Game is delisting on December 15th, so they're doing a sale:

All the DLC's are already delisted so you can only buy the Normal, Deluxe or Ultimate editions.
The game will also be playable on all platforms after delisting, but some achievements will be impossible to get!


EDIT: Some DLC's are back and free to add:

3 months ago*

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Physical games went away for the future of all digital and so the games now don't even last 4 years before they have to be removed because of some bullshit. I have physical copies of games I can install from 2000 meant for windows 95 and 98 that still work on windows 10 today out of the box. I get it, FH4 is a good game, but shitty company tactics like they all do nowadays.

Decent of them to at least put a sale up, but imo these developers need to learn to stop getting temporary licenses, and go for perma licenses. By the time these games get removed, most of these car models are irrelevant vs new models, so it's not like Ferrari can make the argument that their shit is still relevant 5 years later after they released 4 new models since. These car companies are basically selling devs a license that's dead anyways in 5 years because the models are expired and they've moved on to new models. If the game doesn't have the new models, that's why they go for the new racing game that has the new models. So shitty car companies too, and dumb game company ceo's for even taking the deal.

It's like apple telling you your license to show the ipod touch model in game has expired. Like no shit, so has the device.

3 months ago

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now don't even last 4 years before they have to be removed because of some bullshit

Don't get tricked by Steam's release date. It was released in 2018.

3 months ago

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I only count it as the release because it finally came to steam 3 years late, the biggest pc platform, with the same price it had 3 years before. So still $60. Released on steam, it didn't even last 4 years. I get you, it would be 6 years otherwise.

Same with sony games for instance, when they release on steam, that's their release date for me, unless of course they adjust the price accordingly, but of course they didn't, so their release is pushed back to steam's release to me. I don't even consider them from somewhere else if they don't put the proper price on re-releasing to steam. I just consider them beta's, early access, etc. Since all other places are inferior, other than GOG, but let's be honest, how many of these games come to GOG before steam?

3 months ago

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I already expected something like that, because it would have surprised me if you weren't aware. In context of licenses the platform doesn't matter though.

3 months ago

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It's almost certain that limited time licenses are all they can get when it comes to dealing with sports and racing, things almost universally owned by billionaires, the literal scum of the Earth.

3 months ago

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Take it easy there, comrade!

3 months ago

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You've got a few in Romania, loving life while your fellow Romanians struggle.

3 months ago

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From following music games like Rock Band, over the years, I've gotten the impression perpetual licences are drastically more expensive than expiring ones.

3 months ago

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Exactly. How can for consoles the games are licensed perpetually (most likely because they don't have a choice), but for digital the developers are getting scammed with these temporary deals? Such a predatory tactic, and it should be banned. Any license should last the life time of the product.

2 weeks ago

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I asked if season change (spring/summer/autumn/winter) will still occur every thursday after delisting.
Players say that probably yes but they can't be sure.

@Zepy Thanks for this info that's very nice of you !

3 months ago

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FH3 didn't have seasons, so only PGG can really answer.

3 months ago

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no problem. and thanks for explaining the difference between this and the crew to that other user

3 months ago

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100 Euro for a digital game, where are we headed next...
Imo, still expensive even at 80% off.

3 months ago*

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Unlike a lot of games going for 15 bucks on sale these days, it's a really good game though.
It wasn't made on the cheap, it's not bugged to hell and it actually improves on the previous game in the franchise.

3 months ago

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I have been very wary of publishers selling games for such high prices, only for the game to be greatly disappointing (ex. Diablo 4), but in this case you may be right.

For the ultimate edition, 20 EUR, it does seem like a fair price and I doubt we will see a higher discount or a bundle for it before the delisting date.

3 months ago

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I understand your skepticism. Games prices are now determined not by the quality or the effort that goes into the game but by the size of the studio and by the level of hype surrounding the game (even worse when it comes to franchises) so the higher the price, the worse the disappointment.
With the exception of Motorsport, it seems that the Xbox Games released on Steam have mostly escaped that unfortunate trend though. Even State of Decay 2, which had high expectations to surpass, seemed to have been a hit.

3 months ago

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Apparently the MS store version is superior if you use an Xbox one/series controller because it supports impulse trigger feedback, while the steam version doesn't. This might be something a lot of people won't care about, but just putting it out there. Apparently it's been a known issue since launch and the dev refused to fix it. FH5 doesn't have that issue on steam.

3 months ago

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Interesting, I didn't know this.

I own on MS store already, weird how I want a Steam copy lol.

Also odd that no cross save only cross play.

3 months ago

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Yeah, I guess it's a toss up. Steam version = much easier to access on steam deck + steam achievements. MS store, better controller functionality. I personally don't value MS store stuff as much though, as I figure most people don't.

3 months ago

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+1 Exactly :D

I guess only other factor is MS store 6 family members can simultaneously play same title. Steam family share is 1 person at a time share...

3 months ago

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From what I have read, of the missing dlc cars, the most are included in the car packs, with the exception of the 'hot wheels', but I also read that these can be found at the auction house, can anyone confirm this? and is posible get these in this way without dlc?

3 months ago

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They can be found there, but you can't buy them if you don't have the DLC. The only ones I'm not sure about are the three from the free packages, because that's something noone had to try before.

3 months ago

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Thanks for the info Myrsan

3 months ago

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How much content would I be missing if I pick the standard edition?
I'm tempted to buy this but I don't know if I'm ultimate edition levels of tempted.

3 months ago

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Beware actually you can no more upgrade or buy dlc separately.

3 months ago

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Yeah I noticed, not sure why they opted to delist all the DLC already if there's still a few months left tho.

3 months ago

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seems so weird that the sale is ending right on the time steam summer sale is supposed to start? is this intentional or they will keep it going longer?

3 months ago

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It's funny because most of the games I have bought so far before the Summer Sale have ended either before the Summer Sale or literally A DAY before Summer Sale.

I don't know if it is intentional or not but certainly seems like it.

3 months ago

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Probably because summer sale discount was already scheduled before and you can't discount a game for more than 2 weeks.

3 months ago

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any chance it will be with similar discount during summer sale or this is the final sale before the game get delisted?

3 months ago

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They announced more sales before the delisting happens.

3 months ago

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ok thank you!

3 months ago

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I think Steam's policies state that a game that has been on sale cannot be on sale again before 30 days has passed so either they extend the sale or they put another next month.

3 months ago

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ah okay.. any recommendation which version is worth picking? not for letting it sit on the dust but actually play it!

3 months ago

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See posting below regarding Summer sale. You could buy it now, check tomorrow again. If discount is better then, refund and buy again. If discount is worse, you didn't miss this sale.

Regarding edition: see other comments in this thread already, e.g.

3 months ago

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ah okay thats clever.. thanks! which version do u think is worth?

3 months ago

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I got the Ultimate years ago and enjoyed it. Given the difference is just 6 € now, I'd recommend the Ultimate.

3 months ago

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I have actually had this game on my watchlist for a while now too and I guess I would just get the one with all dlcs.

3 months ago

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which version is that?

3 months ago

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The Ultimate one

3 months ago

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thanks , so sorry to not get back to you but i got the ultimate.. and they apparently decided to make the mitubishi dlc available again which they delisted beforehand!

2 months ago

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There's an exclusion for the big sales:

Discounts cannot be run within 30 days of your prior discount, with the exception of Steam-wide seasonal events (Summer, Autumn, Winter and Springs sales).

3 months ago

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sorry to get back to you late but i bought it and they made the mitsubishi pack available after several people were complaining so i guess a win win

2 months ago

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No worries! I hope you also got the two other restored free DLC (see bottom of this page).

2 months ago

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oh nope, just did.. thanks for letting me know! appreciate it!

2 months ago

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Appreciate the heads up, think I'll pick it up during the summer sale, assuming it has at least the same discount.

It's in the blog post as well, but in case anyone was curious and cares, the following achievements will no longer be achievable through legitimate means:

A Creature of Habit - Complete all Seasonal Championships in a Festival Playlist Series.
Stunt Puller - Complete all Seasonal PR Stunts in a Festival Playlist Series.
Cashing In - Earn 1 Season Completion Bonus.
Perfectionist - Earn all 8 Season Completion Bonuses in the same Series.
Encore? - Complete all activities in a single Festival Playlist Series.

3 months ago

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Since there are achievements related to HotWheels, I am going to assume those are unobtainable as well since the HotWheels DLC is already delisted and not part of the Ultimate Edition.

3 months ago

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I was curious so I had to dig into the discussions but apparently some Hot Wheels cars are available without the DLC, thankfully.

Edit: Still lame that they removed the DLCs though. They allergic to extra money?

3 months ago

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So those suffice for the achievements? Ok.

The HotWheels licence probably expired sooner than the other ones.

3 months ago

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So those suffice for the achievements? Ok.

Yes, I can confirm that. I gained those achievements without having the HW pack.

3 months ago

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That's something at least. Thanks!

3 months ago

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you only need the 2 dlcs that are in ultimate edition according to TSA

3 months ago

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Appreciate the heads up, think I'll pick it up during the summer sale, assuming it has at least the same discount.

Buy now, if better discount tomorrow, refund and rebuy. If worse, you didn't miss this discount.

3 months ago

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is there any info on how the seasonal ones will work i.e "Win all Seasonal Championships in one Winter season." or the #FORZATHON Weekly challenge?

3 months ago

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Just like before. Today starts a new series and there will be last one starting on July 25th. So you have two chances to get these.
For the Forzathon Weekly you even have eight chances.

3 months ago

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right so then its more than 5 achievements that wont be available

3 months ago

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Yeah, in that announcement they only focused on those requiring a whole series.

3 months ago

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My understanding, which could absolutely be incorrect considering I just started playing, is that the 'Festival Playlist' stuff is all that's going away. The game normally progresses through seasons in-game, so that part won't change. I suspect the 'seasonal championships' are just normal in-game events but I know there were at least a couple achievement guides on Steam if you want to know for sure.

3 months ago

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The one change of real note for achievement hunters is that August 22 will be the last day you can get Festival Playlist cheevos. Just a heads up there. Otherwise, online functionality will remain intact even after it is delisted, according to M$.

3 months ago

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Is there any way to know how long those achievements will take? Not like I am planning to get all achievements for Forza Horizon 4, but if I end up liking the game then why not, right?

3 months ago

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Series = 4 weeks
Tomorrow starts a new series and then on July 25th the last one.

You get a completion bonus per each season (week) and per the whole series upon each 50% and 80% completion.
It's been a while since I played 4 for the last time, so I might mix it up with FH5, but I'd estimate for 50% of a week you need to spend 1-2 hours, for 80% 3 hours. If you want "Encore?" achievement, you need to do 100% in all four weeks, I'd say 4-5 hours each. Also there are daily tasks which only unlock day after day, so you have to take care of at least one on the last day of a week.
As a beginner it might take longer, because you don't have fitting cars for every activity or don't have enough money for tuning many cars. Additionally, the trial is a multiplayer team championship, so you rely a bit on other's performance, too, and might have to repeat it several times.
If you want to have a sneak peak what has to be done in general, here's a text description of an old season: If you'd like to have a visual approach, search for FH4 playlist on Google images or YT.

These are the achievements regarding playlists:

A Creature of Habit
Complete all Seasonal Championships in a Festival Playlist Series.

Stunt Puller
Complete all Seasonal PR Stunts in a Festival Playlist Series.

Cashing In
Earn 1 Season Completion Bonus.

Earn all 8 Season Completion Bonuses in the same Series.

Complete all activities in a single Festival Playlist Series.

3 months ago

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Thank you!

3 months ago

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You're welcome! Btw. something I didn't mention yesterday: 100% will be tough, especially due to Eliminator (battle royale mode) achievements. That's something you should go for as soon as possible, too, because right now FH4 has highest player peak. I expect it to drop a lot after last playlist and then continuing slowly. Before this sale it had numbers between 1 and 7k and if you only try those next year, it will probably be a PITA to find sessions.

3 months ago

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I doubt I will have the sanity to 100% the game but I think it will be a goal to get all 5 of the playlist achievements. I'll prepare for July 25th and learn the game and get some good cars and then I'll complete the playlist.

3 months ago

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Not that I'd even aim at 100% completion but this is very useful.
Guess I won't be completing this one but I'm still getting it.
Thanks for the full write up

3 months ago

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You're welcome! Despite 487 hours on track I'm missing 4 achievements and gave up, a few are really requiring time and frustration tolerance.
They did it better for FH5.

3 months ago

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ouch 4 achievements short!
I'm not a completionist or anything so it's all right by me. I'll never get to 100% overall achievement rate anyway so I'm not going to skip a cool game because of that. Still, it's great to know how close you can get so that was super helpful

3 months ago

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It's really odd that they are stopping the multiplayer events so soon after announcing the delisting but so early before actually delisting it.
Thanks for the heads up

3 months ago

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No problem. :)

3 months ago

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I'm disappointed that the Forza Horizon 4 & 5 Ultimate Bundle seems to be gone. Perhaps it will return, but I own 4 and would like to get 5 - was waiting for it to drop in price a bit more...

3 months ago

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Same % during Summer sale, just extended date.

3 months ago

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If i buy the Standard Edition i will be missing a lot of cars?

3 months ago

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Wow is a lot of cars, thanks for the info.

3 months ago

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The Mitsubishi Car Pack is back and it is Free to add.
No idea how long it is going to stay up, so grab it immediately.

3 months ago

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thank you!

3 months ago

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This is important from a 100% achievement point of view, as there's a Playlist challenge currently (counting towards one of the cheevos) that can only be entered with a Mitsubishi.

3 months ago

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Wow, awesome. Hopefully they add the other dlc (1967 Sunbeam Tiger, 1979 Talbot Sunbeam Lotus, Hot wheels and treasure map)

3 months ago*

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They did add some of them for free just now :)
1967 Sunbeam Tiger
1979 Talbot Sunbeam Lotus

2 months ago

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Thanks for the heads up! At least, three free DLC are back again. Let's hope that they alo add the last missing DLC, especially the Hot Wheels DLC.

2 months ago

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I sure hope so! & you're very welcome.

2 months ago

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Nice, ty! Bumping for visibility, would be helpful if OP sees and edits the original post w/link too

3 months ago

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Thank you. Bump for others to see as well.

3 months ago

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So the sale was prolonged until July 11th. Either Microsoft is given more leeway or rules don't apply for major sales.

3 months ago

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rules dont apply for major sales

3 months ago

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so what we will 'lose'?

-5 unobtainable achievements
-some cars we cant drive(hw cars, what else?)
-season events discontinued

what else?

cuz i have fh5 on xbox pc, dunno if i should buy fh4 only because its gonna be delisted...

3 months ago

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6 Hot Wheels cars, 1967 Sunbeam Tiger, 1979 Talbot Sunbeam Lotus.

3 months ago

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Yeah, I also have FH5 and decided to spend that money rather on FH6 at release than to bother with FH4 now.

3 months ago

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When I played FH3 after delisting, I noticed that FH without playlists and players feels less vivid up to bland. Racing still works, but you might be less motivated to finish playing. So I'd recommend either now or never.
Of course, FH4 offers more than FH3 in general already and if you're into the English countryside, there aren't many alternatives.

3 months ago

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FH4 is neat, grab it!

3 months ago

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Please give me as a gift forza horizon 4 ultimate edition

3 months ago

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I'd consider deleting this comment, since asking for games is against the website's rules

3 months ago

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Sorry :(

3 months ago

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I mean, if you didn't know then it's okay. you just risk getting a penalty if you do it more often

3 months ago

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No. Go beg your parents.

3 months ago

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I played for a few hours yesterday night and this morning. Fun stuff. I wish there was an easy guide to how to unlock all the remaining free Hot Wheels cars and stuff.

Fair warning: this game requires a bit of a tutorial (At least an hour+) before you can complete the Toybox achievement in a custom map (easiest method) or on your own unlocked Hot Wheels car.

3 months ago*

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I wish there was an easy guide to how to unlock all the remaining free Hot Wheels cars and stuff.

The Forza Wiki is pretty well organised to look up cars and unlock requirements:

3 months ago

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Thanks. I will do my best to unlock the achievements that will be going away and rare cars.

2 months ago

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I am gonna try and wait for a bigger sale, there might be a one digit price later this year, I already have Forza 5 so I don't really have any need for Forza 4 except collector's purposes lol.

3 months ago

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there will not be bigger sale. So no wait for this

3 months ago

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I am not sure if there is gonna be or not, but after December, they won't make any more money from the game because it's gonna be deleted so I don't really see any reason for not giving it away for like 7€ few days before the delisting because people can just pay around 20€ for Forza 5 and don't bother with a game that probably won't really be getting any major updates after it will get delisted for just few euros cheaper.

2 months ago

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Often times they can only price things a certain way to appease the license holders, it's why when losing a license they can't just give away something for free. I don't know if this applies to Forza but I know it's happened with other games and DLCs in the past.

2 months ago

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Well, we will see...

I don't really need that game, I would only buy it if they price it for cheaper, if I want to play Forza, I will play Forza 5 so I don't really have any need for Forza 4, except maybe buying it to add it to my collection, but definitely not for this price.

I have no idea how this works, but I am looking at it from the "I will buy it if you list it for cheaper or I will not buy it at all" point of view, not sure if the current price tag is the lowest they can go or if it's just their starting point, but I will wait few more months and see how it goes.

2 months ago

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The reason why there won't be a bigger discount is because ms wants to make money.
It's not a coincidence that they've taken the premium addon off everything. Buy the full one for more money even if you have the basic game. So what you say is not going to happen

2 months ago

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Forza Motorsport 7 was delisted in 2021. Even though the base game was cheaper than this (10€ or so), the Ultimate edition was still 20€

2 months ago

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Not to be rude or anything but I think this is worthy of a nice swear word.


2 months ago

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2 months ago

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2 months ago

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2 months ago

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will do

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Vroom vroom, MF's!

2 months ago

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Dumb question but it doesn't have splitscreen right? :/

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Sigh... Thanks.

2 months ago

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if anyone wants the game on Xbox - there is currently an 80% sale in the store. For EU citizens, the cheapest option is Iceland, which can be used without a VPN:

12,49€ Ultimate:
7,49€ Standard:

2 months ago

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