Ratchet and Clank

Red Dead Redemption

1 decade ago*

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MGS5 definitely

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Monster Hunter on PC would be cool

1 decade ago

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Heavy Rain, Last of Us, Infamous series... Long list :P

1 decade ago

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A regular Tekken game, GTA V, Halo 3, Crash Team Racing. Also native split screen for many console ports (Black Ops, BL2, LFD2) on PC.

1 decade ago

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Ridge Racer 7 to PC.

I've only played the game a few times, loved it every time.

1 decade ago

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The ones I can think of off the top of my head.. ( Preferably on steam too of course :P )

Last of Us.
Red Dead Redemption.
All of the FF games that do not have PC versions. ( Except for 13. That one can die in a fire. ) On the bright side there are rumors that FF8 will be released on Steam. :D Hope it really happens.
Masters of Monsters ( Genesis version... They do have PC games of the series but they have only been released in Japan :( Would love for them to translate them and release it worldwide. )
The Resistance games from the PS3.
Infamous series. ( More PS3 games lol. )
Dead Rising ( the first one ) and Dead Rising 3. Why the hell not especially since Dead Rising 2 + Off the Record are on PC.
Uncharted ( Yet another series from the PS3.. )
Shining Force 3. ( The full game, not just 1/3 of it. )
Dragons Crown.

Probably more if and when I can remember. I know GTA5 will hit PC so no reason to add it to the list.
Catherine as well :P

1 decade ago

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Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5

All Pokémon games including X and Y, stadium 1+2, colloseum, pinball, trading card game etc.

1 decade ago

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And no shit emulators exist, but I want all of these on Steam. That would be badass.

1 decade ago

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Console to PC:

Red Dead Redemption, Gears of War 2 and up, God of War games, Uncharted games, Killzone games, Last of Us, Infamous

1 decade ago

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Ratchet and Clank, Kingdom Hearts and Halo.

1 decade ago

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Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 > PC (The PC version was meh)

1 decade ago

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Red Dead Redemption
Little Big Planet

1 decade ago

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Why MAG? Just play Planetside 2 :P

1 decade ago

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Planet Side 2 is a mess and doesn't have the community MAG does, not to mention it is nothing like MAG. Planetside 2 is like Dust 514, nothing like MAG.

1 decade ago

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LBP YES, I adore that game. Got it with my PS3, I thought it was a stupid kids game but it's tooo goood

1 decade ago

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Yup. Only thing I hated was the community. So many kids, not enough adults. I got it for free during that sony server hack n crash thing back in the day.

1 decade ago

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New Super Mario Bros series, or Super Mario in general.

On PC, on Steam, on my big flat TV :D

1 decade ago

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the wii mario games look 10x better on pc

1 decade ago

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Ratchet & Clank, specifically #3.

1 decade ago

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Marvel vs. Capcom 3

1 decade ago

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Console to PC:
Resident Evil series
Fatal Frame series
Metal Gear Solid series (with updated Win 7/8 versions of ones that were on PC before)
Final Fantasy 9, X, & X-2
The Last of Us

1 decade ago

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The last of Us, Infamous, and Gran Turismo. those 3 will be more than enough...

1 decade ago

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Red Dead Redemption, I guess. Someone spoiled it for me, so I probably wouldn't play it though :P

1 decade ago

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After reading this thread, apparently I'm the only one who hated red dead redemption.
I'm ok with any game being on console or pc, they can all end up in the living room on a tv anyway. My dream ports would all be handheld to anything not handheld. SMT IV on 3ds? Why?.... On a side note, hurray vita tv!

1 decade ago

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hate and red dead redemption in the same sentence?

1 decade ago

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I tried, I really did. For 10-15 hours. The voices and characters were laughable, I hated the "open world" barren feel (many people found this beautiful, I just found it boring and monotonous), and most tasks involved either going from point A to B, shooting a bunch of guys, or doing a minigame. This is what most big games boil down to, I know, but they usually hide it with flowing narrative or decent transition. Playing that game felt like a tedious checklist rather than a continuous experience. Full disclosure though: I don't care for most open world style games, and am mildly insane.

1 decade ago

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You're not alone, I didn't like it either. Made it about 60% through and then sold it.

1 decade ago

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Little Big Planet and Gran Turismo 5

1 decade ago

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Red Dead Redemption, Catherine, Last of Us, Heavy Rain, Valkyria Chronicles, Beyond Two Souls, Bayonetta and the Warrior series ( Koei ).

1 decade ago

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Skies of Arcadia to PC. Not the Crap remake on the Gamecube. I'm talking from the Dreamcast.

1 decade ago

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You prefer countless extra hours of tedious random battles over slightly degraded audio? Speaking of which, I don't know why there hasn't been a patch for "unlocked" wiis to replace the GC version audio. Maybe its not possible, but it sounds like a fairly simple fix.

1 decade ago

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Metal Gear Solid 3 HD proper PC version

1 decade ago

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I'd love some classics like the Zelda games and Castlevania/Metroid on PC. They're both in rather underutilized PC genres, it seems.

1 decade ago

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I. Want. To. Play. MGS. Series. On. My. PC!

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Bards.