You can try to check for item info in Creation Kit. That should list you all the cells where its used.
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Easy for you to say. LOL
After downloading the Bethesda Launcher, installing it, then opening the launcher, then downloading the Creation Kit and installing that, and then figuring out the Creation Kit sufficiently well to even do a search for said item, I finally managed to discover that there is no Ref ID listing in the Creation Kit. It only gives me the Base ID.
It turns out there are other ways to solve my problem, however. (See Filipi's post, below.)
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The rings are a reminder of your dead wife (or husband, should you create a female character). In the grand scheme of things, the two rings are virtual objects in a virtual world, made up of computer coding and having no practical value (except a bit of virtual money for the metal). That does not, however, prevent some players from becoming "attached" to the memory of a virtual spouse and holding onto said rings.
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I'm the kind of player who not only holds onto the rings, I keep my dead wife's ring with me and protect our old home (despite it being blasted by an atomic bomb and derelict for 200 years).
Yes, I am the sentimental type.
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Have you tried opening an earlier save and finding the Ref ID of the ring? I don't think it will change within the same character, or even other characters since it's a vanilla item (though I'm not sure).
You can also type "save list 1" in the console, which will create a new save and open up a .txt file at the end which should contain all NPCs and dropped objects in your save.
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The second option is what I ended up doing. It turns out I must have sold my own wedding ring at some point because it is no longer in the game. Looks like I'll have to spawn it, again. P
I'm going to go ahead and try out your first suggestion, however, to see if that works. The tricky part will be finding the appropriate save.
Edit: Loading a previous save seems to work, but you need to have a saved game with the object in question.
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Except that doing so would a) defeat the entire purpose of having the singular item in the game, and b) leave the mystery of what I did with it unanswered. That is why I I decided to post a thread about it, inviting those with more knowledge of the game than I to provide me with a method of finding an object that already exists in the game.
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Try loading an old save where you had your ring, and check if the ref id is the same on your latest save. But I would suggest creating a second ring and delete it when you find the real one. I mean either teleporting your real ring to you, or creating a new one and deleting it after, are both hackeroonies.
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Almost impossible, as reference IDs of objects are randomly assigned once you remove them from the inventory and spawn them in the game world. Only preplaced objects have pre-set refIDs. This is why they are starting with FF, the reserved prefix, so the engine can freely assign these tags.
You'd need a tool that can dig into the savegame files, these exist there.
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Fortunately for me, Filipi's advice did the trick.
I am guessing that there are similarities between the various Bethesda games. Will having knowledge of Fallout 4's console make it easier to work with Skyrim's console?
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I have been working my way through Fallout 4, and everything has been fine up until now, but something dreadful has happened to me. I have lost my wedding ring. This is not to say that I have lost my wife's ring, as I am still wearing that, but I have lost my own wedding ring, the one I had at the beginning of the game. I put it somewhere for safe-keeping, and now I cannot remember where I put it. (Yeah, like this doesn't happen in real life at all.)
So, let's get technical. The console command player.MoveTo allows you to move to an object, but that requires the Ref ID. All I have is the Base ID (0008925c). Is it possible for me to work out the Ref ID of my wedding ring? (My wife's ring is ff00db05.) There may be other ways of finding this ring, but I don't really want to spawn a second one.
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