Eh I guess I can tell you that, it's not too relevant. Because numbers are encoded before letters on the standard ASCII table they lack a carry bit and can be expressed with fewer characters
An example
The letter l has a decimal value of 108 when stored by a pc that is 3 digits long
The number 7 has a decimal value of 55 which is two digits long
So encoding l77 takes 7 digits 108 55 55
However encoding ll7 takes 8 108 108 55
Or to sum thing up there are 14 because 3+3+3+3+2=14
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well, looking for 0 entries makes me feel less dumber
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so we have a week to figure out what these mighty gods are up to, nice xD
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I feel as though I've made some good headway but I need to rest on this one for a bit.
Have a bump!
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Wow, someone solved it? I think the giveaway has one entry now :O
Congratz to that person!
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there's a guy who solved this. Is he from the future? xD
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Hoping not to spoil too much, I got the hints immediately, I translated the gods to My very easy memory jingle seems useless now and got some initial numbers.
I'm stuck at what I have to do to convert those numbers to something usable in an ASCII table, I tried subtracting, changing the order etc.
I also thought about counting the "things" that circle around the "gods", but it got me nowhere.
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Thank you for the new hint!
Tried different things, finally arrived at a possible solution, but it was wrong.
Question: Do I have to write the gods' position in October or in December? Or it doesn't matter?
EDIT: For example: Was Poseidon born on Oct 7 or Dec 8?
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Thank you, this is precisely where I (and I assume others) have been stuck
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An interesting puzzle due to the ambiguity of the norse gods,
So if you are looking for gods by domain, then Thor and Jupiter both throw lightning, and Odin and Athena are both the gods of knowledge, but if you are looking for gods by the role in the pantheon it is quite different.
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I was taught of Thor as the Norse equivalent of Hephaestus/Vulcan I suppose he could have also been a Zeus analog. I also realized he was less tied to Greek and roman myths then some of his counterparts which is one reason he wasn't listed.
Personally it was more fun for me learning about the Etruscan Gods as I didn't know too much about them.
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Already have this game, but cool puzzle! A bump for you!
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So the secret was NOT to divide 14 digits into groups and decipher them separately from Oct to ASCII table... This wasn't easy to suppose, for me at least =))) I have tried arrangement of the planets in different order (distance from the Sun, alphabetical order, size and so on). And only alphabetical order had given me the hope to transform groups of digits into ASCII (Oct), but all digits were mixed. I was quite sure that s=163 (Oct), for example.
All right, thanks for the explanation.
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you seem ti believe that sui2Z should be 163 165 151 062 132 in OCT lets try converting that to binary
1 6 3 1 6 5 1 5 1 0 6 2 1 3 2
001 110 011 001 110 101 001 101 001 000 110 010 001 011 010
Now lets compare that to the binary
00111001 10011101 01001101 00100011 00100010 11010
0111001 10 11101 010 1101 00100 11 00100 10 11010
See the problem?
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Did anyone told you that you are terrible at explanations?
The tool indeed has an error, @Fromalan explained it in details below. And actually that's a reason why I could not solve the puzzle - I got to the the same numbers (with your hints it was easy, even when there were still weekdays), but could not convert them to letters.
The problem with the tool is that it tries to convert text not char-by-char, but for some reason combines it to lager numbers, tree chars per number. That will not matter with hex or binary (if left-padded by zeros), but will not work with decimal or octal.
Look, sui2Z is 73 75 69 32 5a in hex, right? Or, can we say, 737569 325a ? Yes, tool still says it decodes to the same result. Great, let's convert it to decimal - 7566697 12890. Woah, why the tool can't convert it back to text now? I did EXACTLY what it does with octal numbers to decimal, and it's all broken! That's basically why it's incorrect.
It does not makes your puzzle incorrect though; just make it harder. It's just that instead of "convert number from octal to characters" it has step "use the exact (broken) tool to convert it from something weird to characters. Tools is quite popular indeed, so puzzle is still valid. I mean, "use the sequence on" is not any different from "use the sequence on". And solvers prove that this is legit.
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It is not a bug. 16 (hexadecimal) dose Not divide evenly by 3 so it could be
123 456 789 012 345 6
1 234 567 890 123 456
Computer convention goes for the first one. I don't recall why they chose that, but convention has the spacing at the end.
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Computer convention
I'm working as a programmer for 20 years, and that's bullshit. Unless you can prove your words with some RFC.
Do it with just one letter, "s". This tool says it's 346 octal, and 73 hexadecimal. Now take any calculator that has numeral system conversion (even the crappy one in windows10 will do), and convert 346 octal to hexadecimal. Good luck in getting 73.
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There is definitely an error in the tool mentioned. For example, encoding 's' gives the binary representation '01110011' or 73 (Hex). That is right. But to get the octal representation, the tool adds one binary zero to the END: 011100110 (011 100 110 = 346 Oct) instead of adding one binary zero to the START: 001110011 (001 110 011 = 163 Oct), as one should expect by default. As to the puzzle, it's great, but the translation from the Oct to ASCII is strange. Maybe it was the reason why so a few people got it.
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TBH I just use a conversion tool as working with octal is too complex to do easily long hand in shoft it's taken from the binary.
011 100 110 111 010 101 101 001 001 100 100 101 101 0
3 4 6 7 2 5 5 1 1 4 4 5 5 0
you get odd numbers because binary numbers are generated in groupings of 8 winch isn't evenly dividable by 3
this is most noticeable by the last digit
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Giveaway for
One further note that was pointed out to me, I used the ENGLISH origin of Wednesday, I didn't know the French mercredi and it's associated god
First Clue
Second Clue
People keep having problems with the days of the week I added in I thought i was being clever, but I may have just been confusing. the pussle will also work as
Puzzle explanation
The first clue. "My very easy memory jingle seems useless now" is a mnemonic for the 8 planets "mercury Venus earth mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune"
5he second clue is about things having more then one name.
Gaia is the Greek goddess of the earth
Laren is the Etruscan equivalent of Mars
Kronos, Saturn
Caelus Uranus
Turan Venus
Jove Jupiter
Zeus jupiterI
Hermod mercury
Hermes mercurey
Ares mars
Tyr mars
Tinia jupiter
Odin Jupiter
Poseidon Neptune
Earth is the third planet from the sun so assign it 3 Mars is 4th ect. Neptune being the 8th planet is 10 in octal so is represented with a 0
34672551144550 is sui2Z
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