NVIDIA is better in all ways. NVIDIA and AMD has maybe similar performance, but NVIDIA is higher quality + you get PhysX and 3D Vision.
There's performance comparison between GTX 660 and GTX 660 Ti.
P.S. I'm not a NVIDIA fanboy, but I know something about this. You can have similar performance with AMD cards, but you get higher quality with NVIDIA cards, and as I said, you also get PhysX and 3D Vision.
Btw, you can run PhysX on your CPU.
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Thank you so much for that link... coudlnt find anything on the comparison of the two!
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Okay well do you consider either of these cards an upgrade to the HD7850? AFAIK both are upgrades?
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I normally use that site as well. But if you go look at some game benchmarks, the 660Ti surpasses the 7870 by at least 10fps in most games.... some odd games the 7870 beats it.... but even so I have the 7850 not the 7870.
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But you can turn it on without an nVidia card.
Although I'm sure nVidia is happy that its PR is going really well.
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I agree that it can be done but
I dont want something like this to happen....note the last few seconds
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For me the thing that takes the cake is the gravity grenade explosions how is warps the debri and liquid....
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You don't need an nVidia card to run PhysX. Instead of being run on the GPU, it'll be run on your CPU if you don't have an nVidia card.
I advise against selling your card merely for PhysX.
AMD is generally cheaper and (save for this generation) better with power and heat. nVidia tends to be pricier, slightly faster, and (save for this generation) hotter and more power hungry.
PhysX sees very little implementation, and getting an nVidia card to accelerate it on your GPU is not worth the price premium in my opinion.
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I really really tried to get it to work on my ATI + CPU since I think I have above par for both of them. I tried the following games: Batman AC Metro 2033 Alice Madness Returns and Mafia 2. No matter what I did I could not get water or glass or newspaper or fog or liquid effects nothing. I enabled and maxed all settings and installed the latest physx. I would consider doing the hack with the ATI + Nvidia Dedicated card but the last post on that GenL hack update was over a year ago, with drivers that had included a major revision since the hack was updated...
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Ah ok... well that makes a difference to my decision...
Still id love to know if the extra money justifies the more expensive card?
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Not sure where you're getting your prices, but I just ordered a 660Ti with 3gb VRAM for $339. The 660Ti with 2gb VRAM was $299 everywhere I looked.
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There is no downside to switching from Ati to Nvidia, only upsides.
And the GTX660 Ti is worth it, you know why? Because it's at a much lower price than a 7970, and it's more powerful than it. And it has everything you need, no need to complicate with other silly makeshift enabled PhysX. You'll have true PhysX, something only Nvidia has. Go for the 660 Ti, it's the best gaming video card right now on the market, compared to anything AMD has. No matter how much people lie to themselves, Borderlands 2 PhysX is something for Nvidia only. Just like with Batman Arkham Asylum/City, etc.
Oh yeah, and CUDA cores, 'nuff said.
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Way to be a fan boy.
The GTX 660Ti is indeed cheaper than the HD 7970, it is not faster than it. Not at all. They're different tier cards. The GTX 680 will still run you up about 500USD, while the GTX 670 will cost about as much as the 7970. While the 670 and 7970 I've linked are the same in price, you can find cheaper 7970s than that, while the 670 linked is one of the lower priced models.
Again PhysX physics calculations are possible on a CPU, but it is so horribly optimized for CPU calculations in order to market nVidia cards.
And, as far as I know, nVidia has decided to cripple GPGPU performance this generation in order to create an artificial demand for their workstation Quadros. I cannot source this for certain however, so if I am wrong, please link me to a relevant site.
EDIT: The 7970 has a 20USD rebate, so that makes it 379.99.
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I haven't read all of the other posts here, so I didn't see he already had a 7850. Given that, in games, he won't need much more for a while (depends on other hardware as well), but gaming-wise, the 660Ti is much better. Besides the better drivers, it can be OC'd like mad, that's why it's better than the 7970. And it doesn't matter why PhysX run better on Nvidia, or that it can be done on the CPU. Why complicate things? It is how it is, so it's easier to go with it, that's the reason I recommended it. Not a fanboy, just how I see it.
I do think generally AMD is so much better for gaming, especially considering the prices, but in my opinion, Nvidia won this generation round, both price and performance wise. Not to mention, an Nvidia card is much more useful in case you decide to do a little rendering, using 3D Design applications, working with OpenGL, etc. Sure, nowhere near the level of Quadro and Tesla cards, but those are strictly outside of gaming anyway.
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I do agree that nVidia has widened the gap this time around, but AMD still manages to undercut them with price. However, this time around, AMD doesn't have the power and heat advantage, so there's that.
I will have to go against your reasoning that nVidia's gaming cards are better for GPGPU performance. The HD 7970 blows it out of the water this time around.
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And the GTX660 Ti is worth it, you know why? Because it's at a much lower price than a 7970, and it's more powerful than it.
That's totally wrong, the 7970 is far better for almost the same price
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maybe, but Nvidia demolishes ATI with the new metrics, it's not all about FPS
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GTX 660ti for $450....where do you live? (I only see them at $299 to $320)
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Uh, where do you live? 660's are $230 here and 660ti's are $300. No downside to Nvidia really except that you do pay a bit of a premium, even though the competitor may be ~ the same performance for a bit cheaper. People say generally nvidia drivers are better than AMDs. I haven't had an AMD GPU in years so I can't say personally if this is true. But you're set on moving from AMD to Nvidia. But again I ask where do you live for those outrageous prices?
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If you already have a 7850, why not just get yourself a really cheap Nvidia card and use it only for physx? (assuming you have a mobo with 2 pci-e 2.0)
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I have my old Nvidia 9600GSO 384MB and i`m just playing Borderlands 2 everything on Highest @1920x1080 @~40FPS, so the game is not that demanding
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Your posts just supports mine... You can't play this game with PhysX on High with a freaking GTX 690! It doesn't matter if you have a nvidia or AMD Card, if either CPU or GPU have to do the PhysX stuff - it costs a ridiculous amount of performance.
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To these three, I watched a video of Borderlands 2 everything on high including Physx on a GTX660Ti getting between 55-65 fps which is all I want.....
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You can keep your ATI card and add a dedicated nVidia card just for PhysX. http://www.overclock.net/t/1304147/hybrid-ati-nvidia-physx-borderlands-2
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If you're spending 450 on a GTX 660Ti You're spending 150 dollars more than its regular price, its about 299 on newegg/amazon.
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Nope, I live in South Africa where everything is double the price xD
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I have an AMD HD6950 2GB and a nVidia 9800GT for PhysX usig this mod: clicky
It should work in Borderlands 2 as well. I confirmed working in Mirror's Edge and Batman 2.
I hope it works with me, BL2 is the reason I bought this extra nVidia card.
BTW, the is a BIG difference between the GTX660 and the GTX660Ti. The GTX660Ti is a full high-end GTX670 GPU with less memory bandwith, de GTX660 is a mainstream GPU.
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Well, now that I can play Borderlands 2, I've set everything way up save for PhysX, as the performance hit for playing with it on medium wasn't worth the very little visual fidelity gain.
Vsync on, constant 60fps. HD 7970M - which is a downclocked HD 7870 really.
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After all this fuss over trying to get PhysX on my ATI card so that I can experience a sexy Borderlands 2 when it comes out, Ive decided to buy a Damn Nvidia card and get it over and done with.
If any of you can provide advice on whether to get the GTX660 for about $320 or the GTX660Ti for about $450 and tell me if the difference between the two is worth the extra $130?
Also, are there any downsides to having a Nvidia product over an ATI product?
Any help is grealty appreciated =)
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