edit: honestly, he did not sound weird/strange/creepy/shady/conspicuous at all. He might be one of the developers/ someone who works for them and was trying to gather feedback on the game.
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having done surveys and making some myself, I can tell you that this sounds pretty normal. Of course the stereotype of those who do this kind of work is extremely friendly, talkative, and frankly intrusive at times. What he/ she did there was just remaining a professional/ stern attitude in order to receive a critical feedback from you. Those questions are definitely not spontaneous and you are unlikely to be the first he/ she has done this type of interview.
You have nothing to worry about, unless there's a new kinky fetish that includes knowing what others think about a game.
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I think the latter might be more correct (Line 30). Also, line 60 didn't seem supportive. I don't know if they had both hands on the keyboard, if you know what I mean...
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Not major in PR myself but I do know everyone tends to have fun in their line of work some time. I'm currently doing a research project at my college and in 1/3 labs I secretly make a model of key slot shaped like a female genitalia.
And no, I did not show it to anyone.
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No clue, but that's pretty creepy
No real pattern, makes little to no sense
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I was considering just declining as from what I've experienced in past professional interviews the interviewer gives their name and their cause (generally a research project) before asking questions, but I suppose I was just feeling like being nice and complying to an interview. I suppose it can't be used negatively anywhere, but I'm still extremely curious as to where it'll be used in the future once they compile their data (supposedly, of course). I think in a few weeks or months I'd like to look up and see if I can find that they posted their results anywhere online.
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Hehe dang, you played that game - attracted attention didya :p kinda creepy, more mysterious though D:
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Aside from the "do you enjoy pain?" question it seems to me a developer wants to get some honest feedback.
There's no real trolling as far as I can tell.
Furthermore, I don't see harm in answering questions like this.
"How many children do you have and where do they go to school" would be a good moment to back out, but it seems nothing like that occurred (and I presume you have some common sense ^^)
In contrast with Bravey I would gladly play along to something a bit mysterious, as long as the previous statement doesn't occur :)
Edit: Or you could be the developer of Dominique Pamplemousse and are very cleverly getting people curious about the trailer and the game. I watched it - it's horrible in an alluring sort of way!
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Hahaha. Wut?
This almost tempts me to accept those random out of nowhere friend invites. Almost.
Also, that's going to be my greeting from now on when I chat people up on steam. DO YOU ENJOY PAIN?
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So, as the title says, a very odd interview just occurred. I had just gotten on my computer, when a message request popped up on Steam, as it does when someone hasn't added you but has a group in common with you and wants to chat still. Well, I accepted it and the person in question seemed to want to interview me about something, in this case the newly released game Dominique Pamplemousse. I was curious, and I had some free time as I typically do in the evenings, so I decided to comply with their odd request for an interview.
Some.....odd questions were asked, and in general I have no clue what just happened or what it was for. I'm pretty curious as to what the purpose of the interview was/what it was for, and so I'd like to hear your thoughts. The interviewer's Steam profile was private, their avatar was some weird indecipherable face, and their name, "for shame" was pretty odd too.
Here's a pastebin of our conversation.
Note: "Pixel Pacas" is a Steam group I'm in, it's just a public group for any fans of a game reviews site that a friend of mine runs. I'm not a part of it, so I found it kind of odd that the interviewer chose to contact me through there and not add me instead. Also interesting to note is that they left the group shortly after our interview.
Personally I'm pretty confused about the interview itself and why they asked me what they did. Line 30 of the Pastebin in particular is a weird question to ask. I mean.......what!? The game was just a silly adventure game, badly made in my opinion, but just a game made for jest, not physical pain! The comment they made in Line 60 is also a bit weird, as they seemed to ask professional-type questions up until that point, when they decided to make an opinionated remark. Now while I know they may have been lying, I did ask if they were a developer of the game and they said no, so it's kind of odd that they said that.
One idea I have is that they were PR (personal relations) for the game and were just asking fans (or in this case, anyone who'd played the game) of the game some general questions so they could gauge where interest in it was coming from. The question in Line 30 was just.....so out of left field though that my idea of who they are doesn't make much sense.
tl;dr Random person adds me, requests an interview for the game Dominique Pamplemousse, I answer their questions and some of them are weird. Line 30 is interesting to note really.
I'd like to hear any thoughts! :)
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