Hello , the first day of the humble bundle , i had just 2 $ and i wanted the humble bundle. I paid 2 $ for the bundle and now when i met to increase the price fo my bundle , he claim me 7 .05 $ for unlock other games but the average price is 5.36 $.

This is normal ?

Picture : http://nsa34.casimages.com/img/2014/01/10/140110045308321938.png

Thnaks for your futures answers :)

11 years ago*

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The BTA is based on when you bought it, not the current BTA.

11 years ago

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Yes, you can close this. :D

11 years ago

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The price wars 6.86 $ but this approimative but thanks for your answers :D

11 years ago

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so you can blindly spend 1$ for each bundle when bta is really low, and then if nice game unlocks profit from that long gone low bta price?

11 years ago

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Yes, that is how it is.. in fact you can just spend $0.01.

11 years ago

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Yeah, but the BTA prices usually keeps decreasing, so there's hardly an advantage in locking it early.

It used to make sense to blindly spend that dollar in the first week when it meant you'd get the BTA bonuses, but that's not the case anymore.

11 years ago

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It's a little more complicated than that. It usually starts low and then spikes really high within a minute or two, quickly drops down for about an hour, slowly drops for the rest of the first week, and then slowly rises during the second week. I've found the best time to buy is right at the beginning, before the big supporters spike the price.

11 years ago

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That's a very detailed analysis. :) But generally speaking, the BTA decreases in the first week, while buying in the first few minutes is not a viable option for most people. So I guess the best general reccomendation is to buy at the end of the first week (if saving money is the only concern).

11 years ago

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can you spend another $0.01 when bta gets lower than the one locked for you? Its not like you can have only one hib account right? That is one lame system... Not that you profit from it that much but still.

11 years ago

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No. It locks to the original purchase.

In my opinion this system is perfectly fine. It prevents people from getting the BTA even if their original purchase was less than the BTA.

For example: I chip in 4 dollars and the BTA was 5
During the bundle the BTA gets down to 3.5. If they didn't use this system that would mean that I could get the BTA games without actually BTA with my purchase. So it's a way to avoid pricedumping. and that's more than fair to the developers.

To add 0.01 would be a d**k move that would cost HB (and in the end charity/developers) money. If anyone would like developers to be become even more reluctant to participate in game bundles than that would however be a really good move.

11 years ago

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You only get Steam keys if you pay at least $1

11 years ago

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Yes, but you can purchase the bundle at $0.01

11 years ago

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Yes. That's an awesome way to make developers more reluctant to participate in game bundles and for HB to implement new methods when it comes to steam-keys!

11 years ago

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I was just stating how it is.

11 years ago

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Well, sure that's true (since it's PWYW) but it's still a terrible thing to do for anyone that would like to be able buy PWYW bundles in the future :)

11 years ago

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Yes, that's normal. The average must have been $9.05 when you bought the bundle for $2, so if you want to increase your contribution to get over the average the bar is set at $9.05. When you buy a bundle the BTA targets gets frozen at whatever point it was at the time of purchase.

However, you can simply buy a whole new bundle for $5.36.

11 years ago

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Personally, if there's anything I want in the first week I'll BTA immediately. After all the money does go to charity, most people don't seem to care about that fact anymore if they ever did.

11 years ago

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now I understand what people meant that it would be more beneficial to just buy a new bundle altogether rather than increase the payment

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by arnaldo17.