I know about both games, but I never would have imagined they were both made by the same dev, since they seem to be such contrasting styles (action vs point and click adventure). Pretty cool that they have started their company out by widening the scope of games they make
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True. And yet, there are a few linking points: Interesting female leading characters, love for the details, great atmosphere, a compelling background, great use of music, and a few more. Also, the time manipulation mechanics in LiS are reminiscent of the memories remixing sections of Remember Me.
I think shifting from action to choice-based adventure was a great choice. They were able to forget about the parts of Remember Me that were weaker (combat, platforming...) and focus on the aspects they do best imo.
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bump, yeah I still only have Lis ep1, but it was awesome... I normally only buy games on sale, so that's why I haven't bought the other episodes yet.
it was on sale when I bought ep1, but it wouldn't let me buy the other episodes at that time :(
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I have to admit, I didn't enjoy LiS as much as I thought I would. The ending(s) in particular seemed pretty damn unfitting and stupid to me.
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huh. i liked the ending. didn't watch the second one yet, though. i should do that this evening.
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I'm trying to explain why I think so without spoiling anything..
Well, you got a choice at the end and for me, only one seemed natural. The other one just would have made the whole game pointless. Now my problem is that I really liked the second one better simply because there was more to it and they showed more of what has happened after the choice. Though I'd never picked this ending to begin with (I just did because I was curious about the second ending afterwards). The one I chose, which only seemed sensible to choose after what has happened during the game, was just pretty damn boring. There just wasn't much to it.
I know that this can be pretty confusing but I tried to explain it without spoiling too much.
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Spoilers alert, don't hover if you didn't played.
It doesn't make whole game pointless, because Max knows what happened. If you think it's pointless, get someone to play first 5 minutes of game and after toilet scene take controls away, play ending from graveyard scene on youtube and tell me if they feel anything - I'm going to bet they'll say "ok, girl died, what next?"
Heh, I actually dislike other ending more since it makes both girls psychos - after Chloe asks Max to save people, Max practically kills Chloe's mom and bunch of other people, which in turn makes Chloe want to have her babies .
But what I really hate is that Ep 5 doesn't feel like an ending for whole story, but like a cheap fanfiction, where whole buildup in previous episodes is just wasted. Maybe I just hyped myself too much, but after previous episodes I expected something awesome, while I got linear set of scenes
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Spoilers and stuff ~
Well, yeahh, Max did experience all of this. But no one else. Not Chloe, not Warren, Nathan.. Alyssa.. anyone. I just think that it is very hard to deal with all of this on your own, with no one to talk to afterwards. Like, no one is ever going to believe her.
Personally I just felt like it made the game pointless; that's just my personal opinion, everyone else obviously is allowed to see that completely differently.
Actually, I don't think that many people died. Sure, we don't see them afterwards, but look at the Diner! They were in there and it's the same as we left it during the gameplay. They safely would have survived in there - but I get what you're saying. That's just my interpretation, I guess.
That definitely is true. These endings (both of them imo) were just too boring, not what I expected after a game like this.
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IMO if they are not dead, then Save Chloe ending is "the good ending". And that means there is no choice in the end, since you either save Chloe and everyone, or kill Chloe to save everyone. Well, I guess Nathan and Victoria might argue with that...
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Yeah, that's true. But since we don't know for certain that they are alive (or dead?), and this is just an assumption of mine, the "good" ending would be to save the city and let Chloe die - which I'm not really fine with either.
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That should be the point. You either sacrifice Chloe and feel bad about that, or you murder her mother and feel bad about it - the Bad One and the Worse One, depending which way you look at it. When you add "nobody dies" to "Save Chloe" scenario, it automatically makes it "The Good One", because there is nothing sad about it.
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I guess that's what it was suppost to be like. Though I still feel like that not as many could have died, judging by the condition of the Diner for example.
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That's probably because they run out of money, or for "visuals" Tornado in LiS was said to be E6 - which is actually more than official scale has. E5 means total destruction, quoting wikipedia "An EF5 tornado pulls well-built, well-anchored homes off their foundations and into the air before obliterating them, flinging the wreckage for miles and sweeping the foundation clean". So, LiS tornado should leave nothing standing, but I guess deers in the middle of broken street look better than in the middle of nowhere. Or they run out of money/time to rip even street off.
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See, I didn't even know that! Now it definitely seems like a lot of people died in the storm. But still I think that it's those little things that make the game a little less good. All those small details that don't add up too well.
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assuming i understood what you were saying, i chose the other ending, the one that in your opinion made the whole game pointless. well, i didn't feel like it made anything pointless. what i chose to accept in the end, is what the game was telling us all the time. if you try to change the past, chances are everything will just go horribly wrong (extreme example: episode 3). so the final decision to let her go, to let fate take over, was something max had to learn the hard way. and it was highly emotional. max got to know (the grown-up) chloe during this week, and she had to sacrifice all that. even worse, she had to completely undo it. her old and new best friend, and she had to let her die to save the town.
i know of course, what you mean. if the storm comes every time she tries to trick her fate, then why did she get the power in the first place? that is the one big logical flaw i try to ignore, or to interpret in a certain way. i see it like that: she got her power and she can use it for her own life, but she should not have tried to prevent the fate of others (a bit like fixed points in time in Doctor Who). some things just have to happen, and she must not interfere. that's how i like to understand it. :)
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Spoilers and stuff ~
I just felt like it was the story of Max and her friend, so I didn't really feel comfortable 'killing' her a second time. The first time was hard enough for me. Also, yes, Max got to know Chloe for one week, but Chloe didn't get to know Max in the end if you chose that ending. I mean, she did, but since you then go back in time again, Chloe didn't remember any of it, heck, she didn't even met Max again. And that's just.. I just don't think that's the right thing to do.
Since you haven't seen the other ending, I don't really wanna tell you another reason why I prefer the ending where Chloe lives. On the other hand, I mean, we all know what happens to the city if you choose Chloe. Just look at the buildings. Yeah, they are destroyed but the Diner for example is just fine and like we left it during the game, so personally I don't think that that many people died after all - but that's just my own interpretation, I think.
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i understand that you didn't like killing Chloe. and i think that is actually, what made this ending so good in my opinion. you got to know Chloe so well, and you liked her - having to let her go is just a very strong move, emotionally. i liked it a lot. :)
i really have to watch the other ending today. xD
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Yeah, maybe that's true. :)
Haha, like I said, it's not that great anyways :P
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I was left pretty disappointed with the ending, but that's just me. Either way, it's made a pretty big mark.
Life Is Bump
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I sorta figured it was a bad idea to play through it twice and see both endings, so I'll just quote spankypie
Bae before bay.
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I think part of it was due to all the hype>.< me and a buddy were going crazy over it, discussing theories and such.
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Thank you for the GA!
I love LiS, its characters (actually I have a friend who is 85% Max in appearance, nature and occupation =)), and I enjoyed exploring every little bit of the world, but the last episode... Maybe I just played it in the wrong mood, but in the end I felt almost nothing, unlike all the previous episodes =(
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Bump for excited to play both of this games one day ^_^
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I haven't had a chance to play either,mug I own remember me (who doesn't about now) but with that red of yours I'll def look into LiS. Thanks for heads up
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LiS would be #1 on my wishlist, except that since I own Episode 1, stupid Steam won't let me wishlist 2-5! >_< In other words, I'm really looking forward to a good sale on LiS so that I can start playing the game again~!
I can see that I need to bump my newly-acquired Remember Me up on my to-play list! ^__^
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... by giving away Dontnod's previous (and first) game: Remember Me , which is brilliant in many aspects, despite its flaws, and made me instantly interested in Life is Strange when it got announced while being a totally different game on paper.
Then LiS happened, surpassing all my expectations, and then some. It's hard to say it may be my favorite game of 2015 when there's Witchers and Metal Gears around, and Fallout on the way, but the fact that it is in the conversation should give you an idea of how much I love it. And I do think it may be the most important game of the year for the industry. The one that'll make you think back about 2015 further down the road.
So, cutting to the chase, no LiS for you, sorry, but here's Remember Me . I Hope it gets someone introduced to this great (so far) developer, or maybe it gives a LiS fan a chance to see what came before from Dontnod.
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