last humblebundle was cheap and useless
I didn't get it. It turns out there were a few games in there I would have liked - but I'll probably get them in the BTA tier of a humble jumbo bundle in a few weeks. I don't think I'll get it next month. I'd like Tomb Raider but I'm concerned I'd just end up buying the GOTY edition for the DLC anyway...
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You know you can buy the DLC without buying the GOY edition?I actually wish they had just the base game in the store as I would have rathered paid 12-15 just for the base game because the DLC was not worth the extra I paid for it even when I got the Complete package on sale for 22.
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I know - it's just there have been a bunch of games I've bought where the DLC never seems to go much cheaper than the full package and I've ended up annoyed. And I imagine this being one of those.
I'd be interested to hear if the DLC is actually just crap.
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Yes, Fallout Skyrim and others are famous for such things.Though in this case for this game buying the complete package is not cheaper than buying the DLC later.
Sometimes it's better to check something then assuming from the past.As far as if the DLC is crap I would not call it crap I just would not pay full price for it and I could live without it but since I bought the complete game I got it want it or not as they don't sell just the base game on Steam anymore.Then knowing when it will be bundle is all but a crap shoot and even if it is you don't know if it will be just base game or complete.
Though if get the Season pass for around 12 and the base game in this bundle is about the same price as a complete pack around sale time at least in U.S. currency.
The season pass is not worth it if you want more story unless you think paying around 12 for 3 or so hours of more story is worth and one new Tomb to raid and a new chapter.The rest is new game modes but not story and a nightmare mode and all pre order content.If you play the co-op end of things or, are into survival or horde type content then it might be worth it.
In the end, the only way IMO to know if you will like it is by playing the game itself and you decide if what it adds is worth it.
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You make some really good points and I'm genuinely interested in your viewpoint on the DLC.
My logic with regards to the 'full game' is that it is the kind of thing I'd play the next time I'm working away and don't have anything else to do. And if I don't get it for the next time I'm a way it isn't like I don't have other things to try.
So I'd be looking at getting the game in the humble bundle + the DLC in the next sale or the game + DLC in the next sale. And that is where the guesswork comes in - researching past deals doesn't guarantee when the next sale is going to be or what the prices structure might be.
Or alternatively if I really don't think I need the DLC I'll just get the game. But I know from recent experience if I start playing a game and then think I'm missing out I'll just end up paying over the odds for the DLC and I'm trying not to do that!
Looking at the DLC I don't think I'd much bother with survival or horde mode and and I likely wouldn't be playing it online due to not having internet. But I figured I'd got nearly a month to make a decision and either do my research or get an informed opinion!
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I'm also more annoyed over this situation than I'd like to be. There's apparently only one story DLC but as I understand it co-op is dependent on DLC as well and that's a feature I wouldn't want to miss out on. Adding to this is the fact that the usual pattern for discounts is to have the highest for complete or GOTY then lower for SP and yet even lower for separate DLC, meaning it won't be a big difference buying the whole package compared getting one or two DLC.
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As I said to heavenhairsixes it is true about the DLC for some games like Skyrim, Fallout, etc, but in this case, it does not apply or has not yet applied that scheme to this game and I don't see why they would all of a sudden start.
The season pass during the last sale was 11.99 which matches the historical low, the base game in this bundle will set you back 12 not including what else you may get that you could maybe sell/trade to offset the cost even more.The season pass can be had on Square right now for 12.00 so you actually could get the whole game for the same price it was last sale which was 23.99
Yes, the only co-op option is with DLC which I think should have been in the base game but it is what it is.I have not done the CO-OP but I'm sure there is some fun to be had.
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It's one of those, punt, pass or kick situations and all of them will lead to some second guessing.If you really enjoyed the last one I'm pretty sure you will enjoy this one as it's more of the same but extra focus on Tombs making them bigger and such.The game play has some nice improvements as well.
You could do what I sometimes do when I'm not sure about DLC/Season Pass I buy the base game then get the DLC later I would rather regret buying the base and not wanting more than buying the whole thing and not liking any of it.
As far as the sales go your right prices can change up or down but so far the last few sales it has been the same and given the age of this game it has sold the best it will long ago so I don't see them making it less off than what it was the last sale.I paid 23.99 well a bit less because I had wallet but that was the asking price.Now you buy it in this bundle and get the base game for 12 and then later season pass for 12 it's the same price as the complete version.
You can offset some of that cost of the bundle if you don't like the other games by selling them for split cost on group-buys or other means.Though since you say you won't have internet then and you don't want plan on playing survival/horde then really all you have left is the Tomb and a bit more story.If that is the case If you ask me I really would just wait until the season pass goes on sale and then give it serious thought.
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The early reveal game was yet another mindless horde mode multiplayer shooter, the kind that attracts a very specific demographic. The kind that can eat any shit up while following the herd. It was like when they dangled RUST on a piece of rope and people bought the bundle up just for that. (And to further showcase the average intelligence of these players, RUST keys were bought on G2A for prices 20% higher than the entire bundle, while those bundles were still going. Then again, I think I should be grateful that there is an entire genre worth of games next to CS:GO to coral in the majority of the idiots on the PC gaming scene.)
With that in mind, I'd say that while personally I found it bleak, the fact that it had at least two games with a strategy approach—a genre that relies on cool mind to assess situations and on, generally, some semblance of intelligence, meaning the stark opposite of the crowd Killing Floor 2 was made for—shows that at least they tried.
To me, it taught something other, something I consider more important: that Banner Saga 2 was not an early unlock. I own and played the first one and always thought that it was blown way, way bigger, riding the coattails of the XCOM remake craziness (which, I guess, may look interesting for younger gamers who never played the original) than it should have been. Stashing it into the "rest" confirms my suspicion that the actual player base of the first game and the buyers of the second one was significantly smaller, popping that balloon before the third one could have been made.
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We only know of one game, so not much to really talk about. It was a smash hit, partly because the new Tomb Raider is little else than Uncharted with a female—then again, considering Uncharted was not even hiding that it was a direct copycat of later Tomb Raiders, only inserting that generic white action hero that seems to be in every goddamn modern shooter game nowadays (unless it is the gravelly-voiced neo-noir hero, like in the Wolfenstein re-remakes), I guess the new Tomb Raider reboot series is pretty much an icon of irony.
Honestly, for me, these games are fun to play once, maybe even better to watch a longplay where I can skip the supposed gameplay, because everything is so cinematic that they often forget the gameplay beyond the mandatory collectibles.
Still, if I really had to say something about the bundle, then I'd say this is a gigantic bait game hiding either terrible sales on the last one (considering the demographic KF2 was made for either moved past ages ago or wouldn't pay 12 dollars for it) or the October one is scheduled to have a ton of barely-known super indie cheap stuff that will all end up in some Jumbo bundle or something similar within 6 months.
I cannot say it is not a good deal though. If I cared more than a single fuck about Tomb Raider, I would have already bought it. But the onyl thing I ever liked about the franchise was the Top Cow comic book series (which is now getting reprinted in absolute format and I already own or have it pre-ordered), so I still don't know if I pay or not.
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Multiplayer-only games like to target the same people, even if they offer diversity by being horde mode, "survival"—meaning: find random junk to keep some stats up before you find a weapon to kill other players with—(Dayz, RUST, and roughly 20 or so similar infinite Early Access titles), asymmetrical deathmatch (Evolve, Friday the 13th), PvE clusterfuck (PayDay, Destiny) or PvP clusterfuck (IAMSOTOTALLYGONNAFINISHTHISGAMETHISTIME's Battlegrounds, CS:GO).
There are exceptions, of course. For example, the Borderlands 2 crowd seems to be made up of largely sane people, disregarding the fact how much time they can sink into repeated MMO-like farming.
And speaking of which, there are of course the MOBAs, which seem to target even younger players; and MMOs, which now like to target Koreans or people in at least in their late 20s (except for WoW, but Blizzard is an entirely different categor in itself).
But if you visit the communities of the games in the first paragraph, you may see many names popping up over and over, or the general same vibe in discussions (mostly a lot of pent-up, adolescent-ish aggression), including some strange inability to use fucking punctuation in sentences, even with supposedly native speakers. So, whereas you are right that the two games are rather different beyond the MP-only approach, they still attract a very similar player type.
naturally, it is not as simple, for example CS:GO almost forms an entire sub-category on its own, where finding a player whose native language uses Latin characters is more rare than seeing Trump outside a golf course nowadays, but I guess the general idea should be clear now. ^.^
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Hahaha, I laughed hard at last paragraph. It is easy to explain why Borderlands is different - it is not a competitive game which is focus for majority of games you mentioned. That can also explain why it is favorite genre for younger crowd that can pretty much ruin your experience. You have to disable voice and text chat so you can enjoy a little in those games, or just play with friends. If not, 'cyka blyat' 'pizdec' 'idi nahui' and others are going to be a beginning for a short russian language course.
Team Fortress 2 is one of the best gaming experiences I have ever had, and certanly the most fun multiplayer one. That may be a little odd because my favorite genres are platformers (Super Meat Boy, Blitz Breaker, Electronic Super Joy) and puzzle games (Talos Principle, Portal, Hitman GO, Divide By Sheep). I rarely even play multiplayer games. Dota 2 is a great game but miserable experience, my last game was in december 2013. Needed my sanity back so I quit it. Also had fun playing first Killing Floor, but not even close compared to TF2.
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I don't think multiplayer only games target the same people at all. The Rust/DayZ/PUBG crowd is nothing like those that play Natural Selection II, KF1, KF2, Verdun, Squad, or Insurgency for instance. I think the co-op and strategic games tend to attract a very different audience than the highly competitive and simplistic ones.
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MP people hack a lot so less ppl play MP but ppl like to play more Co-op because it is more fun . i uesed to play dif MP game but know i only play america's army proving grounds the rest are single player games . I more in to story then bag bag killing .
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True, but so do co-op players. Payday 2 being the prime example of it. People tend to cheat, it's just that in a competitive setting, the others tend to notice it more because they actually won't benefit from the cheating.
It's subconscious, but to some extent, conscious hypocrisy.
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I understand if people cheat in off line games but online one I don't get it why ?
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I never cheat in MP I always try to be better. people need to know they cant win thing all the time and there is someone out there that will beat them one day .
I do cheat on offline game to see how it will feel like with full power or full erumpent but I do that after I finished the game on normal
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See, the issue here isn't multiplayer or multiplayer-only. The problem is popularity. The age of the average gamer that starts threads and wastes time on the game while not actually playing the game is low. Kids with extra time, some adults who are unemployed or on disability support. You tend to find the former way more often though.
GTA 5 before online was cancerous, Undertale had an awful community once it became popular. Portal, Lego games, Hitman, Dark Souls, Minecraft. None of these games specifically target the multiplayer. Minecraft's a 50/50 with Dark Souls taking a solid 80/20 ratio.
As an example of a MOBA which used to have a good community, Smite. Smite's players weren't typically bad mannered and they wanted to mostly help people. Sure, there was banter, but that's what you get in online poker as well. Smite became extremely popular and the community went down with that. Too many people causes too many disagreements and disagreements cause division, which in itself starts fracturing the community, causing BMing and overall douchebaggery.
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It can be genre-dependent as well. DayZ clone open-world zombie survival beta games just love to attract the bottom of the abyss user type, especially if they come fresh from a suspension from another game for harassment, hate speech, or general dickishness.
Then they eventually get bored that the game gets empty and go back playing RUST. :P
GTA actually always attracted the raging teenager type, but since it was confined to SP only, it served as a good outlet to just do their anti-social ravings there. When they announced years ago that they will go online, I knew that unless they make the game incredibly strict and with a ruleset where any dickhead ruins everyone's game and gets expelled from the servers permanently, they just managed to attract one of the worst demographic. (Then again, what I saw was seemed like Payday-like co-op missions, so I guess the community has to live with verbal abuse there only?)
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I disagree. I tend to hate all sort of survival zombie games, especially MMO and multiplayer ones (RUST included), while KF2 is very fun to play with friends, especially on custom maps or mods. Yes, I'd call the game total crap if I had nobody to play with, but it's entirely different with people that are joining you against the CPU, PvE games are very satisfying and they're not much different from unlimited co-op of your favourite single player game. This can't be compared to RUST, CS:GO or other mindless shooter/survival/mmo, it's basically a multiplayer co-op that is not any different from solo experience. The fact that you're not playing against other people is also very satisfying, because I'm not a fan of multiplayer games in general, and this one for some unknown to me reason hooked me entirely.
Like I tend to say, KF2 is what I always wanted L4D2 to be.
But whether KF2 justifies being early unlock and/or 12$ price range is entirely different discussion. It's definitely not a bad game, and compared to banner saga 2, in my own personal opinion that was indeed justified. Definitely not everybody will agree with me on this one though.
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To me, this month was a big hit. Two games I really wanted (Banner Saga 2 & Momodora), one game I did not know of, but think looks interesting (stories untold), and one game that a friend really wanted (Killing Floor 2). Also, Eterium is really good, but I got it when it was bundled 3 years ago.
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Every single monthly is worth $12. People love to complain if not all games are on their wishlists, but value is there. Those that you don't like you can trade for ones that you do from previous bundles, or just give them away to friends. I didn't like Total War: Warhammer for example, and I have trade it away for price of the whole bundle, which means I got all other games for free. Similar thing with Stellaris.
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I take only one game or 2 form each bundle but this one i took non because i did not like all of them so that is kinda bad pay 12 get noting .
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I grabbed Eterium for myself, the rest will be upcoming ga's most likely.
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I would have paid $12 for Killing Floor 2, Banner Saga 2, and Momodora alone. I'm starting to think people don't appreciate much anymore lol. to each their own I guess. :P
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non of the games that they put there was good for me . they need to think about that part ,,,next one have rise of the tomb raider and i will pay 12 for that but this bundle no i would pay 12 or even 1$ for it .
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I would buy it even there would be only shit games.
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I got it and I love it - I have lots of games so usually I already own at least 1-2 games from monthly - this time I didn't own any. At top of that I have 4 of the games in the bundle wishlisted (Momodora, Worms, Banner Saga 2 and Eterium), plus I just finished Banner Saga 1 this week, loved it and was thinking of buying 2nd one when it goes on sale next time - so for me absolutelly awesome bundle!
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There is always way more then 12 dollars worth of games in there, not everyone likes the same games. Too me it looked like an awesome bundle. I wish I could buy monthlies but sadly I can't because I don't want to have to pay for a credit card even tho I have plenty of Euros in my bank account.
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In my country you can't, even Paypal asks for a credit card regardless of how much money I have in my bank/paypal account.
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look at the game that they put before. compared to other bundles this one was cheap and useless
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you are stupid if you think i am looking for AAA game only . i said i did not get anything because all of the games was BS not even one game was good to take
in other hand i can get AAA game with less then $12 form other websites
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Every monthly the same thing happens with these kind of threads, comments and general angry people.
The monthlies are not all going to be exactly to your taste or your subjective value system, however pound for pound you always get value for money. If you don't like the lottery of not knowing what you are going to get and think its a waste of money, stop getting it.
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Exactly. It's not like people can't unsubscribe and then re-subscribe once the featured game is something to their taste. As far as the price vs risk goes the monthlies have been great. While I was a little disappointed with the results this week too, thems the breaks. Tastes vary. It does suck a little when games like Banner Saga 2 are hidden, because some people would have jumped at the chance with that as the featured game, but it comes down to the whole "You can only please some of the people some of the time" thing.
I don't really see why this needed its own thread, but I'm also not surprised since people have been shouting "Humble is dying, they're cheap and greedy!" since shortly after their first few bundles. It's okay to be disappointed, but to me it feels like a little much to make separate threads to grouch at each bundle.
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I said you are stupid if you think that I am looking for AAA game. do you think like that ,? and you talk shit all day long you are cheap because you can't read you are useless for this commnty .
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Generally I like humble monthly because you were getting 200+ msrp in games, which honestly is insane for 12 dollars.
Even if I would never play any of the games, I felt like I had made a value purchase still (plus I resell games so there's that)
I was shocked to see the lack of quality in this months bundle compared to every month prior. I think they will have lost a lot of first time subscribers if that was the month they chose to take the plunge.
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Buys a mystery bundle then is disappointed that it has nothing they want and the Face Palm of The Year award goes to....
Never ever buy any mystery item if you're not prepared to be disappointed.You want my secret on how to avoid this, make sure the unlock game is worth it that way if the rest of the games are not what you want you can still be happy with it.
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Being plugged into this community, I love it. You can get some games you like, or games you can trade with other people, and always have something else around to give away here.
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Banner Saga 2 alone is worth those 12 $ not to say that you get all those other great games.
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Not too shabby. I already own KF 2, so I gave my copy to one of my brothers. I activated Banner Saga 2 and probably will give away the rest. Worth the 12 bucks imo.
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Not that great of a bundle but not a bad one either. Kinda "meh" to me. Even though it had three wishlisted games, they were mostly "I'd give them a try" types of games not "I must really play them".
I know I'll have more fun with the "Dollar Jumbo Bundle" that I got for 1€ than with this month's humble bundle. But that doesn't necessarily make it bad, the games are just different and not everything suits everybody.
The next month's early unlock alone is well worth the bundle price. The "Rise of the Tomb Raider" game is one of the better ones although not as good as the first. But I already have the "20 Year Celebration" edition (that I got for 14,81€) so it presents no interest to me.
The nice thing about the monthly bundle is that it's mostly worth the investment and regardless of the preferred genres chances are you'll get something worthy of being played, thus making it one of the best if not the best "mystery box" type of bundle out there. The bad thing about it is that its novelty runs out fast and most of its content if not all ends up in the regular bundles, sooner rather than later, ranging from tier 1 up to tier 3.
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Now I can see why you put your picture as a profile picture. I know who is typing lol go back to the zoo bro this is not your place.
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you comment show that you don't read and talk shit . I was talking about the whole bundle not only shit floor 2
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you came here and disrespect me and you want me to respect you ?
better I will give you nothing and I don't want nothing for you
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they need to put a games that must of people like it not the game that half of people dont want to play i am saying that paying $12 to get nothing is kinda not nice .I dont wana AAA game just a game that i might like and I dont have it in my wishlist
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Ok so You have some statistics on how many ppl was pleased with their purchase on this month bundle? Or You just assume that if couple ppl on sg make thread about how are they displeased with games this month that means most of all buyers are unsatisfied?
You know that from soooo many games on steam/hb exclusive possibility that they won't put any in your taste is quite high.
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look at the the poll .
they people who like this kinda game will be happy to have them but how about other people that dont like this kinda games ???
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As I wrote when You pay for HB monthly You agree for what it comes with it even if You don't like games You can't say that KF is bad because You don't like it. I understand Your dissapointment because i mostly enjoy this month hb exclusive but that's the charm of montly budnle and cases in many games, sometimes You get things that You don't want.
And 1/3 of ppl who at least care to read Your thread here isn't too many. Look at poll under thread about that monthly.
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idk why people want to force us to believe the thing they believe ?? if you believe that is bundle was good that is your believe you dont have to force me to change my mind about it .
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I'm not forcing anything on You. ;) I didn't put up thread "How this month hb was super" as many other ppl who deal with that how monthly works and if You don't like it don't buy it. If that opinion is forcing You to like this months games then You must have misreaded something here. And for showing Your dissaprovement on those games You could write on any HB social media.
And i thought that everyone can express their opinion in thread open like that.
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ya but some people attacking me like i come out and complain about every single bundle monthly games. We are debating about this bundle only and in my opinion it was cheap and useless .
i dont see anything wrong in debating about this but the way people are doing this is kinda odd
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i have this bundle monthly for 5 month already and i did not have any complain even when i get only one game form it or non but this one was not that good for the game they put it .
I bought a lot of game form them and I did not complain about any of them .
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In my idea that was wast of 12 dollar lol I did not got anything form it . what do you guys think about it ?
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