But there are also two complete-the-set bundles:
[edit] some more must-purchase-together bundles:
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thanks to this I found out that there is Mirror's Edge Catalyst in 90% sale, thanks
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Interesting... I may have to remove DA:O from my library so I can purchase the Bioware collection. $20 for the lot of 'em (even just the additional four) seems like a pretty good deal.
Think I'll bite on the Dead Space complete-your-set bundle too to pick up DS3.
Thanks for the infos!
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Don't do it! It's just a waste of time.
"Your account already owns a removed copy of the above items, so you can’t purchase them again. You can restore these items via Steam Support, purchase these items as a gift or adjust the contents of your cart to continue."
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I read a comment from a few months ago that suggested removing it and gifting it from another account which supposedly worked, so I've already removed it and attempted to send the gift from another account, so I guess we'll see how it goes! Worst case I guess I can restore the old licenses as you said, but here's hoping.
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There's another comment saying it shows as your main account having the game even if it's deleted
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Right, it still exists and can be recovered. Ultimately it seems to be related to the package; those of us that had a version other than the purchased-direct-from-steam version were able to do it. Those that bought it direct from Steam couldn't (presumably because the package ID matched), so it's a YMMV thing.
I also didn't use the method I linked; I just deleted it, waited for cache to refresh (others did a flush) and was able to buy it, then subsequently restore my old version to get the other games back.
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Well, turns out the gift thing wasn't necessary after all. Removed from library, checked an hour later and saw that it didn't show 'owned' on the bundle page, attempted to buy from my account and it worked just fine. Not sure if it's because my version of the game was a different license (comp version from owning the original game) or because I waited for a bit or otherwise, but it turns out removing it from my library was enough to get the job done.
Edit: After the fact I was also able to restore the original 'comp' package to get the original "Dragon Age: Origins" (not ultimate) back in my library.
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That's good to hear! I guess it has to do with the packages then since you were able to restore it, very lucky :)
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mine was a pickup from a steam sale a decade ago, no way to contact valve to remove the key from my account either.
completely stupid I cant buy the bundle at full price and just not give me a key for the one title I own.
I guess EA gets none of my money... 75% for ME legendary edition isn't big enough of a sale for me to nab it for other reasons(lets leave it at I played/beat/enjoyed 1-3 and didn't spend a dime and wanted to fix that for a reasonable price.
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I'd like to add confirmation, this works, holy shit. Thanks for posting this tip!
For some added detail: You don't need to wait, you just need the browser cache to refresh. I don't know how to force that in the Steam client, but if you open the store page in a normal web browser, press ctrl+shift+R and it'll force a full page reload without referring to cached data. I removed the game, bought the package, and restored my game in less than five minutes.
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[EDIT: Errr, I guess the work I did wasn't necessary if I would have read all messages (and UNDERSTAND them) above me before. I am sorry for wasting everyones time here!]
I removed Inquisition (& Andromeda) from my account, it doesn't show any stats for these games in my profile anymore. And can't seem to buy the bundle after this. :( Tried CRTL+Shift+R, it let me put the bundle in the shopping cart but when I go to the shopping cart, it says I already own parts of the bundle. So it seems no bundle for me?
"Your account already owns a removed copy of the above items, so you can’t purchase them again. You can restore these items via Steam Support, purchase these items as a gift or adjust the contents of your cart to continue."
End of story: I restored both games again and nothing ever happend. ;-)
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Dang, I was going to see if this method worked with another all-or-nothing bundle later but this fairly well answers that question. I'm not sure what removal and restoration does, if anything, to your related stats but I think they're kept intact.
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Were you really able to remove the game you owned and then buy the full bundle without getting the message that you already owned a removed copy of the game?
I'm asking because I saw someone else who tried that and it didn't work for him.
Personally, I opened a support ticket for this issue and I'm waiting for a reply.
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In my case at least, yes. Removed Ultimate, gave the bundle store page a total refresh, bought the bundle, and then restored Ultimate to my account (probably unnecessarily). Before I bought the bundle, I actually had three different items in my library related to DA:O. There was the original release, DA:O Awakening, and DA:O Ultimate. I removed Awakening at first on accident, and then removed Ultimate after that. Removing Ultimate seemed to do the trick. IIRC, I bought it as a heavily discounted upgrade to the original game, but I'm not sure now and after doing this I no longer have the original purchase date for it in my account info so I can't say for sure.
edit- like doslover noted, this probably only works in this case with DA:O Ultimate because that's some kind of upgrade to the original DA:O item, so Steam's internal workings must treat it differently.
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ok, after some others on reddit confirmed it. The gifting method does work as a workaround(tried myself to with success), possible alt account is not necessary(unconfirmed), if someone buys as a gift for themselves and stores in steam inventory then redeems it successfully please lmk.
remove game(s) from library
have a friend or alt account gift you bundle
before redeeming bundle restore game(s) back to library
redeem gift and enjoy
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Glad to hear it! Multiple workarounds for something that shouldn't be an issue in the first place. Like why do they care if you pay more to get fewer (new) games? Unless you have ALL the games in the bundle, seems they shouldn't care.
Anyway, glad it worked!
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It seems that for most people it's not enough to remove the offending game. I just gave it a try and got the following message in the checkout
Edit: I can't even gift it to myself. I guess they really don't want my money...
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Yep, seems to be related to the package you own. If it's the same package as the one in the bundle (which I believe likely means purchased from the Steam store directly) it seems to not work, whereas if it's the comp package (or potentially any other different package) it seems to work better.
Long way of saying YMMV 😅
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A second workaround (from a few years ago) was to gift the package to an alt or a trusted friend. The alt / trusted friend should not accept the gift. Instead, in the email that Steam sends them, there is a gift activation link at the bottom (it looks something like: https://store.steampowered.com/account/ackgift/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX?redeemer=email@email.com). If you remove the redeemer and e-mail portion from that link, then you can use that link to activate the package on the main account.
This method was working shortly after Steam removed directly sending gifts to e-mails. But that was a few years ago (2018), so no idea if it still works today. Huge YMMV if you try this method since if it doesn't work, then your alt / friend would be stuck with the gift.
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The gifting the bundle from a second account to your main one method mentioned in this thread seems to work. Maybe I will try that. Just need to create a second account.
Or maybe EA will change the requirements during the sale.
I don't know yet ...
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I didn't try. I decided to wait buying the game. I believe it's not the last time they make a offer like this. And maybe the change the price/bundle style in future sales (again). And I still have other great games to play at the moment, so I can wait I think.
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It's almost 20 Euro for me. lol.
Not going to get tempted to buy any of these though. I have enough games.
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Well, this isn't anything new. I've seen these bundle types before. Like the Divinity Original Sin bundle, which I can't buy because I own the first game.
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wait, a special bundle only for new customers that are a better deal than for existing customers?
its a common practice
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Right? They only stand to lose sales. Dumb EA as usual.
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Not really. Would more people buy these bundles if they weren't new players only? Yes. But they would buy it at a much lower price point than if they went with the each game separately way. Is it kinda shitty that we don't have this cool price for these games? Also yes. But they stand to gain from this actually, as you save almost 20$/€ when you buy the products individually. You already have one of their game, thus they don't need to offer you something special to get your attention, they want the attention of people who don't own EA games. And this is a solid plan for that.
The "only for new customers" thing is nothing new in the world of business and standard practice for attracting new ones with these lucrative deals. Humble had 12 months for 10€ per month for new customers when the standard price was 20€ a month for Choice, and you got all games. But just like you would need to pay for games in this EA bundle you may not want, Humble didn't let you pause and if you did, you lost that exclusive first-time subscriber price. So, def not a dumb move from EA to try and tap the non-EA market with these bundles. They did remove the old bundles, which is a shame. No more ME Andromeda and DA Inquisition one or the Unravel bundle.
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Why would? First my budget's tight and EA is that company which botch their AAA releases. Let's not get me started about how they buy up companies, botch their future releases, shut them down, recycle their ideas, and randomly pull a couple of items on their library from Steam every year.
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welp fuck me... purchased Purchased: Apr 8 @ 7:59am
Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition
only one i own
why EA such scum??
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You Sir, are impossible. Calling others scum is not appropriate in any way.
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I find it hilariously infuriating that EA charges anywhere from 10-20% higher prices in Mexico compared to the USA. It's cheaper for me to send the money to a friend in the states so they can gift me these games than it is to buy them myself. Why do they hate us so much? JFC.
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i think they blame Mexico for their addiction to avocado toast
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There's actually a good reason for this, if you care to know the answer. Mexican Pesos as a currency does not hold it's value very well, so much so that EA, in order to accept the currency, charges a premium if you want to buy with them. They are then required to sit on our transactions for a certain amount of time (in case you refund the game or there's a chargeback or something), and usually every quarter the business does a large currency swap back into dollars, assuming they want to repatriate the cash back into their home currency. This is done at various levels and can be done more often, with the CFO ultimately responsible for making sure it is happening in the background.
TL;DR - EA may be stuck holding pesos for up to 90 days (sometimes longer), and the currency will devalue to the dollar a lot in that time and they don't want to take a huge hit just to sell to Mexicans. They also won't care (and probably prefer) if you bypass the system by having a US friend gift it to you, for (as you stated) 10-20% cheaper since that saves them all the hassle.
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Bro the dollar lost 15% of its value in the past month
It used to be 1 USD = 20 Pesos. Now 1 USD is 17 pesos. They're actually making more money from us now. It's fucking BULLSHIT.
And you know the worst part? This extra cost is curiously close to our national sales tax. THEY'RE CHARGING US EXTRA TO COVER THE SALES TAX, WHICH SHOULD BE INCLUSIVE. I'm 75% sure this is illegal but I don't know if our national consumer watchdog organization will even care about it.
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you are correct, the peso has performed very well over the last month, in fact the last year! But EA and most corporations are looking at 20 year or longer charts and assuming those trends will continue. I'm not saying it's right, but that's why they do it.
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Confirm that this workaround can get you the bundle (you need to do all steps, otherwise you get errors). I already had Dead Space (2008), Dead Space 2 but it didn't stop me to get EA Sci-Fi Collection.
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Well, I felt safe! It's all automated: "deleting" took around 1hour before my Dead Spaces stopped being "In library", but restoring was immediate.
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No, steam warned before I accepted the gift that I will not get extra copies.
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That's so lucky that I have all Bioware Mega Collection games on origin and none on steam. Bought it asap.
But...may not be so lucky I think. If just wait a little more time, I woundn't bought so many bioware points to collect the dlcs for dragon age and mass effect many years ago :(
Thanks for the info.
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Hello, i don't own any of the racing mega collection bundle games and yesterday i saw it and it was incredible, five games worth up to 180 euro discounted to almost 90% or to only 24 euros and i was amazed, i did not buy it and i left it for later but i can't seem to be able to find it today, was it an one-day offer and i missed it or what ??
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It ended some hours ago
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i bet it will come back in a future sale, summer sale maybe?
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Maybe, but seems they perhaps messed up, given you would get some amazing racing games for like 25€, while the new NFS game was 20€ I belive on this sale, or smt like that.
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We get two new bundles from EA during their sale (also some great games for cheap like Titanfall 2, Mirror's Edge and Catalyst, Unravel, and so on).
But if you own any of the games they sell, you can only gift the bundle. Looks nice and the price is great given what you get for it, but you need to pick only one if you're lucky and don't own any games in them.Thanks to two chaps you can use their method to get the bundle even if you own one game from it.Bioware Mega Collection — 90% off, 19,73€
Contains Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition, Dragon Age 2 Ultimate Edition, Dragon Age Inquisition, and Mass Effect Andromeda
EA Sci-Fi Collection — 84% off, 19,76€
Contains Dead Space (2008), Dead Space 2, Dead Space 3 (without DLC), and Mass Effect Legendary Edition
EDIT (Workaround for people who own one or more games in these bundles):
Thanks to sonatamyasa for pointing out stlpaul's solution in another thread about gifting this to yourself (via a second account or a friend) works. Here are the steps:
Also thanks to pb1 for pointing out there are more cool bundles you can buy
Two complete-the-set bundles (price below is if you don't own any games from the bundle):
Dead Space collection — 83% off, 10,02€
You get Dead Space (2008), Dead Space 2, and Dead Space 3. It does look like you don't get the DLC for Dead Space 3 anymore but not 100% sure, could just not be shown on the bundle page (it die for me way back when I bought the bundle, so this could be a new one they put out).
EA Classic Mega Collection — 89% off, 20,95€
You get Spore, Spore Creepy & Cute Parts Pack, Dead Space (2008), Mirror's Edge, Spore Galactic Adventures, SimCity 4 Deluxe EditionDragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition, Alice: Madness Returns, Mirror's Edge Catalyst, and Mirror's Edge Catalyst Catalyst Runner Kit Bundle.
Two more must-purchase-together bundles:
EA Racing Mega Collection — 92% off, 24,74€https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/32318/EA_Racing_Mega_Collection/You get Need for Speed Heat, Need for Speed Payback, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remaster, Need for Speed Unbound, Dirt 5, and Grid Legends**This bundle is now gone from Steam, could have been a mistake on their end or smt (since the EA sale is still going on)
Battlefield Collection — 81% off, 24,67€
You get Battlefield 4, Battlefield 1, and Battlefield V
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