People was begging to me already because of birthday, family is dead, no money etc.
What was the most funniest begging you read or encountered?

PS.: Sorry for my engurish.

10 years ago*

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Begging is rarely funny. :P

10 years ago

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Except for candy! nobody needs candy, they only want it!

10 years ago

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It isn't actually true begging if that person has internet at his/her disposal. So you are allowed to make fun of them.

Edit: IRL begging on street isn't and probably never gonna be funny matter.

10 years ago

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Mine was something like :
"I noticed you have private giveaways that have ended without entries. I know what it means, it means you created fake private giveaways and invited no one, so they ended empty and you could gain CV. You are cheating the system, give me keys or games or else I'll report you."

10 years ago

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:D Bring down the rains :D, he should read how SG works first, clearly has no idea

10 years ago

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that's an unsuccessful blackmail attempt, not begging xD

10 years ago

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hahahaha lol

10 years ago

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I saw those giveaways too, GIVE ME KEYS OR ELSE!

10 years ago

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pls not again

10 years ago

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Since you asked so nicely, I'll forget what I long as you slip me a fiver under the table wink wink nudge nudge

10 years ago

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Know what I mean, known what I mean heh

10 years ago

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I see you're man of the world, aye aye?
Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more!

10 years ago

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This is was mine.
Okay, well, first, I am 14 years old and there's a very good game that I really want to play which has today a very big discount but the problem is I have no money and every one I asked( my parents and friends ) didn't want to help :X.. I hoped although it is very rude, if you might be able please to gift it for me, I will be more than happy =]]

I have folder for conversations with this guys.

10 years ago

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Uh, I'm 10 and my mum died last night and my dad ran away with the postman, and all 17 of my brothers and sisters beat me up every night, would you buy me Evolve to make me happy? :D

10 years ago

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Meh, pretty standard:
"you have a million games. buy me xxxx"

10 years ago

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I usually do the the begging so don't usually find them funny because 99.999 percent of the time it doesn't work :(

10 years ago

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I donated everything to cancer research, can you give me some games pls ?

I was like "nice try but not even close"

10 years ago

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Stick 'em with the pointy end.

10 years ago

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That's what i do

10 years ago

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Begging isn't even remotely funny.

10 years ago

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I think it's a matter of perspective. Even if it's annoying, some beggars can actually come up with entertaining stories. People confronted to them invent funny ways to deal with them too.

10 years ago

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sure it is

10 years ago

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Someone once told me I should give them a hamburger because the were a communist...

10 years ago

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Seems legit. U cheap bastard...:))

10 years ago

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Everyone has to share, comrade. You should've asked for something too.

10 years ago

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A guy in a private chat begged for answers for my puzzles, because "OMG IT'S BEST GAME EVER! PLS I NEED TO ENTER THIS GA, BUT IT'S TOO HARD FOR ME TO SOLVE". I refused and copy-pasted his begging to group chat we are both sitting on a lot - then he started crying and threatening that he will now kill himself, because it was private not public msg and now I destroyed his reputation in a grup. Whole chat started making fun of him - he left the group few days later :D

10 years ago

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To be fair u didn't have to humiliate the guy.

10 years ago

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that's why people should always think first before sending a message

10 years ago

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to be fair if he's gonna kill himself, it doesn't really matter, does it?

10 years ago

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Bonus lel if he does it.

10 years ago

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Humiliating others is very satisfying

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I just copy-pasted what he wrote. He humilated himself with emo-suicide-threats ;p

10 years ago

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Not nice mate. Should've just refused.

10 years ago

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if you just refuse beggar - he will just try to continue begging to others hoping that he finally gets a success. The moment you humilate him you may condition him. He may think twice about begging next time, because of bad experiences he had regarding begging before. The more time it happens the better conditioning you get! So actually it would be much better if as many ppl as possible would be as harsh towards beggars as possible ;p

10 years ago

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Man, that is harsh.

10 years ago

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what can I say? I'm a horrible human being :D

10 years ago

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The conversation looked more or less like that:

Begur: Hai men, dude, bro, u can pls gib Isaac Reborth? Pls!
Me: What are my options?
Begur: What?????? Comn pls gib rebothr.
Me: Did you added me just to beg...?

I was laughing so hard I forgot to take a screenshot...

10 years ago

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His username makes it that much greater

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Sometime I just give something useless to me from my inv, ONLY if the beggar is polite while being trolled .. :P :D

10 years ago

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That was a mistake, posting this here... prepare your invite list...

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Thanks for feeding the troll

10 years ago

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For me begging is never fun, 'cause I always feel bad saying no :D
Yeah I know they don't really need it and it's not an important matter, but still D:

10 years ago

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You need some Misantrophy in your life.

10 years ago

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eh, maybe you're right.

10 years ago

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Gib gaem plox


10 years ago

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If saying "no" makes you feel bad, why don't you try saying "fuck off"? Maybe that makes you feel better...

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I take it you've never been burned - once you try hard to help someone and he turns out to be a douchebag,the scar lives with you and you no longer have any feelings.

10 years ago

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Nope, I've been burned quite a few times, especially in real life, I'm just stupid :P

10 years ago

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I'm torn between admiring your spirit to hoping you stop doing that.

10 years ago

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"If you ask 1 time its not begging..."

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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i know that phishing bots are not begging but everytime i see that totally not suspicious clickies i feel the pain of a very disturbed russian man/women

10 years ago

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Had one the other day who admitted to using SAM to unlock stuff in CS and a few other games, like that gave him street cred or something. Dude totally forgot you lose that shit the minute you start begging for any game, let alone a crap one like Guns of Icarus. :P

10 years ago

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Me: Yes?
Beggar: Hi can I have free games please?
Beggar: Wait I'll brb there's someone knocking on my door.
-Beggar is now Offline-
Me: That's another one taken care of.

10 years ago

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You heartless prick! Next time send them to, they have lots of free games.

10 years ago

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I've never had someone beg online to me, but in person, I had someone beg to me. It went like this:

At the gym, lifting weights and fartin' protein shakes

Guy and hot girl: Hey, can we work out with you? We can be training partners.

Me: Yeah, sure. I don't mind that at all.

9 weeks later

Guy and hot girl: Sorry we're late, car problems.

Me: I can look at your car for you. I also have a friend who works in a shop that might help you for cheap.

Guy: We have financial problems too. (Insert sob story about cancer and children)

And that boys and girls, is how I lost a whopping $2,000! Yeah, you read that right, a two with three zeros! Since then, I don't care if you have cancer or you lost your hand from jerking off too hard, you will never get a penny from me! I won't even fart in your direction.

10 years ago

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Damn! I should find a hot girl next time i beg. :P

10 years ago

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or you could beg for a sex-change operation

10 years ago

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You gave $2,000 to some people you only knew for a few weeks??? Holy jumpin' mother of god in a sidecar with chocolate jimmies and a lobster bib, that's just plain stupid.

10 years ago

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How and why did you give them 2 fucking grand?

10 years ago

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It wasn't all at once, obviously. It was more like $30 here, $40 there, then BOOM! Never see 'em again. I admit that I was a bit... stupid, but at the time, I was only 18 and I was generally a very nice guy. So nice that I didn't ever feel greedy to not help someone in a financial crisis. Yeah, I only knew them for a little over a few months, but they were so nice and helpful. :/ That's why I helped them. Of course, when the money started adding up and they were a no-show the more money they got, I started getting suspicious and the day I was going to confront them they skipped town and I never saw them again. It's been about 3 years now and I swear, if I ever see them again, I'm going to crush their skulls under a 315lb. barbell until they give me my money back. Since that event though, I have never been a charitable guy anymore and chances are if you ask me for anything, I'll just ignore you or tell you to get a job and get it yourself.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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Plz gib lub

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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There's a good chance I meant both. And I combined the words to make something special.

Aka Barbie Dreamhouse. The most special thing of all.

10 years ago

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Funnest begging I've personally gotten was back when I first joined this site. I has just done my first GA, was for a spare copy of the Merry Payday Christmas soundtrack for Payday 2. So some random guy adds me, which at the time, I didn't think anything about. As soon as I added the guy, he messaged me, at first, all seemed fine...

Guy: Hey, hows it going? Hope you don't mind I added you.
Me: Not at all, it's cool. I am doing good, how about yourself?
Guy: I am doing good.
Guy: So I was wondering, are you planing on doing anymore giveaways on steamgifts?
Me: Well, I am just getting a feel for the website, but I could see myself doing more.
Guy: I love that site! I've won about 20 giveaways so far.
Me: That's cool, I just signed up about a week ago or so, have yet to win anything.
Guy: Speaking of winning things, you should do a DayZ giveaway.
Guy: Actually, you should just buy me a copy! :D
Guy: Please?
Guy: Come on, you still there?
Me: Um... if I were to buy DayZ, it would be for myself, I don't even own the game yet myself.
Guy: Come on bro, you should buy 2 copies so we can play together!
Me: I wish! I don't even have enough in my bank for 1 copy.
Guy: Oh. I thought you were cool.
Guy: I thought we could be friends.

At this point, I stopped commenting back, so he started cursing me out, calling me everything in the book and yelling at me... which went on for about 10 minutes or so while I stepped away to smoke a cig. When I come back, I find all that followed by this.

Guy: Dude, If you buy me a copy of DayZ, I'll send you naked pictures of my mom!
Guy: She is such a MILF! It's well worth the money.

Yeah, by the point, I was pretty much done. I got a good laugh about it and sent a few friends the transcript of the conversation. We all got a great laugh from it. I have not added any randoms from this site.

10 years ago

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Man you should've go with it, it's not like you can find that kind of picture easily. You missed out a nice on a nice deal!

10 years ago

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The only beggar i had was a guy speaking Turk to me.

10 years ago

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I haven't been begged for awhile, but I do have some old begging pics that were pretty funny.

Here's one.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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We can't know, we are not mind readers!

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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Psssh I already know I am special. ;p

10 years ago

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Shhhhh, we know you special.. say no more (say with a understanding empty look)

10 years ago

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I recently had a friend send me a trade offer for one of my cards, he said he needed it to complete the badge and asked if he had anything in his inventory I would like in trade. I sent a counter offer for some gems.

A bit later he messages me and starts going off on me cause I didn't just give him the card. Apparently due to the amount of games on my account I shouldn't be bargaining for a few cents and I'm "just like all the others" who/whatever they are.

So I guess the new way to beg now is to offer a trade and then get upset when they don't just give you the item.

10 years ago

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A couple months ago I had someone send me a trade offer of 4 cards and some game coupon in exchange for a Five Nights at Freddy's gift with a message saying something like "Pls trade I wanted this game for 2 years."

The game hasn't even been out for 6 months.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Back when I was into CS:GO, I had a Russian begging me for my Factory New Stat Track Kraken Sawn Off.

I kept telling him it isn't for sale, then he offered me his whole inventory, I told him no, he offered me his girlfriend, I told him no, then he offered me his anus. That's when I got really scared and left the server.

10 years ago

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Beggar: buy me payday 2 pls bro!

Me: why should I do this?

Beggar: it's on sale now (66% off)!!!!

Me: o_O

10 years ago

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Well, he wasn't lying

10 years ago

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Closed 1 year ago by Elinor.