. Of course, telltale didn't do their job as good as i wish they would have as choices didn't seem to matter sometimes, however the stories themselves are cool and super emotional and the characters(at least the main ones) are well done and can be relatable. Honestly, i would love to see a movie being done this way(even if that takes an insane amount of resources:/) as imagine being able to choose how the story proceeds in a masterpiece movie. But of course they have to be made to actually matter for real. Every action, choice, every single thing you do should matter.
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i only watched the black mirror movie, and it felt a lot like a telltale game. minus the fail state
i don't think CYOA books or movies work, they are more game and less of the medium it came in. and they will be perceived as such.
now im not saying they are bad, i love games. but i enjoy them as games with other gamers
and the main problem is the PLOT, imagine Harry Potter/STARWARS/.. had an alternative ending, the fans would go crazy. they dont even like it when you add a story to the canon. and you cant add a sequel unless you can have a static plot that everyone agrees on. (remember Mass effect?).
i still enjoy CYOA games, but keep in mind that there are multiple endings. and one of them is ranked the "GOOD ENDING". only a gamer would sit through the game again for the fun of the game, not the movie or the book.
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the guy that drinks his own piss
He did so much worse...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R25Eflr0oJ8 (Youtube version)
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I don't know what you are talking about "choosing diversity over talent for the role cast."
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Jinx? As in MATN Jinx? :D
A "Choose your own story movie" would presumably still require choices to choose from unless you get lots of community ideas beforehand and take polls, do you mean making a movie from those choices or do you mean like a game with only choices and movie cutscenes without any other interaction?
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Choose Your Own Adventures to me seems less immersive than standard movies, books, or video games. In video games the main character becomes an extension of me because of the high level of control I exert. In standard books and movies I can live vicariously through the main character and/or just sit back a relax, because there is a steady flow. In CYOA it's more like being a manager and giving your employees orders. Plus the infrequent decision points really draw me out of the story just like QTEs in cutscenes. Then there's the tendency to create somewhat simpler stories for CYOAs.
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I didn't know that CYOA Movies exist O_O I mean I know this Minecraft movie thingy, but I thought it was more like a Telltale game.
But since I love CYOA books since I was a little kid and I'm also a huge fan of RPGs, the idea of an actual, good movie where you can choose how the plot continues- That would be so much fun!
I remember that a german YouTuber once kind of made a CYOA story. It consisted of I don't know how many short clips and at the end of each one she let you choose and redirected you to the according clip. It was far from being a polished movie, but it was fun.
And the more recent FMV are really something I need to spend more time with.
That said, I don't think that CYOA is a good choice for every story and sometimes I enjoy it far more to see what someone else imagined. It's relaxing, I don't have to think about consequences and it feels satisfying to see the end. If there were different endings and I got a bad one, I might feel the need to try it again.
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I didn't know CYOA movies were a thing. I'll have to check out the Black Mirror one at some point, since neither Minecraft nor someone drinking their urine interests me in the slightest.
In general, when I watch a movie I want to experience a story, while when I play a game I want to create and shape a story through many choices.
How is a CYOA movie different from a CYOA FMV game like Night Shift? Or are they basically the same thing, except one is called a movie and the other is called a game?
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Thanks for bringing this to my attention, JinxGamez :)
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I think a lot of good movies and even games create stories with satisfying information, but also enough unanswered questions such that people go online and discuss how the blanks should be filled. So I definitely agree that by giving the viewers a bit more control as to what the movie means or how it is seen you create something that more people enjoy (in this case through use of open interpretation).
I also tend to enjoy games over movies since it gives you a sense of control and accountability as to what happens. We typically see this in RPGs and even Visual Novels. It kind of makes you feel like your transported into the world rather than a passive viewer of it. 4th wall breaks are also used to really push that idea that you are a part of the story directly.
As for movies, I wonder how it would work. Like how do you allow a personal choice in a movie theater. If there is a default path, I feel it will undermine all the other choices. Same thing happens with games with multiple endings too, where people argue which ending is the true one. It gets even worse when there is a sequel.
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And i am sure you will love this if you haven't tried before (My favorite first)
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Honestly I'm not really interested in CYOA style films. I like the medium in a game and used to enjoy it as a book when younger but now I'd rather have a finely crafted story that I can really get to grips with.
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chosing you path if film is pretty interesting idea but it surely destroys a lot of immersion for me, while I'm watching, especially something plot turnover, pausing it to let's you choose what character have to do completely destroys tension
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I love choose your own adventure games. My all-time favorite is still Death Road to Canada. I just got through a dozen endings in the Markiplier video and they were all well-done. Thanks for sharing!
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If you haven't already noticed I've given away Skyrim: Special Edition in support of one of these types of projects to be made on Youtube, because in my opinion CYOA game/movies are the way forward as things are becoming more interactive and movies are getting bigger and bigger budgets as we go along.
So in an effort to promote this again, I'll be giving away Greedfall as soon as the video drops on Youtube. It may be a Youtube Original but it will be completely free to watch btw.
Here's the project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TjfkXmwbTs
Oh, and hello, I'm Jinx. I don't speak often here. So hello.
What I wanted to do was gather some intel as well. I'd like your opinion on CYOA game/movies and if you think it is the way forward. Also if you think there's an even better title I didn't say in the polls I'd like to know more about it. Thnx <3
There's always a lot of backlash over movies, right now there's backlash for due reason. Poor writing and choosing diversity over talent for the role cast. However, before this was an issue it would be that the ending wasn't just quite right or you wish the movie could've gone a different route. I think there's a lot of potential in the movie industry to use this to their advantage and actually make "A movie that everyone will like" of course that's still impossible really, but it would become closer to the fact. People can choose what way the story goes and therefore be more satisfied with the type of movie that it has become. I think it would be great if the "what ifs" of movies were explored, both literally and figuratively.
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