Can't say I'm hardcore but I have played a lot of Pokémon. If you're just playing the main game, I wouldn't worry too much about EV training. When I do, I just go for HP and power because, in main game, that's all you really need. If you're playing online then it depends on what Pokémon you're using and how you use them.
If you want them to be a sweeper (powerful thing used for KOing other Pokés) then you have to decide whether they are using special or physical attacks (can be a choice based on simply play style, or base stats/nature/IVs) then simply EV train in physical or special attack as chosen and get the stat boost.
Same choice for a tank, but with phys. or spec. defense. If you want a fast Pokémon for some reason, train speed...etc. etc.
Basically it all comes down to how you plan to use the Pokémon and your style of play.
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Alright. but what do you like to train? Do you like to train sweepers, Tanks, speedsters?
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Sweepers. If I'm just playing the story through I just train a team of a variety of sweepers, some special attack, some physical attack and with a variety of elements so I have a move that is super effective against most things. Was amused on Black 2 when my Lucario tore through most of the Elite 4 this way.
Arcanine is one of my favourites for this. Usually has good physical and special attack base stats (though nature, IVs and EVs will usually nerf one) and can load it with a fire move, a lightning move, a ground move and if I remember correctly it can learn solar beam from TM (at least in recent Gens.)
I would say if you're serious about having an uber team of Pokémon, research final movesets for it, see whether they're physical/special, catch one with a good nature, EV train in whichever attack stat most of its final moveset is going to be, and you will have a pretty powerful Pokémon for dealing with most in game opponents.
Online PvP is a different matter...
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I do breeding a lot, which is why I am interested in EV's. Because I can get some really fun move sets from my pokemon. XD like My Arcanine knows Morning Sun. Which was bred from an espeon. And I have a ninetiles that knows disable. :) so I know my movesets pretty well. Thanks! I will have to go and look what moves are physical and special.
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Black 2 at the moment. But I love Soul silver. I usually play that.
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If I'm not mistaken in what I read - which I may be, so research it first. But EV training is more dynamic in Black 2...The stat gains aren't permanent at level up, they can go up even past level 100, and go down, too. Meaning, if you make a mistake EV levelling or want to change it, you can use EV reducing items and then retrain in the stats you want.
Again, I may be mistaken in that so look it up on bulbapedia or something first.
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I hear you, man. IV's are terrible. I have caught so many dittos looking for perfect IVs for the CHANCE of just passing down 3 freaking stats.
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Do you guys even care? I mean, it's making game more deep and so if u r actually looking for a perfect pokemon u do care. But it's not necessary at all and you still can beat the game and enjoy it without thinking about all EVs and IVs and so on. Just why so much attention? I beat FireRed and Emerald (and going to play SoulSilver) without giving a shit. So if you are actually trying to catch up with these things it only means that u enjoy them, why should you cry about them then?
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That's totally fine. It does make things a lot more complicated if you deal with the EVs. But red and blue also had something similar to EV's they were just called DV's back then and they worked similarly. So there really wasn't too much of a change between the generations except a name change and a few changes in how they worked.
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I don't train anything because it's too much of farming for me.. Last my Pokemons got the pokerus again in White (2nd time i have it, first was in Rubis), it bored me like damn and I just stoped playing.
Leveling pokemons "correctly" to create a good optimized team needs too much of time and stuffs and even if I don't do online battles, it's just boring.
But can't you change their stats with items in game even once they're lv 100 ? With items that decreases a stat and then other ones that increases other stats..
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Vitamins only get you to 100/255 EV's and that leaves 155 feathers you would have to use to get the stats you want. So you can use items but man would it take forever. and I agree. I don't EV train often but when I Feel like it I will train one or two because hey, I have time.
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Oh yeah, I forgot about the cap.. But isnt there some items that decreases stats so you can train your pokemon or something ? I think I did read something like that.. Or if you didn't trained a pokemon well and hes at high lv you can just throw it away and train a new one ?
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There are some berries that do that. :P I've never used them though... mostly because I don't EV train that often.
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Each to their own. I personally like EV training. But, it does take a long time. O.o I won't do EV training until after the story part of the game. It's just something fun to do when there is no more story in the game. You can set a goal for yourself and then you get a really cool pokemon when you reach that goal! But I can understand not liking it!
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Yea, they are the best. I wish chramander shoes were better drawn so I would wanted them too! Also, bulbasaur shoes are good to.
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That's what I am thinking for most of mine, I am wondering if there is a good advantage to making a good tank though (HP/Def)
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Okay. it took my a while to actually find this story, but you reminded me of it. This is directly quoted from my friend on facebook and this is a pokemon terror story.
"I'm laughing so hard that I'm crying.
"You see this. You see this and you probably think "wow that's a beat up team, he probably just got through a really difficult fight, maybe a gym leader or something" or something to that effect.
But that's not what happened.
This was not the result of some epic Pokémon battle for the history books.
This was the result of A SINGLE FUCKING LEVEL 35 CLEFAIRY.
Let me tell you all a story.
The fight began like any other. I was making my way up Celestial Tower when I encountered a trainer, a Pokéfan no less. When he sent out his only Pokémon, a level 35 Clefairy, I laughed at the thought of easily crushing this trainer. Sending out my Krokorok, Gordan, I started the battle.
I first used Crunch. Taking out a good 2/3 of the Clefairy's health, I thought for sure that the fight would soon be over.
I was wrong.
Crunch seemed like a good move at first, but it set off a chain of events that could not be stopped.
Due to the Clefairy's Cute Charm, Gordan fell in love with it. Not only this, but the Clefairy's first move was none other than Minimize. On the next term, despite these circumstance, I figured I'd just try to get a quick Crunch in and finish the job done.
Gordan, however, was paralyzed by love. The Clefairy proceeded to use Metronome, which ended up being Ingrain. The Clefairy then began to restore some of its health thanks to this.
Not wanting to take any more chances, I switched to my trusty Arcanine, Admiral. Admiral had never failed me before, always being there in the nick of time to save the day in a blaze of glory.
On the turn used to switch Pokemon, the Clefairy had used Minimize once again.
Attempting to finish the enemy off quickly, I had Admiral use Flamethrower. This, however, missed. The Clefairy used Minimize.
And this continued. Admiral just could not seem to hit the enemy, and each time the enemy kept getting harder to hit, while all the time also slowly regaining what damage I had managed to do.
After capping out evasiveness, the Clefairy proceeded to begin using Cosmic Power to get its Defense/Special Defense. As Admiral struggled to defeat this enemy, the enemy just kept getting stronger and healthier.
Soon the Clefairy's Defense/Special Defense were capped. It was then that it unleashed Stored Power, a move powered up through the user raising its stats. With the Clefairy having raised its defensive stats so much, this attack ended up one shotting Admiral.
It then proceeded to one shot Jacque the Axew, Baabaalaza the Ampharos, and Frank the Dewott, all trying in vain to do some damage.
Eventually, it was back to just Gordan left. Gordan, being a dark type, was not affected by Stored Power, a Psychic move.
Here was where the real fun began.
Not being able to actually hit Gordan, the Clefairy continued to attempt to use Stored Power until it ran out of PP. It then moved on to Metronome, which failed to do any real damage before this, too, ran out of PP.
As this was happening, Gordan was trying desperately to actually hurt the enemy. Using a Dire Hit and single X Accuracy/Attack that I had on me and spamming any attack he had, he struggled and struggled to hurt it. But between Gordan falling in love with it again due to Cute Charm when a Crunch somehow managing to land and it using Minimize so much, Gordan simply could not do enough damage to outweigh the effect of Ingrain.
And so came at least five minutes of just Gordan attempting to attack and being immobilized by love, missing, or doing too little damage, as the Clefairy continued to use Minimize and Cosmic Power that no longer actually had any effect.
Eventually, blessedly, the Clefairy ran out of moves, and begin to hurt itself with Struggle. Slowly but steadily the Clefairy begins to die, with the Struggle damage being more than Ingrain could heal.
After some time, the Clefairy was a single Struggle away from fainting. With much pleasure, I told Gordan to just use some random attack, and I waited for the Clefairy to faint.
Gordan stared open mouthed at the enemy as I just silently stared at the scene for a full minute. The level of rage I was experiencing had never been felt since people in second grade used to make fun of me and call me a girl.
Then, however, I kind of just spent a bit more time just letting the Clefairy use Struggle again.
And finally, blessedly, the Clefairy ended up causing its own end due to Struggle. Seeing that tiny sliver of HP on it tick away and hearing its death cries made me happier than I've ever been since eighth grade when I punched this one really annoying guy in the face.
Gordan stood triumphantly over the corpse of its enemy, awash in his great victory as he proceeded to gain a level from the exp earned.
Together, we spat in the Clefairy owner's face, and then slowly turned away and walked toward the Pokemon Center. We must have been TM87 (or 34 for you old schoolers) then, because we were SWAGGERING.
The moral of the story is, make sure to save more than once every three hours so you can just restart the game when things like this happen so you don't waste 20+ minutes of your life just to defeat a fucking Clefairy."
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That is an evil build right there. Haha. I love it.
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Don't forget about breeding for nice IV's before you consider EV training. :P
But sweepers are generally 252 speed/252 attack or special attack.
Unless you're going for some mixed stuff, or looking for a bulky espeon/arcanine (lol?)
Or you know, just pokesav them.
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I do as much as possible. But seriously. IV are terrible, terrible things. You can get 6 from the parents and then the rest are randomly generated. no control over them.
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I think I will stay away from Pokesav, thank you. XD I have used cheats on an R4 before and they just are not as fun as actually playing the game and getting the pokemon you want without the use of such programs.
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I just import them at level 5 with the iv's and nature I want, do the rest myself.
Still feels pretty satisfying imo.
In fact, that's how I like to start new games, with a bunch of odd little level 5's.
Pokemon black with a gen 1 starter is pretty fun. :0
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I can't stand that crap. I play for fun, not for maths.
The only special thing I do is Nuzlocke challenges. Beaten Gold, Ruby and LeafGreen that way.
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Some people enjoy maths... Like engineers... And yeah. Love Nuzlocking. Have you ever tried it on a randomizer?
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How is the quality? Is it comparable to ShinyGold?
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Fun fact about arcanine, It was actually gonna be a legendary. Multres was made instead because they wanted the 3 legendaries to all be birds instead of two birds and a dog. XD So arcanine is indeed very powerful.
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Okay, So I was just wondering, for all those hard core pokemon trainers out there, what do you like to EV train in? and what are the determining factors in what EV's you want to specialize in? I'm wondering because I am starting to train an Arcanine and an Espeon and I'm not sure what I want to specialize in.
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