Ratchet and Clank

Red Dead Redemption

1 decade ago*

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All Megaten games.

1 decade ago

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EarthBound for PC

Dragon Quest IX for PC

Tactics Ogre series for PC

MegaMan 9 & 10 for PC

Scott Pilgrim: The Game for PC

Heck, Nintendo needs to make a PC edition of their Wii Virtual Console (and manage their games via Steam-style DRM), so us PC gamers wouldn't have to rely on questionably-legal emulators to revisit their older console games! :P This should make both Nintendo AND the gaming community happy (more money in Nintendo's case) if they considered this.

1 decade ago

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My dream port is Casablanca. Always wanted to go there.

1 decade ago

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Condemned 2: Bloodshot on pc

1 decade ago

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Have anybody mentioned GTA5,RDR and The Last of us?!?

1 decade ago

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Mario Is Missing.

1 decade ago

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Hillary, you are one of the first people I met when I first joined this website!

1 decade ago

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i get that to much....I think I post to much lol.

Funny thing, I had Mario is Missing, its missing from my Snes collection....O_o.

1 decade ago

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Jak and Dexter, Jak 2, Jak 3, AND Dark Clouds 1 & 2 and we're for Ps2

and would love if they will be for PC in the future

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Yes! That's one of my all-time favorite beat 'em ups! Helps that I love the movie, but it'd still be good regardless. And they should add online/splitscreen coop, too. Would finally be able to check one item off of my bucket list if they did that!

1 decade ago

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Red Dead Redemption,Enslaved,Splatterhouse and many others

1 decade ago

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Starhawk, that game is dead on ps3 and it's kind of sad because it is awesome, it is just the type of game that would thrive on pc.
Red Dead Redemption, i don't know but i feel like replaying it with mods would be amazing.

1 decade ago

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Pretty much all of these are listed because I want others can enjoy them, though a few are also on there because I would rather play through them again on the PC.

El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron
The first Dead Rising, but with improved AI and a hands-free device like they have in the later games.
SUDA51SUDA51SUDA51SUDA51SUDA51 Suda 51's games, especially his classics.
Fable II
The Warriors

That's just a few of 'em, of course. I have tons more that I'd like moved from consoles to the PC. As for the reverse, can't think of many right now. Anachronox might be fun to play on the big screen!

1 decade ago

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sigh I remember going for all survivors.. and loosing one because she decides to run to and hug one of the suiciders.. >< ( Dead Rising 1 ) No matter how much I spammed the button to call the survivors she would not come to me. The next time I tried for getting all the survivors she did it again.. killed the guys but she still died to ANOTHER group while I was trying to save one of the others ><

1 decade ago

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how about getting rid of exclusive titles all toghether? oh wait, then there would be no reason to buy consoles...

1 decade ago

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Resident Evil Zero
Red Dead Redemption
Heavy Rain
Metal Gear Solid and God of war series
Devil may Cry 1 (the original)

1 decade ago

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Shadow of the Colossus


Last of Us

1 decade ago

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Timesplitters. :I

1 decade ago

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Red Dead Redemption. GTA V, GBA's Pokémon, Midnight Clud L.A., Halo Reach, Halo 4, Halo ODST, Midtown Madness 3, Forza Motorsport 3-4, GT5, GoW, etc...

1 decade ago

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Ratchet and Clank


1 decade ago

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Demon's Souls

1 decade ago

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Killing Floor and Sniper Elite zombies so I can play with my console buddies.

I looked through the list and wow some of you guys are really missing out, especially AAA titles like GTA V, MGS, Uncharted, Gears of War. Consider investing in a PS3 or 360, you won't regret.

1 decade ago

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Shadow of the colossus to PC and no ports to console because everything's better on PC.

1 decade ago

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Demon's Souls

1 decade ago

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Metroid series.

1 decade ago

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Metal Gear Solid serie and The Last of Us on PC :/

1 decade ago

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Dream is too much as I don't care that much about games, but anyway:

  1. Journey
  2. Dragon Dogma
  3. Heavy Rain
  4. Beyond: Two Souls
  5. The Last of Us
  6. Soul Calibour
  7. Demon Souls
1 decade ago

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Uncharted Series.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Bards.