Hey there . Long story short , returned after many years and went straight into making some giveaways. After a few were completed and out of curiosity , I checked if the winners have added the games (cd keys) to their steam account , the wining/giveaway ratio etc etc. Bit of a shocker to find out examples like that : https://prnt.sc/_o4WEFPYvdDw . Shouldn't be there a limit regarding how many giveaways can someone enter if his wins are huge comparing to the ones he offered ? PS: To some of the guys in this community : say at least a thank you and complete the feedback procedure since you redeemed the game....

2 months ago

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One of the many members using autojoin script I presume (looking at the number of giveaways entered).

2 months ago

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People find all kinds of reasons to claim autojoiner but this is not likely one. Look at mine or masafor's( he's down in the comments, who heavily claims autojoiners are like 95% of the site or something) entries for comparison. Would you say mine or masafor's entries are indicative of an autojoiner? Or because he has a ratio of about 1 he gets an exception and no way he could be it?

Not saying he doesn't use one, or that he does, just saying that's more unlikely, it's just some of us are just terminally online and got too much free time. Hence why you've been seeing some users step away from this site, they'd like to do something else with their lives other than clock in 24/7 to sg.

Thing is what is it going to be next? They haven't made a lot of comments in the forums, they gotta be cheating. They have a 0 in their name, gotta be cheating, they been on the site too long, they gotta be cheating, they eat food they gotta be cheating.

Now I do think the user is leeching, but it's a giveaway site, not a trading site, so once again, while not something some users can take/deal with, he's not breaking any rules.

2 months ago

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It definitely depends on how old the account is. Yours comes out to entering about 75 giveaways per day (or 3 every hour) which is pretty reasonable. Even more reasonable if you take into account community trains. But because of the way points work, even an auto-joiner would look physically possible by a human. I think the only way to really tell is by how quickly they join giveaways, and if they're doing that for every single one they enter.

2 months ago

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Let's say for argument's sake some member is "only" winning hundreds of giveaways while giving nothing noteworthy in return. There are no rules broken but I still don't like it one bit and it boggles my mind how anyone can step up and defend such behavior.

The whole autojoin discussion would be superfluous if decisive measures would be taken against users of autojoin scripts but as we all know as long as cg finds one excuse after another to sit on his hands this site will become worse over time.

2 months ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

2 months ago*

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A thank you for winning a game should go without saying.

I don't know much about the bots and scripts, but the random part on top of the generosity is what works for me here.

Levels and groups help people sort some of that out I'm sure.

2 months ago

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Shouldn't be there a limit regarding how many giveaways can someone enter if his wins are huge comparing to the ones he offered ?

Not by default, but you can use SGTools for ratios etc, just not for public giveaways.

2 months ago

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Give your better games to groups like Playing Appreciated or Playing Matters.
Besides that your only tools are level restrictions, blacklisting or SGtools.

2 months ago

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If you really care about this, you can prevent low value accounts from entering by making higher level giveaways. With sgtools you can do many other things.

2 months ago

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As others have mentioned, if you'd like to restrict your giveaways to users who have given more you can use SGTools, or the level limit on giveaway creation. Or, if you want to go deeper into it you can join a group focused on making winners play their games.

I totally get (and understand firsthand) how much it sucks giving away a game you enjoyed and want someone else to experience, only to see the game sitting in their library years later unplayed. But at the end of the day, it is a gift, and it is up to the winner to do with as they please with the win. So my personal stance on it is to not really worry, or use my whitelist for giveaways I am determined to get to someone who will play them.

2 months ago

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Thanks for your replies people. I already started a few new giveaways. The difference -regarding the amount of entries from minimum level 2 to level 3- is big already . Also thanks for letting me know about SGTools too , just in time since I have a user wrote me that the key I added was used, something that is impossible as far as i know

2 months ago

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A key could be revoked from the publisher.
Maybe search for infos about the specific game in the fitting thread here on sg oron steam in this specific game discussions forum.

And yes, it is possible that the winner lie to activate it on a other account/sell/trade the key.

2 months ago

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The game in question looks like keys were revoked.. barter shows lots of revocations and here's some info from the sg discussion about one of the most recent bundles

You can email humble about it if thats where you got it but sounds like they arent helpful.

2 months ago

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dang.... I opened a ticket , hopefully I will get another key. Otherwise I will buy the key from somewhere else to honour the giveaway. Thanks for the info

2 months ago

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You can also ask the winner to approve deleting the giveaway, situation is an honest mistake, any decent user should agree.

2 months ago

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thanks for the idea. If i won't get another key from the store or wont find the copy in a reasonable price I will do that.

2 months ago

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Just dont mention anything about steamgifts or giveaways to the Humble staff or that it is being redeemed by someone else.

They are very trigger happy on banning accounts for even smallest suspicion of "trading" keys. Some time ago some people tried to argue with them on the fact steamgifts is not trading, but they do not care.

2 months ago

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so the ...'Gift to a friend' option is bannable now ?! Btw , 3 days after , no response from them.

2 months ago

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Yes! It's ridiculous. Don't use the gift option from Humble. Only reveal keys and send those - Humble can't track that.

2 months ago

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Its tricky. But overall its better to stay safe and just use the key.

Mostly the issue was for those people who had done a lot of giveaways. At several hundred or thousand games gifted Humble probably starts suspecting you are not just giving it to your "real" friends. IIRC there was some redicilous discussion with Humble staff about what is considered a friend. So an online site where you give it to giveaway winners? Not friends appereantly. And since they see it as a raffle (despite no one paying actual money to enter) for them it goes against their TOS (support literally wrote this to one of SG users who got their account banned)

I think I had given away probably some 50-60 games through gift links when Humble started banning accounts. I didnt have a problem and once even had an invalid key, but I just wrote to support "my friend is trying to redeem it and is having a problem". They solved it. But after some discussions here in the forums, people started suspecting that they probably have some flagging system internally which bans traders. And we have traders here on SG as well - so if you by any chance give the gift link to a known trader who won your GA, you get flagged as well. That is just a theory, but a lot of people were automatically banned after sending out gift links and lost their other keys as well..

The thing is though - there were several people who actually did trade their gift links, so they were rightfully banned... So most likely many people here were collatoral damage for Humble, trying to weed out actual traders. Since then I use just keys and I guess majority of gifters here do as well. At this point there is nothing suspicious of your keys (as in majority being gifted) and as RePlayBe said - they cant track the keys. With gifts links they see which email redeems it. With key - no dice.

2 months ago

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Welcome back.

Bots (Autojoiners) have infested sg and only a tiny part is very visible because they spam "thanks" comments in all public GAs that they enter.
This happen because this ones additional to the autojoining activate a "thanks script" of the autojoining program.
You don't spot the most autojoiners so obvious but a lot of them have utopic high entered GAs for the amount of time they are on sg, enter high amounts of GAs (+ write the thanks comment if the thanks script are activated) in a unrealistic short timeframe and a part have unactivated wins.
IF they ever get """perma""" suspended, they can come back after 1 year (happened more then once), so don't have high hopes (besides the fact that autojoiner report tickets get nearly never handled and it can take 1 year+ till something maybe happens).

So the only defend is to check your winners with https://www.sgtools.info/activation and request a reroll for anyone that have there a red mark.
Fill your BL with the ones that act like bots (and most likely are), that don't know the word "thanks" after a win, raise the level restriction, WL GAs, group GAs -for groups that really check which users are able to enter their group only very few of such groups exist- or sgtools protected ones (but the around 50 perma banned accounts on sgtools are still able to enter your GAs as soon as a friend of them or a other account of them are able to enter/solve your sgtools GA and give them the clear sg link, because sg don't punish the sgtools cheaters [yes, it is a absolut bad joke]).

I, as example, have 1k "users" in my BL, this is the maximum, and don't do public GAs below level 5 anymore because i add only lvl 5 and higher to my BL.

2 months ago

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I see you're using the Christmasified avatar :D

2 months ago

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Yes, i am comming to hunt them all and deliver presents :-D

The last trophy was a jigidi cheater + autojoiner, that used multiple accounts, the highest one was level 6 with around 1500 wins

2 months ago

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If I remember correctly, if the user has not passed the sgtool validation test you can ask for.a reroll or a deletion on grounds of a leaked giveaway.

2 months ago

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I got a reroll after linking the SGTools page about the invalid entry recently, can confirm it.

2 months ago

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Yes, correct.

But not each gifter check for faulty entries and if so the gifter and the mods still have additional work to do and, at least, the side accounts or leaking "friends" are still able to enter the GA if recreated with the same rules.

2 months ago

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I hope to win this comment WTHOG

May the werewolves protect you!

2 months ago

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My two favorite GA messages together in one post!

2 months ago

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Your secret wish was my command xD

2 months ago

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Thx for this awesome Comment. 😀

2 months ago

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May the werewolves protect you!

at least this one's linking to Nightrunner - Magnum Bullets

2 months ago

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What does WTHOG mean, please? Just got that today.

2 months ago

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"with the help of god"

2 months ago

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Thank you :)

2 months ago

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i've seen worse. mind that this user has 10000+ games in his account and almost every new AAA release yet he doesn't contribute anything here.
that is why many people avoid public giveaways and prefer groups with certain rules.

View attached image.
2 months ago

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Extreme one.
But yes, by far not the only one.

2 months ago

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There's way worse, believe me but nothing on the site says people have to make giveaways to win giveaways.
I suppose that's what the CV/level system was supposed to prevent by motivating people to give back but it's not turned out that way.
Public GAs will get you a lot of auto-joiners and bots and inbox spamming.
On the other hand a lot of gifters are also allergic to groups and people who participate in them.

In any case, welcome back and I hope you stick around.

2 months ago

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I almost exclusively do CV-ratio sgtools protected invite-only level 2+ giveaways at this point for the reasons you stated which is honestly a shame. I would like to create giveaways for those that are new members (and maybe those less well off and can't afford games) but the lower levels is just filled with abusers. Speaking of which, I may just join Unlucky-7 as a giver once I get more keys.

2 months ago

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You’re on the wrong site if you want the world to be perfect, sorry.

2 months ago

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Is there a right site for that?

2 months ago

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Yeah it’s called offsite.

2 months ago

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Haha I like your optimism!

But you're right, I'll go take another look there, just in case.

2 months ago

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I do wish the site had options for that itself, many groups exist for those reasons but I don't just want to rely on them.

2 months ago

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Many, though not all, of the problems you're noting, can be bypassed by only creating giveaways for Level 3+

2 months ago

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Nah I've had quite a few winners who were at least lvl 4 with bad ratios who don't bother saying thx after winning or playing the game like required. It happens at any lvl. Personally I think starting at lvl 5 would be better.

It's sad because I want lower lvls to get a chance too, especially during these Christmas events, but unfortunately Christmas is when more leechers and bots come out of the woodwork to try and win stuff. You have to be more vigilant, not less.

2 months ago

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Fair enough.
Perhaps it is less prevalent, though obviously still possible.

2 months ago

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You write exactly what i feel.

And as little detail look at this screenshots.

View attached image.
View attached image.
2 months ago*

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Nice, like a 5K user increase

2 months ago

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I assume people that play games in Playing Appreciated/TalePlay but that don't thank me are just really introverted. There's like two people that have won 5+ games from me and play them, with screenshots, but never say anything, not even ty.

2 months ago

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If they don't know the word thanks after a win they aren't "introverted", then they are a$$holes.
Plain and simple.

Someone could forget to say thanks one time because of reallife circumstances but not five times

2 months ago*

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I'm debating adding "Please remember to say thank you if you win" to my giveaways. But I feel like I'm teaching kindergarten at that point...

2 months ago

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Trust me it would be wasted time to add it.

The ones with basic manners do it anyway and the other ones don't care for the description (or the people behind their recieved games).

Writing a winner, that don't said thanks after a timeframe X, directly that you expect a thanks after a win, would change the behavior of a few but in the most cases would be a "adding them to the blacklist" the best solution. But if you want to do one or both solutions is, of course, your own decission.

2 months ago

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Bear in mind there are several members that threaten to BL anyone who says "Thank you" on their GA's, and then there are those that say to only thank them if they win. I suppose this is to reduce the number of pings they get, but I suppose some use that as a way to filter out bots.

2 months ago

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We only spoke about a thank you AFTER a win.
Which show basic manners.
I don't know someone that have something against this or blacklist for this.

2 months ago

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After a win, definitely. I suppose I misread something. I should find my bed, soon. yawn

2 months ago

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Sleep well :o)

2 months ago

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I added 'Please remember to say "thank you" if you win!' to my giveaways this week. It helped with some...

But I blacklisted the person that's won 20 games from me and doesn't say thank you. I can only surmise they do not like the gifts🤷

2 months ago

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I also hate that the winner doesn't say thanks. While it's not my top most annoying thing in SG, it's very close. BL'ed all of them.
The thing I hate most... I wrote something but I think it would lead to a lengthy discussion that doesn't belong here and it's probably left forgotten.

2 months ago

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I do the same. Imagine if you gave a gift to someone in real life. They take the gift, then just turn around and walk away without saying a word. Wouldn't that be so fuckin rude? I feel like that's what these ingrates here are doing when they don't say anything. Like, how were you raised? Ugh.

2 months ago

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At the end of the day it's a giveaway site and you give what you can if you want, and CG has provided the tools to adjust your giveaways from levels(restricting to higher gifter accounts), to joining/creating groups and inviting who you want and giving to multiple groups at once, to having a whitelist and a blacklist for additional filtering of specific users.

I think it's safe to say the overwhelming majority of us wouldn't be here if the first win we had wasn't from a public giveaway, and if we want there to be users in the future we would need some public giveaways even if some go to leechers. At the same time, some people would be happy if there's less users, so they can win more, which is toxic imo. So while I partially understand your sentiment against leechers who have the funds to buy whatever they want and gave basically nothing back, especially when they're likely buying bundles and will come out with duplicates, I hope that once in a while a key I gifted away ended with someone who wasn't so fortunate, and that seems to have been the case from what I see.

Hopefully this brings some peace of mind, if not I'd recommend setting your giveaway entry requirement level higher like other users do, solving your problem for your giveaways.

2 months ago

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i don't see it as a problem -in case I am misunderstood. As said I was away for a really long time and I have missed a lot as it seems. Back then , like 4-5 years ago , I wouldn't notice such a big number of bots nor hundreds of thousands of giveaway entries per user. So more than a welcome back shock than anything else :)

2 months ago

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Once I create a giveaway I try to 'let go' of the game psychologically. The same with gifting something IRL. If the recipient plays the game / uses the gift, that is awesome. (And I love it when I receive feedback).

But if they don't, that is their right. My involvement stops at the moment of gifting. I refuse to spend any further energy 'chasing' people or 'checking up' on them. That's not the spirit of gifting in my opinion. And it can create bitterness that can be pretty unhealthy.

2 months ago

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Apart from SG Tools and groups which require members to play their wins, there are also ratio based groups (e.g. SG Pillars).

2 months ago

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Wait after you check how many such people will ever try play games they win

2 months ago

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People like collecting DRM. They don't necessarily love giving it away or playing the DRM they "own", lol. You do have a disproportionate amount of winners with very lopsided ratios though.

2 months ago

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I never understood why ppl worry about ratios. If you're looking for a 50/50 ratio, just head over to SteamTrades and trade one for one. If you are looking to giveaway your games, just give them away and hope that whoever wins will enjoy them. Users with high gift ratios are probably not here to win games. With that said, if you wish to impose additional rules on your giveaways, just use SG Tools.

2 months ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

2 months ago

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Give to Playing Appreciated and TalePlay! Then the winner must play the game within 1 or 3 months. At that point, I don't care about their ratio as long as they play.

Or if you want people to give as much as they get and don't care about them playing, use Masafors's group or Mini Jedi Trading or NVPG.

2 months ago

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There are all kinds. I.e. more than a year ago, when I went through the entries of a mid-high public GA, a lot of the users hadn't done a GA in years, or had GAs only in small groups (but were happy to enter the public ones).

And then there are users, such as the one, who thanked me some hours ago for a lvl1 GA, and who gave away one game and won three games, in the nearly 2 years on the site, with about 1,500 GAs entered.

So... I ended up doing a number of low-to-no-level public GAs anyhow, more than two years ago (even before I started posting in some GAs a link to a YT channel), and I am now doing it as well.

Sure is a pity though, if there are quite a lot of bots around. IMO, it is an issue, that lowers the interest of new users to the site quite quickly, when a new user "competes" for a win the longer, the more bots there are. And GA creators going into this or that kind of backroom, that doesn't help with this issue neither. I mean, at least the numbers are quite leveled out for years now, with number of new user, per month barely reaching 2,000 most of the time, since 2019, and number of daily users below 20,000 for the past months (albeit Saturday had a peak)

2 months ago

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I made my giveaways req to be lv. 10, is it gud enough to combat this? I assume lv 10 are all legit users.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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oh no..

2 months ago

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No, but the amount of users that you want to blacklist are small enough that your BL limit (1k) fits for all. ;o)

2 months ago

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BL have a limit? lol why kek.

Thank you, it was confusing, but I just set up my first sgtools giveaway behind jigidi. Hopefully, no more bots are joining. >_<

2 months ago

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Yeah, 1000 slots. I guess to reduce server load. I need a blacklist of at least 10.000, tho...

2 months ago

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