this isn't the fallout you want.
I do appreciate to wander in this almost life empty world full of survivor stories and weird stuff, its closer to what a post apocalyptic world should be than the 125644 raiders i killed on previous fallout. While still having things to shoot at for changing pace from time to time
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they probably will target someone else as im not one of the bothersome people in this game, that aside, its not like there is much downside to it, rebuilding is easy as you can press space to repair, instead of the 3 month of farming youd see in ARK.
Also sending nuke is somehow closer to wanting a world with less living thing, than he opposite lol
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I'd agree with the second one, the game itself is unnecessary.
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On the plus side, at least the PC patch is barely 15 GB.
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One day Bethesda will patch a game by replacing the entire studio. Building, staff and equipment.
Hasn't Bethesda been using the same (I can't remember if it was 2 or 4) writers in every game they've ever done, though?
Expecting them to suddenly break from their stubborn adherence to retaining cost-effective ineptitude is-
Oh, wait, hang on.. hang on. Okay, yeah, I guess that's a thing.
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Don't worry, they'll still have crapload of die-hard fans justifying bethesda's brain damage in one way or another. It's the only studio that still didn't learn how to develop video games properly, where the game itself is the "best" part, because it only goes downside from that point onwards.
It's also the only studio that I hate with passion, considering all of their games pure trash. I tried morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, fallout 3 and 4, at this point I stopped trying, they can never learn a thing and all of their games are overpriced mediocre bugfests without any idea for themselves, vastly inferior to majority of similar games in similar prices. Bethesda can't make games, the only games I liked from bethesda were those that they didn't develop, like new doom or fallout new vegas. I really hope that they'll just freaking collapse and let better studios like obsidian continue the fallout series, because as a fan of first fallouts it hurts seeing what they did to the franchise. It's like reverse midas hands, everything that bethesda touches turns into shit.
Of course that's only my opinion, everybody is entitled to his/her own.
Also mandatory post of
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Don't worry, there are a lot of them already.
I can even quote their copy paste response ... "But I am enjoying the game:
Ok, the point was that the quality is none existent and not that you like the game :D!
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I'll be honest, I liked Bethesda. I think Fallout 3 is a good game, I also like Skyrim. They're flawed, but they're good.
But Fallout 4 was basically the last nail in the coffin for me and Fallout 76 just made sure it stayed that way. Their crazy support is reducing with every release like this. Contrary to popular belief, people do have their limits. Bethesda and their dysfunctional game development cycle also don't try to alleviate that strain in any way. If you actually look at critical and user reception to the game, it's pretty bad. When Fallout 4 would've been around 75% positive (not that great overall, but still nice), Fallout 76 is around 40% positive. They have their apologists, mind you, but they're way more rare than for Fallout 4.
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40% support is like 35% too much. F76 is a bugfest that killed the entire concept of post-apocalyptic RPG game, where there is no story, no NPCs to interact with, just empty world filled with enemies and bethesda saying "go guys, go have fun!"
At some point I really wanted to enjoy their games, for a long time I believed that their games must be good if so many people enjoyed skyrim. I couldn't even launch the game because until this day bethesda didn't patch the game to work on 120+ HZ displays and I've met with this. I didn't even ask for it, I just launched the freaking game.
After manually patching it to 60 FPS lock and resolving huge pile of other bugs, I've found the game to be dull and boring. All other games I've tried looked the same. And it's not just the bugged engine, it's the game, story, NPCs, quests, world design, everything sucks or is mediocre at best. Imagine my happiness when I found out how awesome F:NV is, the moment I lost all hope for bethesda, I finally found a good game... only to discover later that it's good because they didn't freaking develop it, just published.
That would be OK though, I mean you don't control directly if the game itself will be good. I don't like their games, but other people can, this is fine. The only thing that is not fine is how they're primary example of how to not develop video games, with all sort of bugfests, outdated engine, technology, and being the most infamous studio for developing games that under no circumstance can be played without mods that fix ton of shit they were too lazy to patch themselves. They can have dull and boring games, but they have their customers so deep in the freaking ass that it insults me as a gamer, let alone a customer that would pay them money to be treated like this.
I guess there is no way for me to ever turn away from being full-time bethesda hater by now, which is really sad considering I never intended to become one.
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Can't comment on the gameplay and story since I haven't played it personally.
But as to the idea of there being too much support, I'd say it makes sense still. Bethesda released Morrowind, which is considered to be a gaming classic by many. Same goes for Oblivion and Skyrim. A lot of people loved Fallout 3, many don't know that New Vegas wasn't really their game (though they assisted with the development). So I'm not surprised that people still remember those games and still give Bethesda some slack from it. They were a favorite for many. It's undeniable. And the support is dropping rapidly. Asking for any more is going against human nature. You're the one who's in the 60% right now, but be objective and look at their previous stuff. You might not have liked them, but others obviously did.
I agree with the sentiment though. Also, Fallout 76 is currently extremely unsuccessful. Twitch audiences are low for the game and so are the sales. In the UK the sales are down 82.4% compared to Fallout 4. If that's not enough for you, then I don't know what is. The change in public perception is gradual and right now it's more rapid than usually. Be glad there's a change. I, for one, certainly am.
For people like us, this is more than just a glass half full thing. It's a glass 82.4% full :D
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Die-hard bethesda fans hate this game. It's just the casuals, plebs that seem to like this game.
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I wanted to check your link... but it was blocked in my country due to copyright xD
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Prior to the patch going live, Fallout 76 on PS4 took up 53.04GB. Post-patch, Fallout 76 takes up 53.23GB, so the update replaces much of the pre-existing file.
Not really a risk, if they're only increasing data size by 190 MB each patch.
To reclarify the matter, 15GB worth of existing data was updated (as indicated by the size of the PC update), but the PS4 version ended up requiring a full redownload (due to sloppiness either within Bethesda's updating or within Sony's patching method).
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isn't this game still in beta?
many other games pushed patches as big as the installed game, till they reworked the file structure and could use smaller packages.
right now all i see is "i hate bethesda and i hate fallout mmo so i will nitpick everything i could find to trash it".
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Both beta runs ended a good while ago and the game was officially released last week. This patch is 1.02, the second patch (but the first was a Day 1 one and only those had it who bought a physical copy; the released digital one was already 1.01).
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What is the point of a beta that was scheduled 4 a month before release?
This was more a server testing :))).
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Not even a server testing, since you had to preorder the game to play it. Normally if you want to test your servers, you let everyone in during the testing period to see how the servers handle a huge amount of players and all that.
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You are right, an early access server testing. There is no correct term for what they did :D
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NO, it got released on 14 Nov.
Also what they did it is not called beta, early access more exactly and AAA price none the least.
The definition of beta is not what they did!
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No, FO 76 wasn't in beta. What we got was pretty much a regular early access.
And you know what I see right now? "I love bethesa and I love Fallout MMO so I will defend it no matter how much they keep screwing up."
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i'm not defending anything, i don't know where you get that?
i don't even like 76, pvp, the lack of npcs and mostly everything related to the game. the only thing i'm enjoying is the music.
it's stupid to point out stuff like the huge patch, the need to be always online, or that you can't play without updating (please try this with any game on steam) when there are 9999999 other games doing the same.
there's a difference between not liking something and being a perma-hater of a company because they "screwed up" after fallout 2.
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because they "screwed up" after fallout 2.
I think Bethesda had nothing to do with Fallout 1 & 2. That was Black Isle studios if I remember correctly.
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I don't know about that. I remember briefly playing it in coop with 2 friends on the original X-Box and as far as I can remember it was ok-ish, pretty forgetable. Obviously it wasn't a real Fallout since real Fallouts have round based combat but I didn't find it that terrible neither.
To be honest I don't remember much beside the Ghoul character could walk through nuclear waste without getting poisoned and that you could apparently unlock more characters for the 2nd playthough.
But as we all know even the worst game is more fun in coop so maybe I'm giving the game too much credit.
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Actually, patches as big as the software itself are very much something to be pointed out. This is an issue no matter how you slice it.
please try this with any game on steam
Always online is not a requirement for every Steam game by a very long shot. Just because many games have it doesn't mean that many others don't have it. (Not that it should ever be a requirement, but that's beside the point.)
Edit: I'm too tired to be here and I'm misreading things as a result. Scratch the paragraph above.
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yes, they are an issue, but let's not single out bethesda with this. overkill, streum on, and many other studios also released patches that were huge till they managed to fix the structure. it's just a temporary issue.
or that you can't play without updating (please try this with any game on steam)
i wasn't referring to always online (which i despise in cases that is unnecessary). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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overkill, streum on, and many other studios also released patches that were huge till they managed to fix the structure
You mean entire game huge? Not being sarcastic here, that's news to me but I don't actually this stuff so maybe I'm just the out of the loop.
i wasn't referring to always online
Oh God, I'm so tired that I'm not reading things right. I had to reread your post 3 times to get it. My apologies; I clearly should be in bed instead of here.
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it's stupid to point out stuff like the huge patch, the need to be always online, or that you can't play without updating (please try this with any game on steam)
The location of the parenthesized section indicates it was being attached to the "can't play without updating" rather than to the previous points; From that perspective, the point seems a legitimate one, as the majority of Steam games [notably excluding, of course, those few with DRM-free launchers] are problematic to launch when an update is queued.
patches as big as the software itself are very much something to be pointed out.
They* happen fairly regularly with quite a few Steam games (without any significant consumer response that I've seen), so perhaps many of us are just desensitized to the matter. Of course, those other games didn't both require a massive update AND prevent you from uninstalling them, so Bethesda certainly upped the ante with their effort.
*(ie, situations where you have to reinstall the entirety of the game's files when downloading a patch.)
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The location of the parenthesized [...]
Yeah, when Mully first answered I was trying to figure it out and it took me three rereads to understand that I had misread because of how tired I am. Now that I read it again (for like the fifth time?), I can see it. And I can also see that I should be in bed. :)
fairly regularly with quite a few Steam games
Woah. I'm starting to feel legit scared about the state of the game industry now. Then again being tired might be making me overreact so I'm not going to take it seriously before sleeping on it. In any case, I guess having old hardware never felt so good; I can't be personally bothered by HDD-sized patches if I can't run the games they're for in the first place, right? :^) (I mean, technically I could install and patch games I can't run just for the sole purpose of being ass to myself, but...)
I mean, I'm from a time when "patching" meant "replace some stuff", not "replace everything".
Of course, those other games didn't both require a massive update AND prevent you from uninstalling them, so Bethesda certainly upped the ante with their effort.
lol :D
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And I can also see that I should be in bed. :)
Huh. So it's, like, a reverse out-of-body experience, then?
I mean, I'm from a time when "patching" meant "replace some stuff", not "replace everything".
With Steam you'll see such patches listing the actual patch size (eg, 15MB) and still requiring a full (eg, 50GB) redownload.
I think it ends up just being yet another example as to how Steam has accustomed us to games having poor quality control..
Presumably, the reason the PS4 patch required a full redownload of the game (despite the PC patch indicating that the actual patch size was only 15GB) was due to a similar issue of sloppy configuration.
As far as to why the patch was 15GB, that's easy to explain given that large data replacement is normal for beta games (where core files are still getting foundational reworks, versus for released games, where patches primarily add new data or correct minor issues).
In short, "patching" doesn't necessarily mean "replace everything" now... but yeah, there may nevertheless still be cause to not be overly comfortable with the current state of the game industry, either. :P
Yeah, when Mully first answered I was trying to figure it out and it took me three rereads to understand that
Clearly, you were too traumatized by your initial misreading of "A frustrating hellscape of a world where everything requires always-online-connectivity" and needed to take some time to recover from your failed sanity check. It happens- just be glad tentacles weren't involved, yea?
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So it's, like, a reverse out-of-body experience, then?
:thinking: You know, that's actually pretty accurate... :D
With Steam you'll see such patches listing the actual patch size (eg, 15MB) and still requiring a full (eg, 50GB) redownload.
Huh, I never knew. I guess the fact patching takes place in the background (and seems to never affect the game I want to play at that specific time) helps.
just be glad tentacles weren't involved, yea?
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Yeah, as others said, the B.E.T.A. thing is over. It was essentially a marketing scheme. Even more than other AAA betas I've seen.
I think it's just that this shouldn't be an issue on release. It's also criticized when other games do it. The reason why this is less accepted than the norm comes from two major things. First is just that people are running out of patience with AAA laziness. But the second is the major one. Fallout 76 is... technically one of the worst AAA games to have ever been released. I'll throw in a few examples.
First is the Gamebryo engine. Now, Bethesda did try to spin this in another direction. Basically, the game isn't technically running on the Gamebryo engine. Instead it's running on the Creation Engine, which in reality is just the newest update to Gamebryo with a new license. It's not a new thing that companies update engines, of course. But Gamebryo is too old now. The engine is older than I am, in fact and I'm 20. Well, to be fair, it's only 1 year older. But this should already ring alarm bells.
Second, the framerate cap. As per every Bethesda developed game, the engine's too bad to actually handle anything higher than 30fps due to physics issues and other instability.
Third, the lazy story. They obviously didn't go for any NPCs because it's just cheaper that way. No animations, no meshes, no motion capture and so on. Static objects in static worlds. Anything dynamic is harder to develop and so it's an issue.
Fourth, no FOV slider. It's a classic. Bethesda says that it's because the animations won't work in a higher FOV than 80. But they could make them work. In fact, people have actually done that as mods for their games. This is just them being lazy and nothing else for the last 14 years at least.
Fifth, the performance. Fallout 76 isn't visually a powerhouse, yet even the most powerful systems have hitches and at best of times only get around 90fps if they unlock the framerate through the config files.
Sixth, the servers can't handle any strain. It took three players to take down a whole server by a single click. How? They launched 3 nukes. For an MMO, this is ridiculous. This shouldn't be an issue. Not to mention the myriad of other connection problems.
Seventh, no mods. Well, this is self-explanatory. People just don't like it. I get that it's an MMO however. It's just that there's a good chance that Bethesda will make a classic move of having paid mods available at some point.
The most egregious one of all though... They didn't modify the engine to suit it to be an MMO... it might sound like nothing, but this is actually the most insane oversight possible and the sole reason why I think this is pretty much a fraudulent product where they just patched it together and threw it out to make money. They must've known of this.
So check this: The servers don't check your files like in every other MMO. So you can just edit things in the world willynilly. You can also edit your files to walk through walls and other obstacles. You can also steal someone's IP to ping your packets off of them to reduce your ping, which also helps you to see where they are and mess with their game. Oh, you can also just send packets to the server that say that you have full health at all times, meaning you'll be invincible. Or instead, just kick anyone you want through the previously mentioned method. So, in all honesty, modding is actually allowed... Just not in the way people want it...
Most of these things are fine on their own. But as a collection, you tend to start asking yourself, what did they actually do right then? There are so many overlooked basic functionality that's missing, it's a wonder this game even runs. This is the video game equivalent of putting the nuclear launch codes and the instructions on how to launch them remotely on a public website. The negligence is so insane here.
If you still enjoy the game, then good on you. being able to see past those mistakes or just managing to avoid them is fine by me. But I think the anger is justified. I only mentioned a fraction of the noticeable issues with the game.
Hopefully this answered your question even partially.
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thats generally the hate wave effect, one guys say "it sucks" with some argument, decent or not, then people will follow because they are scared of being the ugly duckling.. i see the same on many games / company. It goes from ubisoft to EA to bethesda, from fortnite to fallout...
even though the beta (wich was more like a slight test in this case) is finished and the game is out, for their first mmo of the kind, trashing the game so much even though it just got its first patch today, is for me either hate, or lack of comprehension.
The game is far from perfect, like any game that just came out, and i am personnally hindered by a few bugs wich i hope they will fix asap, and hoping many improvement, but still the game is enjoyable, like many other game that are being trashed thanks to the hate wave, and lack of ability to make ones own judgment without being influenced by other thing / experience
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yeah, it's the trend of reviewing games by repeating what others say, because it's cool to align with youtubers like jim-im-gonna-swear-every-3-words-i-say-stirling and hate on new titles instead of having an opinion of their own by actually playing those games (pro-tip: they don't play anything at all but they are all experts).
diablo 3? trash
fallout 4? trash
CoD? trash
this game is far from being amazing, but it also has a lot of content. it's not barebones, at all.
if you don't hit gamebreaking bugs, you will have a good time playing for hours (<- wow, i just "reviewed" based on what my friends say about it! :O).
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Second patch. Hence 1.02. The first one was actually bigger than the game itself:
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since it was a "patch" made in the beta, i don't really consider it as a patch, i see why people would differ though, with my download speed it would take me 3 - 4 days to dl 40+ go, so id be sure to notice it if i had to DL it after the game launched x)
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Yes, this was my point. PlayStation's download speeds were famous for being rather bad, regardless of internet connection, and I know that <100 GB datacaps on landlines are still relatively commonplace in many 1st world countries too. Considering that those who bought the disk copy to avoid downloading the entire 50 GB had to do it regardless, then now they have another 50 GB on top within a week, this seems like a good way to fuck with early buyers.
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for their first mmo of the kind
either hate, or lack of comprehension.
They started the lack of comprehension by making MMO without security and basic things like that. Don't treat multibillion USD AAA developer studio like a kindergartener trying their first watercolour painting. They are new to the field, but information is out there, available. So them fucking it up is either sheer incompetence (not being new to the field, but ignoring safety concerns and 101s of the genre) or lazyness. And neither of them are welcomed either for the money they asked for, nor the professionalism such an old studio should have.
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If I remember right, it was the same for Quake Tournament when it was on Bethesda Launcher...
Maybe the launcher can't do updates different
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Bethesda: "We will patch harder then anyone has ever patched before!"
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I think that "Fallout 76 is a bad idea, executed badly." sums it up nicely :D
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Well, if 76 is for GB to download, i ave ideas for upcoming DLCs.
Fallout 76 - wasted connection 38 (GB to download)
Fallout 76 - bugged dunes 29 (GB to download)
Fallout 76 - atomicdisappointment 48 (GB to download)
3 great DLCs coming for ya.
More numbers in developement.
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Fallout and Elder Scrolls are two of my favorite franchises. No one was waiting for this. They released an early access game (I call it that because the gameplay is obviously based on games that are in early access since forever) for €60 took away the best stuff from the previous games and the game still has micro transactions.
To everyone who pre ordered this game or decided to buy this on launch:
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I hope this game bombs hard. That's the only way a company will get the message that their customers hate it/them. Bethesda has gotten a free pass for way too long for their increasingly outdated graphics and buggy AF games. They need to know it's not acceptable anymore.
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Look at you all.. whining together in the name of today's norm. Being a spoiled, instant-craving numb-dumb.
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You care because you still love them ;) I really couldn't care less about yet-another-Rust-clone 76. Gaming is in a pretty bad state right now and we can only hope the entire bubble will burst soon.
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Funny thing is that up until the shitstorm really started to happen quite loudly near the end of the beta, I kinda forgot there will even be an online Fallout game. I thought until then it will be just some mindless run-and-gun open-world shooter; something like battle royale, but much more simplified and barebones, like that spectacular failure of Ghost in the Shell game a few years back.
I was actually surprised it is still an ARPG, just without NPCs.
Then more and more videos popped up, so I am now just enjoying the whole thing as a virtual disaster tourist.
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Mindíg is szerettem a Fallout játékokat, a világot, a "régi" izometrikus első részeket is, magyarítással főleg, a háromba szó szerint beleszerettem, imádtam a rengeteg olvasnivalót a gépeket és az emberek történeteit ahogy meséltek, a new vegasban töltöttem a legtöbb időt, a hatalmas terület, a mégtöbb olvasnivaló, a sok karakter, sok élet, sok történet, a négyben építkeztem majdnem úgy mint simsben, sőt a kulcstartómon is van egy Nuka cola fém kupak, de ettől a 76tól még mindig félek... egyszerűen nem merem megvenni... olvasom a leírásokat, véleményeket, nézek videókat, de nem tudom mit tegyek... így csak várok
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74 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Sylom
Fallout 76 is the gift that keeps on giving. Not because it is that good, but because it seems to be the point where pretty much Bethesda Game Studios' reputation will entirely collapse upon itself. (We can start guessing how soon will they try to push out Elder Scrolls VI to repair it, ruining it by hurrying too much.)
In today's bit of "What did Bethesda fuck up this time?", we can observe their brand new and innovative way to patch a game. Others may have written something that only replaces the affected files, since most patches tend to involve the files tied to the scripting engine and internal game logic, but Bethesda shows us that this is the wrong method:
Because to do it right, you just recompile the entire game and push it out as a patch. As a bonus, since the game is permanently online-only, every player is mandated to install it if they want to log in to the game world.
I am sure all console owners, especially PS4 players, are delighted. Especially those who are still on internet plans with a data cap. And on the PlayStation network's famously and dependably super fast download speeds and patching framework.
On the plus side, at least the PC patch is barely 15 GB.
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