Perhaps it's just a delay, but I think I've noticed this twice, but I only know for sure this one time.

When I gifted The Ship on Steamgifts, I don't think I got any credit, this one was listed as for contributors only, so I thought no credit was supposed to be gifted to me.

However, for Fantasy Wars, it was marked for everyone, like previous gifts I gave. Should I have received credit for this? All gifts have been marked by me and recipient as received and sent.

Any insight would be helpful. I'd be glad to clarify too.

11 years ago*

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These games have been in a bundle or were given away for free in large numbers and special rules apply to their contributor value.

The first $25 of bundle games are counted as non-bundle. Value above that is only added to a maximum of 20% of your non-bundle contribution.
That means you can only reach a contribution of $30 with bundle games alone ($25 + (20% * $25)).


adjustedbundlevalue = bundlevalue - Min( bundlevalue , $25 )
adjustednonbundlevalue = nonbundlevalue + Min( bundlevalue , $25 )

contribution = adjustednonbundlevalue + Min( adjustedbundlevalue , adjustednonbundlevalue * 20% )


11 years ago

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Awesome. I knew bundles had the limit percentage, but not a limit total.

Sadly, one of them was actually a gift, albeit from a bundle. Good to know though, happy to support still! Maybe I'll have to pick something up to give to the community.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by greendayrulestce.